
Monday 10 December 2012

Monday musings . . .

Something very special happens in December as the Christmas Cards and notes begin to flutter through my letterbox.  With each one that drops upon the mat just inside our front door, I am able to step, however briefly,  from my own life into the lives of others . . . people who are dear to me and yet far away.

It may seem strange  . . . but they take me back in time and, for a few moments, I am once again with old friends, or at least I am in my mind. There are some who dislike the annual "Christmas Note," which are included in some, but I love them so very much. To me, they are like sitting down and having a nice cup of tea with a beloved friend.

 I love to read about the new grandchildren, the aches and the pains, the ups and downs and the ins and outs and the comings and goings of everyone's lives. As I read them I see my friends in my mind's eye just as they were, oh so long ago . . . and I am right there with them, before too long . . . remembering our adventures together, seemingly just yesterday, but in reality . . . sadly long, long ago.

 Much beloved too, are the cards and notes from "new" friends . . . and people I have only met via e-mail, or through pen and paper. These are just as dear to me and whilst we don't have the wonderment of past memories between us, we share the beauty of being "kindred" spirits . . . for only "kindred" spirits could  touch your heart in such a way, and keep the motivation of a long distance friendship moving along . . .

This year I have had the added pleasure of having been able to renew acquaintance with old friends, much beloved and thought lost forever . . . through the miracle of the internet and the facebook platform, this has been made possible.  Is there anything on earth more precious than a lost friend having been found again?  I think not . . . this is a gift beyond treasure, and something which has brought so much joy into my life over these past months.

I know a lot of people don't send cards and notes anymore . . . and each year I am tempted to cut back . . .  the expense of posting them out tries hard to put a block in my path . . . but then I send them out anyways, because . . . in doing so I am really gifting myself, as selfish as that may seem.  It takes me ever so long to write them out because as I do each one I am thinking and remembering and my heart is smiling.

Each one is filled with love . . . and I hope that they are able to feel that love as it flutters through their letter boxes.  That's what the message and heart beat of Christmas is all about really isn't it . . . L O V E . . . and if it isn't for you, well . . . then you are truly missing out on the greatest gift of all.

I just love our sacrament meetings in the month of December . . . the talks given are so very special and we get to sing the carols.  Tis the same each year  . . . it never changes really, and there is great comfort and joy to be found in the familiarity of it all and of the Christmas message.

Yesterday the Primary Children did a special musical item and it was just beautiful.  It made my eyes glisten and my heart smile.  I cannot wait for their Nativity.  It's always a very special service.  This year they are having a special carol service on Christmas morning.  There is a part of me that wants to stay home and get on with the preparations of Christmas dinner . . . but the bigger part of my heart is telling me that if I don't go I will be missing out on something very special indeed.

(She thinks I am crazy, and maybe I am . . . crazy in love with her!)

Tonight is Family Home Evening, which is something that members of our church are encouraged to keep each week . . . a special evening which is reserved for doing things together as a family, whatever that family may be.  We may be just two . . . well three, if you count Mitzie . . . and WE do . . . but we always do something special on Monday evenings.  This week we are going to be watching our church's annual Christmas Broadcast.  They showed it at the chapel last night, but we didn't drive back out to it.  WE have to watch our petrol pennies and whilst it would have been nice to view it together with other members of our congregation, we will enjoy it together, just us two this evening.  We have invited another couple over to view it with us and it will be great if they make it.  Joy shared is always multiplied, don't you think?  Anyways, if you want to watch it yourself (Tis always very special and I promise you, it won't hurt you.) you can click onto the HOME page of the church and the link will be there. As I write this the site is down for maintenance, but it will be back up again later this morning I am sure.

A thought to carry with you through the coming day . . .

"A snowflake is Winter's butterfly."


There are Gingerbread Man Cakes . . .



Christmas Morning Muffins baking over in The English Kitchen today.


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