
Saturday 19 January 2013

Poetry Saturday . . . Winter Park

If I could paint the blues and greys,
That blend into that filmy sheen
As if an artist dipped his brush
In silver paint to draw a scene
From some high hill in fairyland
A man with magic in his hand.

The frozen rutted pathways run
Like rabbit tracks among the trees,
The bushes weighted down with snow,
Bent old women on their knees,
Webbed tracks like feather stitching made
In warm quilts by the ladies' aid.

The trees are decked in white array,
Like vestal maidens at a Feast,
Behind the hills the sun comes up
Like a great monarch of the East,
Whose golden trappings shed a glow,
On the white glare of frost and snow.

A dozen children play about
Like dwarfs from Snow-white come to town,
With merry eyes and laughing lips,
And all the antics of a clown,
With cheeks as red as Santa Claus
Playing to win the crowd's applause.

And so a winter park becomes
A painting framed in frost and snow,
Where common things of every day,
Take on a radiance and glow,
Like figures acting on a screen
Doing a lovely winter scene.
~Edna Jacques

Of course the big news here in the UK today is all the snow which fell yesterday, creating chaos all over the country.  Snow is always big news here as we seldom get much and when it does fall . . . well, we just don't deal well with it at all!  People never do what they are asked to do which is to . . . STAY HOME . . . with the end result being traffic chaos and disruption all over the place.  Stuck lorries, delayed trains, canceled flights, shut down motorways,  etc.   I even saw photos on the telly yesterday of store shelves which had been absolutely stripped of all the necessities of life such as bread, milk, water . . .

We had a quiet day here at home actually.   We never went anywhere (coz we do what we're told to do) and just stayed warm and cozy in here by the fire, periodically looking out the window to see how much had fallen.   At the end of the day we had a couple of inches, perhaps three, which was just enough.   I know they had a lot more in other places!  We're quite protected here in Chester.

No plans for today except more of the same.  Staying warm and cozy in our little house.

Yesterday's Silver Lining:   The two Sister Missionaries who walked over to our place in the afternoon.  (The missionary house is just around the corner.)  They were here for about an hour.  I fed them freshly baked cake and milk and we read the scriptures together and just shared.   It was really special.  They always bring such a special spirit with them.

A thought to carry with you through Saturday:

The Winter is a stillness and a darkness and a sleep
But not a death, for in the earth the roots of life go deep.
A rest . . . then re-creation and a glad new burgeoning.
Every day in Wintertime is one day nearer Spring.
~Patience Strong

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Baking in The English Kitchen today . . . a delicious Spiced Orange Cake.

Stay warm and safe people!!


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