
Tuesday 15 January 2013

The Simple Woman's Day Book

FOR TODAY, January 15th, 2013...

Outside My Window...

The sky is still quite dark and it's very cold.  There has been snow all over the country, but we haven't seen any yet.  Just rain.  Rain, rain go away . . . our back garden is like a lake at the moment.   Enough already!

I am thinking...
“. . . in a time lacking in truth and certainty and filled with anguish and despair, no woman should be shamefaced in attempting to give back to the world, through her work, a portion of it's lost heart."
~Louise Brogan

If I were to look back in my life, I would be able to see clearly that my life has always been influenced positively by stalwart, strong women of courage, grace and integrity that have moved within the sphere of my existence.  When I was a little girl that was a very small world.  Now that I am older . . . the world is a very large place . . . technology and media have caused it to expand beyond that which my little girl self could ever have imagined.  The things we do, say . . . think . . . they matter more today than they ever have because we now have the capacity more than we ever have had to touch and change the world around us with the purity of our hearts and the soul of our action.

I am thankful for...

My little family and the home we share together.  We be happy.  That is good.

From the kitchen... 
Todd went into town yesterday so I did a whole lot of cooking while he was gone.  When he is out I don't like to be in the craft room leaving Mitzie on her own down here and so I took advantage of that time and puttered in the kitchen.   You will see the results of my ministrations appearing daily throughout the remainder of this week.  
I am wearing...  

A pink M&S Nightie I have had for ages, with long sleeves and pink pajama bottoms . . . slippers.  For once I am color co-ordinated!

I am creating...  

These envelope pillows are totally adorable and quite doable.   I think I would like to make a couple of them for on our beds, one with my name on it and the other with Todds.   I think that would be really cute!

I just adore these fabric tag bookmarks!  These would make lovely gifts for Christmas next year don't you think???

Loving this dish towel with pot holder corners too!   There are so many truly creatively gifted people out there.  Thank YOU Pinterest for all the crafting inspiration!

I am going... 
My mother goes to Halifax today for her Pulmonary Function Test.   Then tomorrow she has to go back in for another CT Scan.   Her needle bi-opsy is on the 22nd.  After that they will set a date for her surgery and I will be booking my tickets to go over to Canada.  Please pray that she will have safe travels back and forth to Halifax for these appointments.   Thankfully she has been able to procure lifts for them.   WE are all grateful for the generosity of these people in stepping in to help.   Travel in Canada at this time of year is not the best with the snow and all.

Tomorrow morning I am meeting two friends in Chester for Hot Chocolate, which will be fun!  Yay!  Then I have my presidency meeting tomorrow evening.   Friday evening we have invited people over for a games night, which will also be fun.  Not sure what games we will play, but whatever it is we will enjoy it!

I am reading...

My Berlin Kitchen, by Luisa Weiss.
Along the way to adulthood, I acquired one six-inch chef’s knife, a dark-green glazed cast-iron pot, and the growing realization that baking and cooking were not just a sure way to end up with a pan of warm brownies or a kitchen full of the fragrance of beef stew.  Busying myself in the kitchen was how I conjured the people and places I loved the most in the steam rising off the pots on the stove.  And when I came down with a rare and chronic illness known as perpetual homesickness, I knew the kitchen would be my remedy.

I am in love with this book. How could you not be.  It's an autobiography but with food and recipes.  I am totally smitten with it.  I do so love this type of book.  I am halfway through it.   It's fabulous"

Last night for Family Home Evening we watched Little Women.   It just never gets old does it?   I don't know how many times we have seen it, but we enjoy it immensely each time.   I decided that I would read Little Woman again as well.  It's been many years since I have read it.  I don't think I have read it since I was a girl and so I am now reading "Little Women" by Louisa May Alcott on my kindle, and looking forward to the adventure.

I don't think you can ever be too old to enjoy the classics!

 I am hoping...
I am hoping and praying for good things with my mother health concerns.  We do so appreciate all of your continued prayers.   They really do help!

I am hearing... 
Ordinary morning sounds.   My play list, Mitzie snoring . . . the clock ticking.  My fingers clicking on the keys.

Around the house...

What a fabulous "re-purpose" for an old Ironing Board.    I think it's just lovely, and what a great idea!

Loving the cosiness and the colors in this warm room.   Red and white just never gets old does it? What a fabulous mix of woods, fabrics and "Rusticity."   I thought I made that word up . . . but apparently I didn't!  Who knew?

Is this not utterly adorable???   I just love this setting.  The shelf . . . the scalloped edging on the stairs . . . that clock.   It all speaks to my heart.

One of my favourite things . . .  

I just adore old door knobs, especially glass or porcelain ones.   If I could afford to do so I would replace every door knob in my house with a glass one.  They have character don't you think??

Something new about me ...

I just adore Sam Elliot.  His rugged handsomeness . . . his voice . . . everything.  He is the whole package.   He's my favourite cowboy/actor/crush.  I don't think I am alone in this.   I think he makes lots of women swoon . . .

One of my guilty pleasures ...

Yes . . . that IS a peanut butter and jelly/jam sandwich.   Every once in a while I treat myself to one . . . and I am in heaven.

Pet Peeves...    

I wish I had a pound for every time I had been asked which part of America I am from.  Why do people automatically assume that my North American Accent is American?   Occasionally someone does get it right and correctly label my accent as Canadian and I am always so pleased.   I know there is a big difference between Canadian and American accents.  I think ours is softer and gentler . . . but then again, I am a bit biased!

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

“In all of living, have much fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.” 
~Gordon B Hinckley 

Life really is what you make of it.  We are all on a great adventure.  There are pockets of joy to be found in every moment, hour, day, week . . . year.    Don't lets waste it wanting to be somewhere else.   Be happy where we are.

As a closing thought I would like to leave you with this:

Today find a way to make changes in yourself instead of someone else.  Sometimes the results are the same.
~author unknown

And there you have it . . . my day book for this week. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!  


Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . Potato, Leek and Stilton Soup.  Something to warm the heart on this chilly winter's day!

Happy Day all!

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