
Tuesday 9 October 2012

The Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY, October 9th, 2012...

Outside My Window...

A new day is dawning.  It's dark and very cold and it's almost 7 am.  The days are definitely getting shorter!

I am thinking...

This past weekend was our church's October General Conference.  It happens twice a year.  The whole church gathers and our leaders share their thoughts, advice and inspiration with us in a very meaningful way.  Lives are touched and changed for the better.  This is a quote from President Monson's Sunday morning session talk.

This is only a little clip of the talk this quote was taken from, but you can watch the entirety of it here. 
I guarantee you will be blessed by doing so.

I am thankful for...

The Leadership in my church which never fails to uplift and inspire me to want to become a better person, who . . . through their leadership and example, help me to become a better person, and for the Gospel which makes a difference in ALL of our lives. 

From the kitchen...
NOT A LOT!  I need to do some more baking.

I am wearing...

A blue M&S nightie, with small blue sprigs of flowers on it, my slippers and my robe.  It is  COLD here this morning.  I don't want to turn the heat on though . . .

I am creating...

Working on 
the finishing touches for my Christmas Cook-booklet.  I have had ever so much fun doing this one.

Getting things ready to put into the Gallery next week. I have all of the mats bought, and plastic sleeves.  Some cards, some prints, some matchbox dolls.  Lots to do!

Anyone wanting Christmas Cards, now is the time to order them.  As I do each one individually by hand they do take some time to put together.  Leave a comment or e-mail me if you are wanting any!  I have all the ones available from years gone past, plus new ones for this year.

I am loving this little sewing kit made in an egg carton.  I think this could be adapted to the large matchbox exchange thing I am participating in.  I am always astonished at what I find on Pinterest.  There is no end to the talents out there!

Source: via Marie on Pinterest

As soon as my Craft Room is finished and sorted I am going to begin finishing stockings for my Grandchildren.  (I know I say that every year, but this year I mean it!)

I am going...
I have a Presidency meeting tomorrow night and then Missionary Correlation on Thursday Evening, plus I hope to pop into the city at some point.  Other than that my calendar is free!  Anyone want to come for a visit and a hot drink???  It's called coffee, 'cept you are more likely to get herbal tea here!!  Cake will be provided. (but of course!)

I am reading...

Source: via Kaye on Pinterest

When Love Awaits, Johanna Lindsey

From amazon:
Once Lady Leonie cursed 'the Black Wolf' - handsome Rolfe d'Ambert, the mercenary Lord of Kempston - for his bloody deeds and cruelty to the local peasants. Now she must marry the magnificent blackguard to bring peace to the land.
Young, innocent, and possessing a rare and exquisite beauty, Leonie would be a prize for any man - yet Rolfe seeks the match solely for revenge. But her sensuous kiss ignites within him the fiery need to claim her - and an irresistible desire to unite their warring hearts in glorious love. 

I know . . . these romance novels are all the same.  Girl hates boy.  Boy is a handsome rake.  They fall in love whilst trying to pretend they hate each other. I just wanted some light reading for a change.  It's been a long while since I have read one of these.  I used to read them all the time when I was younger.  I just skip over the smutty pages now.  I never used to mind them much, but I find them a bit embarrassing now.  I must be getting old!  

I am hoping...

That it doesn't rain today.  We have had enough rain in this country.  The weather all the world over has been rather strange this year.  Drought in some areas, too much rain and flooding in others.  It is not hard to see how very greatly food supplies in the world could be greatly affected.  I am grateful for my food store.

I am hearing...
Nothing new really.
Mitzie is snoring on the couch. The clock is ticking . . . my fingers are clicking on the keyboard.  The sound of the odd car driving past on the wet pavement.  Nothing much changes in that way from one morning to the next.

Around the house...

I thought it was about time I showed you our finished bathroom!  The shower side is rather boring.  Just a shower.  The other side is probably boring as well, but I like the clean lines and simplicity of it.  Just a simple painting on the wall of a rowboat at the shore and a simple vase with paper-whites in it sitting on the window sill.

A glimpse into our bedroom with it's new twin beds.  I love the quilts and throws on the bed, plus of course the variety of pillow cases.  The doilies on the nightstands are pansy ones that my sister made for me and that I love.    The throws from the National Trust shop, 100% wool and bought at a great bargain, of only £20, probably because of the colors which are a bit bright, I don't know. I only know they worked for me!  The pink and white pillow case with the red rickrack trim are favorites of mine as are the white ruffled edge cases.

A few from the front, so you can see the headboards and my Tollipops that I have framed and hanging on the wall. I love my Tollipops, and I love the colors of this room. 

One of my favourite things . . .

I just adore dolls.  Any size, any kind, any color, any medium.

Source: via Marie on Pinterest

When I was a little girl I would have given anything to have had one of these.  A Chatty Cathy doll.  Alas it was far removed from my parent's budget and so I never did have one.  I did however have a "Little Miss Eaton" doll, which looked quite similar.  I tied a string around her neck, which made her even better than Chatty Cathy . . . for my little Miss Eaton had far more things to say, with a vocabulary and voice that came from my heart and imagination.  She said whatever it was that I wanted her to say.  I could ask her questions and she would answer them.  We had conversations, not limited to or chosen by any toy manufacturer, but of and through my own inspiration!

Something new about me ...

I wanted to marry Ken.  He was the perfect boyfriend.  Handsome.   Well dressed.  And he did whatever Barbie wanted him to do.

One of my guilty pleasures ...

It's not that bad for you I don't think.  I love, LOVE spicy Roasted Red Pepper houmous.  I have never tried making my own, but I think I will as I have some peppers in the refrigerator and lots of chick peas.  I love it with crisp vegetables to dip into it, or chips or whatever.  I find it quite, quite addictive!

Pet Peeves... 

Jar lids that won't come off, no matter what.  You can bang them on the counter.  Run them under hot water.  Wrap them in rubber and try to twist them with all of your might, but they aren't budging.  Oh, yes . . . eventually they do open . . . but it just should not be that hard!!

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

 "Sometimes we have to remind ourselves to find something beautiful in the ordinary."


There is joy in the heart of the person that embraces and rejoices in the simple things of life, the ordinary, who can find joy in the tender moments, that may be unremarkable to the naked eye . . . but touch the heart in unimaginable and beautiful ways.

As a closing thought I would like to leave you with this:

"Hope is the power of being cheerful in circumstances we know to be desperate."
~G K Chesterton

And there you have it . . . my day book for this week. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!  


Baking in The English Kitchen . . . Pumpkin Spice Cake.  
A delicious cheat!!

Hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday!

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