
Wednesday 13 February 2013

Wednesday this and that . . .

We can choose to see life as a series of trials and tribulations, or we can choose to see life as an accumulation of treasures.
~Author Unknown

Well, mom did not get to go to her appointment yesterday due to the inclement weather, so we are still waiting for further news.    They will have to reschedule her appointment to another time.  Such is February.   I said to my mother yesterday, February is often far worse weather-wise than January is.  With January you get cold and snow, but that is a pretty much constant thing . . . with February it begins to swing back and forth between snow, rain, sunshine, mild, ice and rain and snow . . . all repeating and changing from one day to the next.  Very changeable and unreliable and better to not take the chance and risk roads which might look good now, but be very hazardous the next.   Black ice . . . it's not a good thing and that is February.

Besides a few more days gives us a few more days for miracles to work their magic.

I worked very hard yesterday and was able to finish up three more illustrations for the children's book, in anticipation of the meeting tonight.    I have three more to do today and it should be done.   Whew!

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I will show you one of them and will be posting the rest on my art page a bit later today.   This is powow and nanny alice in the garden.   He's quite a cheeky cat I think.   She's working and pondering just how cheeky and amazing he is and he's relaxing and reading the paper!  I may need to make her hair a bit more grey, but not sure at the moment.

I quite, quite enjoy this process of creating as you know.    I will be bringing  my papers and paints over with me to my mothers when I am there.   You never know what will conspire to work itself out of my mind during that time.   I find the whole process of creation so marvelous.   There are days when I wish so much that I had been able to go to art school so that I actually knew what I am doing . . . but c'est la vie.  I do the best with what I know and cannot cry over spilled  milk!

The mind is like a river; upon its waters thoughts float through in constant procession every conscious moment.  You stand on a bridge over it and can stop and turn back any thought that comes along.  The art of contentment is to let no thought pass that is going to disturb you.
~Dr Frank Crane

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I have also enjoyed of late, taking photographs of my changing world and seasons . . . and applying quotes to them.   I don't know what for . . . just that it gives me some small pleasure to do so.   I am always so aware of the world around me . . . it has been ever so.   Since I was a child and hunting for lady-slippers and robin's nests in the woods around our home . . . nature has worked it's magic on my mind and in my heart.   Of course . . . I did not pick the lady slippers or touch the eggs in nests, for I knew that to do so was wrong, but that didn't mean that I could not enjoy them in other ways.

I think had I been able to, I would have loved to become a nature photographer or world traveler of some sort, instead of just an armchair tourist . . . but then in the next thought I am so grateful for having been born in a technological  age when I CAN see the world from the comforts of my armchair!!   I don't need to be able to afford a ticket for a plane or boat trip . . . the world is actually at my fingertips and how amazing is that!

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It is always possible to turn just where you are at into a magical place . . . a place of amazement and wonder.   I think that is the secret to happiness, don't you???  Being able to turn the here and the now and the where into . . . contentment.

I like that thought.  Such a pity to turn a God-given life into anything else.

Yesterdays silver lining . . . the look on Todd's face when I bring my masterpieces down to show him.   I never can quite see them for what they truly are and he always makes me feel good about them, even if they are not so good.   That is love . . . love in the month of love.   I like that too.

A thought to carry with you through the day . . .

"No one can live his life solely for himself.  Thousands of strings tie us to our brothers; intertwined in these strings, like feeling of compassion, our actions are transmuted into causes and return to us as effects."
~Herman Melville

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . a simple supper . . . Chicken and Pancetta Stuffed Jacket Potatoes!

Oh, I do love a good jacket potato for my tea, don't you??

Happy day all.   Psst . . . it's snowing in Wales!


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