
Friday 9 November 2012

Friday thoughts . . .

I fear I am a romantic at heart . . . which is nothing bad I suppose.  I love to see a young couple in love, clinging on to each others hands . . . looking at each other with a love which just seeps out and lets everyone around them know . . . this is a couple in love.  It's a beautiful thing to witness . . . one cannot help but smile to see it.  It reminds me of when I, too . . . was young and all of the tender feelings of the heart that I had in those years.  Young love . . . it is a special love, unlike any other . . .

Then too . . . there is old love, which I find even more beautiful in some respects.

Is this a love that has stood the test of time . . . experienced ups and downs, tears and joys, gains and losses, trials and tribulations . . . and yet . . . like, the cream in a bucket of milk . . . risen to the top?

Are these two lovers . . . who once loved when limbs were nimble, and faces fresh . . . but whom circumstance tore apart . . . and now they have found each other again, and recaptured the love of their youth??

Or . . . are these two older people who have loved . . . and lost, perhaps even many times . . .  but who have not given up on love, or it's promise and are not afraid to grab hold of the brass ring for this last turn around the  merry-go-round of life???

I don't know.  I like to think it's all three . . .

As beautiful as young love is . . . there is something every bit as beautiful, if not more beautiful about elderly love.

But then . . . I am biased . . . just a tad . . .

Source: via Heidi on Pinterest

On Sunday, Todd and I will celebrate twelve years of wedded bliss, and they have been very, very good years.  I had never hoped in my lifetime to ever find a yin to my yang . . . I thought that boat had passed me by . . . forever lost.  But I was wrong.

This is not the hearts and flowers . . . love of youth . . . love which claims the heart and which is prone to fickleness . . . based on looks and other superficial things.  (Not that that love can't grow into deeper love.  It often does and that is beautiful too.)

This is the "I waited a lifetime to find you" kind of love . . . no less radiant than youthful love, but based on much  deeper things than I once looked for . . .


This is being able to share those deepest yearnings and parts of me that I have never ever been able to share with anyone else . . . and to know that they are safe in his hands . . .

Knowing that we have both made mistakes in the past,  and we both have failed . . . but this time is for keeps, because it is based on deeper things . . . we truly like each other, and love being together . . . and it is a love not based purely on, or hampered by, the physical  . . . although his cheeky smile makes still me giggle, and I love that little crinkle in his cheek just next to his mouth . . .

And sometimes my heart aches because there is so much we missed out on . . . having a family together being the main thing . . . but I know that it will all be right in the end, and I love that we are sealed together for time and all eternity, not just death do we part.

Cos there's nobody on earth I would rather spend eternity with . . . 


Let me not to the marriage of true minds 
Admit impediments. 
Love is not love 
Which alters when it alteration finds, 
Or bends with the remover to remove: 
O no! it is an ever-fixed mark 
That looks on tempests and is never shaken; 
It is the star to every wand'ring bark, 
Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken. 
Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks 
Within his bending sickle's compass come; 
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, 
But bears it out even to the edge of doom: 
If this be error and upon me proved, 
I never writ, nor no man ever loved. 
~William Shakespeare, Sonnet 116


There's a delicious Salad and a Jamie Oliver Cookbook Giveaway on offer over in The English Kitchen today.

Have a great day everyone.  It's Friday, which means Saturday is not far behind!


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