
Saturday 23 February 2013

Poetry Saturday . . . At the Winter Feeder

His feather flame doused dull
by ice and cold,
the cardinal hunched
into the rough, green feeder
but ate no seed.

Source: via Brenda on Pinterest

Through binoculars I saw
festered and useless
his beak, broken
at the root.

Then two: one blazing, one gray,
rode the swirling weather
into my vision
and lighted at his side.

Unhurried, as if possessing
the patience of God,
they cracked sunflowers
and fed him
beak to wounded beak
choice meats.

Each morning and afternoon
the winter long,
that odd triumvirate,
that trinity of need,
returned and ate
their sacrament
of broken seed.
~John Leax

John R. Leax is an American poet, essayist, and fiction writer. He was professor of English and poet-in-residence at Houghton College in Houghton, New York from 1968 until his retirement in 2009. His poems, articles, and fiction have been widely published in periodicals and anthologies.

I gleaned this poem from an Anthology of writing I have  which is titled More Stories for the Heart, which was compiled by Alice Gray and delivered free from the Billy Graham Association some  fifteen years ago now.   I have always loved this poem and it's message of compassion.    It speaks to my heart and that is what poetry should do.   Having read verse or prose . . . your life should have been impacted in small and great ways.  At least that is my opinion.

As a bird lover and an ardent Ornithologist, Twitcher,  and Birder poetry about birds has always been very close to my heart.   Birds have always brought so much joy into my life.

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This is a piece I painted yesterday afternoon of a robin sitting on a spring time branch.  The quote is about Easter.  I think it would make a fine card.  I love painting birds, probably because I love birds.

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I also did these cupcake wrappers and toppers.   A bevvy of girls.   I think I will have a bakery section in my Etsy shop once I have enough to fill it.   People will be able to buy printable downloads at a reasonable price of these things, plus recipe cards, etc.   I also plan on offering specialized cupcake wraps and toppers for anyone who has a special event in mind, such as a wedding, birthday, shower etc. customized to the occasion.     It's just an idea at this point, but I am working on it!

Yesterday's silver lining . . . I sold a print and have a commission to do some invites and notices for an activity.  Every little helps!

A thought to carry with you through the day . . .

"Someday I hope to enjoy enough of what the world calls success so that somebody will ask me, "What's the secret of it:"   I shall say simply this:  "I get up when I fall down."
~Paul Harvey

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Baking in The English Kitchen today . . . a Glazed Coffee Crunch Cake.   This is a wonderful cake if I don't say so myself!

Have a fabulous Saturday people!   I shall be happily closeted in my craft room working on my commissions!


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