
Monday 19 November 2012

Mitzie . . .

Two and a half years ago, I fell in love  in a way I never thought possible again.  When we lost our Jess in April of 2010, I was so devastated that I never thought I could open my heart to the possibility of  allowing another fur baby to enter our lives.  My heart was so broken that I wasn't sure that I wanted to risk my heart breaking in such a way ever again . . .

And then we met this little lady.  It was pure and utter love at first sight.  We had been selling Betterware products door to door, and one of our customers had two lovely English Cocker Spaniels.  They were so endearing that a chink appeared in the armor I had built around my heart.  I went back to the car after visiting with them for a time and told Todd, that if we did get another dog I would like it to be a Cocker.

It only takes a little crack in a dam to make it burst . . . and before too long I found myself scouring ads for Cocker puppies.  We had decided that since we had never gotten to see our Jess as a puppy (she was a rescue dog) we wanted to experience raising a puppy ourselves.

I had decided that I wanted a brown one, and a female.  The day we went to see this particular litter of puppies there were only two brown ones and they were already spoken for.  The only female left and not spoken for was this one . . . Mitzie.  (I called her that right from the start.) Once I met her . . . brown, black, purple . . . none of it mattered. She wrapped herself around my heart with one look into those sad little eyes.

We brought her home to our house on my Birthday that year.  She took right to the place, making it her's in a very short time.  She was so brave coming home with us in the car . . . and exploring her new domain.

Inquisitive and beautiful . . .


Charming and loveable . . .

With a sweet and gentle personality which suited us to a "T."


Nothing fazed her.  It didn't take her very long to have us completely twisted around her little paws.

There is something really special about being able to bring up a puppy.


I'm not sure what it is . . . but this lady captured our hearts in a very special way.

An ever present, vital force in our lives.  Probably the most photographed dog in the UK . . . and certainly the most loved.

Totally laid back and comfortable with us . . . as we are with her.  Able to show us and trust us with all of herself . . .

These pictures of her first year with us are doing it to me all over again . . . grabbing my heart and touching it in that special Mitzie way . . .

Now, it is hard to believe that she was every that small . . . but she was . . .


Enjoying her little patch of sunlight . . . she is a dog that abandons herself to the joy in every moment . . .

And takes us right along with her . . .

She grew a lot in that first year . . . and yet we didn't seem to notice her changing.  Funny how that goes . . . she was always just Mitzie . . .

With her own unique and adorable personality . . . this is how she sits with Todd to watch telly.  At first I used to worry that it would hurt her back . . . but she's completely comfortable with it and so . . . are we, now.

She puts up with all of my craziness . . . even when I dress her up in Santa Claus Hats . . .


And then add insult to injury . . . and humilation.

She takes it all in her stride . . . with a certain style and grace . . . 

Sometimes sneaky . . .

Always cuddly . . .


Willing to humor my every whim . . .

An ever present vital force in our lives . . . we love her so very much . . .


And of course she loves us too.

She's been very unwell for three days now.  I had hoped to take her to the Vet yesterday, but Todd didn't think she needed to go . . . besides we don't have any pet insurance anymore.  Two months ago we decided we just could not afford to pay the £15.99 it was costing us each month.  It's hard when you have to make tough decisions like that . . . but you grit your teeth, make them . . . and then cross your fingers and hope for the best.  Vets are expensive at the best of times . . . but emergency vets, even more so.  We went to Pets R Us, or whatever it is called and got some things for diarrhea and have been following the council given to us by the Vet via the telephone . . .

But this morning there was more of the same, albeit not in as large a quantity as yesterday . . . but it's Monday and so we will take her down to the regular Vets this morning and hang the expense.  It has to be done., we'll  just have to try to make the petrol in the car go further . . . etc. etc.

Please continue to keep her in your prayers.  I don't think I could bear to lose her . . . not yet at any rate.  I know that someday we will have to say goodbye to each other, but this . . . this is far too soon.


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