
Tuesday 5 February 2013

The Simple Woman's Day Book

FOR TODAY, February 5th, 2013...

Outside My Window...

It's dark, it's cold and the wind is howling down the chimney.   It's been howling down the chimney all night.   It's a wonder we slept at all, it was making so much noise all night!

I am thinking...
Well if this isn't nice . . . I don't know what is.
Doing these day book entries are my favourite posts of the week. I've been doing them for a long time now and my love for them has never waned.  I'd do one every day if I could, but then . . . I guess they wouldn't be so special would they.

I am thankful for...

The testimonies which were born in church on Sunday morning which are still with me and uplifting me and the beautiful lesson which was taught in Relief Society.  Every Sunday is special of course . . . I am grateful for the opportunity which I have each week to partake of the sacrament and renew my covenants with my Heavenly Father, but this week the spirit was especially present and it was just wonderful.   I LOVE it when that happens!

From the kitchen... 
I thought yesterday that I would be a smarty pants and get  most of my recipes for the week done in one day.   Beware, beware.    One of the recipes I wanted to do was these lovely looking buns that I saw on my friend Monique's page.  They looked just lovely and you make the dough in a bread machine.  I hope she doesn't mind me showing them to you . . . they are so beautiful.

Don't they look gorgeous???   I was so looking forward to them.  I envisioned us both sinking our teeth into them warm from the oven late in the afternoon for our supper.  Karma, however . . . had other plans.
 This is how my rolls turned out.

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Totally, largely, ugly, inedible balls of hard dough.  They were not soft.   They were not buttery.   They were thrown away.   Proof positive that I am not a bread baker . . . even with a machine to help me!  Sigh . . .

I am wearing...  

A fluffy blue nightie covered with white polka dots that Todd gave me for Christmas, my robe and slippers.   My normal morning attire is night clothes.   Come to think of it that's my normal evening attire as well.  I do put on clothes for the daylight hours though . . . but in all honesty, if I thought I would be able to get away with wearing night clothes all the time . . . I would!
I am creating...  

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Yesterday I made an additional page of clothes for my paper dolls, which you can see here.  The best thing about them is they fit BOTH dolls, which is great!  I am really enjoying this project.

As a lover of Birdhouses, I really adore this key holder.   I am on a look out for one of these.   Mind you the kath kidston key fobs don't hurt either!

I just adore the hanky edging on these pillow cases.   I would love to do this to some of mine and I just may do it!  They're so very pretty, and I do love pretty things.

I am totally loving this idea.  Writing my favourite scriptures and inspiring thoughts on stones and placing them in a nice bowl on the coffee table.    How fabulous is that???

I just can't resist showing you one more.  Are these birdies not the cutest thing you have ever seen?   I have the pattern for those.   I MUST make and soon.  They are just too adorable and so cheery!

I am going... 
I am having some girlfriends over for lunch tomorrow and then there is my RS Presidency meeting tomorrow night.   Other than that I have not a lot on.  A slow week, but that is a good thing now and then to have a slow week I think.

I am reading...

Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire by Amanda Foreman.   This, too, is on my Kindle.   It's a historical autobiography.  I did see the film with Kiera Knightly a few years back, which was quite good.   Georgiana Cavendish, the Duchess of Devonshire was what you might call the first "IT" girl and lived over 200 years ago.   She was born into the Spencer family at the family seat of Althorp, which means she was an ancestor of Princess Diana.   There were a lot of parallels in their lives which I find absolutely fascinating.  It's a long book, but I am looking forward to reading it.

Salem Falls, by Jodi Picoult.  A handsome stranger comes to the sleepy New England town of Salem Falls in hopes of burying his past: Once a teacher at a girls' prep school, Jack St. Bride was destroyed when a student's crush sparked a powder keg of accusation. Now, washing dishes for Addie Peabody at the Do-Or-Diner, he slips quietly into his new routine, and Addie finds this unassuming man fitting easily inside her heart. But amid the rustic calm of Salem Falls, a quartet of teenage girls harbor dark secrets -- and they maliciously target Jack with a shattering allegation. Now, at the center of a modern-day witch hunt, Jack is forced once again to proclaim his innocence: to a town searching for answers, to a justice system where truth becomes a slippery concept written in shades of gray, and to the woman who has come to love him.

