
Tuesday 30 October 2012

The Simple Woman's Day Book . . .

FOR TODAY, October 30th, 2012...

Outside My Window...

  The day is waking up and it is cold.  I can see the sun rising in the window right in front of me.  I love watching the sun rise each morning.  It's my favourite time of the day.

I am thinking...

Source: via Marie on Pinterest

"All the flowers of tomorrow are in the seeds of today."

Everything we do in life has consequences.When we make right choices we reap the rewards and they are good.  When we make wrong choices we reap the rewards and they are not so good.  An acquaintance of mine joined the church a few years ago and from that point on everything seemed to go wrong.  She blamed her joining the church for it all . . . when in reality, everything that was happening was because of poor choices she had made well before joining the church.  Being a member of the church only meant that she now had support she needed to help her get through the consequences of her poor choices.  Sadly she did not see it that way and I have not been able to speak to her for a while now . . . she chooses to no longer be my friend.  I would be her friend whether she was a member of the church or not . . . but alas . . . she is not as broad minded as I am.

I am thankful for...

My family.  I may not be able to speak to them very often and there are still rifts that need healing, but I am confident that with the power of prayer and action, these relationships will one day be whole again.

From the kitchen... 

This is Fennel and Feta Linguine.  I watched Nigel Slater make it the other day on Dish of the Day.  I want to make this.  I have everything I need in the fridge to do it.  Watch this space!  You know I love Nigel Slater recipes.  He's the best.  Todd sadly will not like it, but c'est la vie!  

If he's a really good boy, maybe I  will make him one of these.

I am wearing...

A PINK M&S nightie, with long sleeves, made from brushed fleece.  Warm. My slippers.  Bundling up for the cooler months.  I need to buy a few more long sleeved nighties.  I only have the two.

I am creating...


Working on 
the finishing touches for my Christmas Cook-booklet.  I have had ever so much fun doing this one, and if I don't get it finished soon . . . it will be too late.  I need a kick up the backside!!  (I really do!!)  I WILL FINISH IT TODAY and not allow myself to get distracted by anything else!

Anyone wanting Christmas Cards, needs to order them now.  As I do each one individually by hand they do take some time to put together.  Leave a comment or e-mail me if you are wanting any!  I have all the ones available from years gone past, plus new ones for this year.

If you want some and wait too much longer, it will be too late.  I won't have time to make them and get them out to you.

I am loving these.  I think they would make really nice favors for the women at our RS Christmas Extra Meeting at the beginning of December.

Here is a little peek at the character development I am doing for the children's book I am working on.  It's just an initial sketch, and not concrete at this point, but I like where it is going.

I am going... 
 I am taking my stuff into the gallery on Wednesday (tomorrow) and then on Thursday we have one set of the missionaries coming over for supper.  Other than that I think my calendar is free, which is a good thing because I have much to be doing here at home.  My talk went very well on Sunday by the way.  I had a lot of people come up to me and say they enjoyed it.  Of course they would say that anyways, and so would Todd.  I felt I could have done better, but then you always think of about a hundred different things you could have said after the fact!

I am reading...

Borrowed Light, by Carla Kelly
Julia Darling never expected to cook for some cowboys in Wyoming, but when she breaks off her engagement in Salt Lake City, it's the perfect opportunity for her to escape. Determined to stick the job out, Julia faces her biggest challenge yet - letting go of borrowed light to find her own testimony. Set in the early 1900s.

I am really enjoying this book!  It is a historical romance, but without the smut, and very entertaining.  The characters are very real and the main character is a cook!  Absolutely loving this.  It's refreshing and funny and interesting!  The characters are sweet, loveable and believable.  The perfect escape.