I am quite fond of Jodi Picoult novels.    I have been ever since I read one of her early ones, The Plain Truth.  So far I am enjoying this one as well.

Beauty by Susan Wilson.   A retelling of the Beauty and the Beast story from a modern perspective.  Susan Wilson brings the beloved tale of the Beauty and the Beast wonderfully and credibly to life in the modern world... Alix Miller is commissioned to paint the portrait of Leland Crompton, a writer of popular mystery stories. Leland, however, is hideously deformed by a rare genetic disorder and tells Alix the portrait will never be hung. But, as they spend long hours together, with Alix working on the portrait and Leland exposing his inner self as he'd never before been able, Leland learns to love himself as a human being and to love Alix with the true passion of one man for only one woman.  This is about the third time I have read this book.  It is one of my old favourites that I return to every once in a while.  

Doesn't everyone do that?   Reread old favourites??   I could never read just one book at a time, and I have several books that I never tire of reading.   I revisit them often.  Each visit is like returning to an old and well loved friend.

 I am hoping...
I am hoping that my mother's appointment with her thoracic surgeon goes well on the 12th of February.   They sure seem to be taking their time with all of this.  I hope that the cancer hasn't gotten worse in the waiting.   That part worries me, and I know it worries her.   Please continue to keep her in your prayers.   Thanks so much!

I am hearing... 
Ordinary morning sounds.   My play list, Mitzie snoring . . . the clock ticking.  My fingers clicking on the keys.  Nothing changes . . .except today there is the addition of howling winds.  A bit of extra excitement!

Around the house...

Still in love with the open, fresher looking kitchen.  I think I just need a bigger kitchen.  Oh, that I had the money to rip up all of this carpeting and replace it with wood flooring . . .  sigh . . . but then again if we had that kind of money, Todd wouldn't be wanting to spend it on someone else's house!

I have always dreamed of having a home with wooden floors that I could paint, especially the bedroom floors . . . each room painted a different colour with throw rugs scattered here and about, next to the beds . . .

Oh how I long for even just one stained glass window . . . or even a stained glass panel I could hang in an existing window . . .

I often put myself to sleep nights thinking about such things.   Tis lovely to have a dream, and as we all know dreams can and do come true . . .

One of my favourite things . . .  

Cherry Menlove.  I don't know if that's her real name, but if it is, how cool is that???   I have been following her blog and her journey for a number of years now.   I think she is just such a dear person and she has some really wonderful ideas for decorating, etc.   I think she is the UK equivalent of Martha Stewart or Donna Hay.    I can't understand why she isn't more recognized than she is!

Something new about me ...
When I was a child I thought that if you thought about something often enough that you could make it come true.   For instance, if you imagined you had a particular toy or book or life . . . and thought about it hard enough it could suddenly be yours.   I have no explanation for why this didn't work.   Duh . . . 

One of my guilty pleasures ...

Children's cereals.   I just adore them.   I would rather sit down with a bowl of cheerios, or fruit loops, or Captain Crunch and the like . . . than a piece of cake.  Tis absolutely true.  Honest.

Ok . . . can I just have a tiny sliver of cake too???

Pet Peeves...    

People who let their dogs foul on the pavement and don't clean it up.  'Nuff said.  If you have a pet, please be a responsible pet owner.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

“If you can't say something nice . . . don't say nothin at all . . . "  ~Thumper

I wonder why this is so hard?   It should be easy to do.   I bite my tongue more often than not.   I am working on it.

As a closing thought I would like to leave you with this:

"Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree, it will spend it's life thinking it is stupid."
~Albert Einstein

And there you have it . . . my day book for this week. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!  

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There's a delicious Turkey Casserole cooking over in The English Kitchen today.   You could also use leftover cooked chicken.   It's a great way of stretching your leftovers to abundantly feed your family one more meal!  This casserole also incorporates your leftover mash and stuffing in a most delicious way!

Have a great day!!

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