Jesus, a novel,  by Walter Wangerin Jr

With eloquence and beauty, the award-winning author of Book of the Dun Cow, The Book of God, and Paul: A Novel turns his pen to history’s most compelling figure: Jesus of Nazareth. In vibrant language, Walter Wangerin Jr. sweeps away centuries of tradition and reveals a man of flesh-and-heart immediacy. Passionate, intelligent, and irresistibly real, this is a Jesus pulsing with life who will captivate you as thoroughly as he did the men and women who walked with him across Galilee’s golden countryside.
Days of centuries past become today, lit with bright colors of the imagination. Wangerin shows you Jesus through the eyes of the two people who were with him at very the foot of the cross, the two who knew and loved him best: John the apostle, and Jesus’ beloved mother, Mary. . . .

 I am reading this one on my Kindle.  I've read it before, but wanted to read it again.  It's a fab book.  He is a brilliant writer.  I've also read his "Book of God."  Another fab read!  He brings the scriptures to live in a wonderful way.

I am hoping...
I am hoping and praying that anyone in the direct path of Hurricane Sandy will not take chances and be safe.  I really have them all in my prayers and thoughts.  I also pray for those who have already been negatively affected by it.  This is one wicked storm.  They need all the prayers they can get. 

I am hearing...
Nothing new really.
I can hear the boiler running. Clocks ticking.  Mitzie snoring.  Computer keys ticking.  The usual.

Around the house...

I really want to line all of my dresser drawers with paper like this.  What a sweet surprise that would be each time I opened them up.  We have Ikea furniture in our bedroom and it is pretty.  The drawers are lined with yellow and white striped papers, but I want flowers, coz I am a flowery kind of a gal.

I would really, really, REALLY love to have a good old fashioned rocking chair.  I have always wanted one.   My ex and I put a deposit down on one . . . it must have been a good 26 or 27 years ago now, and sadly we never did finish paying for it or get it.  If I had a wooden rocker, I would sit in it in the evenings and do my needlework. I bet it would be a lot better for my back.

One of my favourite things . . .

I love pillow cases.  Especially white pillow cases which have been embroidered or rick racked or lace trimmed.  I am not sure why that is.  I think it is because they hearken back to simpler times.  I know that in "MY" heaven it will be just like it was in the 1950's because that is the time period I love, and because I will be skinny, I will be able to dress like this:

What do you think???

Something new about me ...
I hate spiders.  I am terrified of spiders.  I don't know why.  It's quite irrational.  I have never had a spider hurt me.  They just give me the creeps and if I know one is in my bedroom I cannot sleep until it is gone.

One of my guilty pleasures ...

Gold Fish crackers.  I could eat them until they are coming out my ears.  These are homemade ones and on my list of things to make soon!  I am thinking homemade ones will be infinitely tastier than store bought ones!

Pet Peeves... 

The way that people never go beyond what is expected of them today.  They do what they are paid for and nothing more, and in fact if they can get away with less than what they are paid for, they will do that.  There doesn't seem to be much pride in a job well done these days.  For instance, the bin men were around yesterday.  We are in this new heavy duty recycling scheme now.  Todd mistakenly got a few bits of plastic in the cardboard box.  Even though they were collecting ALL the recyclables, including the plastics and we had more plastics in the right box . . . they left the few bits that were in the wrong box and did not empty them.  The place for them was right there on their truck!  It was only a few bits!  Come on!  What could it have hurt to just make a little bit of an extra effort and put them in the right slot.  Probably about as much effort as it did for them to pick them out and leave them behind.  *Grumble* *Grumble*

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

"Books.  People have no idea how beautiful books are.  How they taste on your fingers.  How bright everything is when you light it with words."
~Rachel Kadish, Tolstoy Lied

I love books.  I have always loved books.  Old books, new books . . . any books.  I love the way they smell and how they feel in your hands.  I love the feeling of anticipation when you open a new book for the first time.  I think it would be a very sad world where there were not any more real books.  I hope that we never get to that place . . . where a book would be obsolete.  Books are beautiful.  Books are important.  Books are necessary.

As a closing thought I would like to leave you with this:

"Things which sound like platitudes become vital, living and powerful when you have to learn them in dark tunnels."
~Elizabeth Elliot
And there you have it . . . my day book for this week. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!) 

There are some really scrummy Bakewell Sausage Tarts on offer over in The English Kitchen today . . . along with a whole bunch of other goodies!


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