
Sunday 16 September 2012

The things that I get up to . . .

“In this lifetime we are like Superman who must remain disguised as the nerdy newspaper journalist Clark Kent, or Harry Potter and his friends who are not allowed to do magic while they are on holiday, away from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry... but even Harry Potter and Clark Kent get to tap into their ‘special powers’ once in a while, especially when the going gets tough.”
~Anthon St. Maarten, Divine Living: The Essential Guide To Your True Destiny  

I am afraid I grossly overslept this morning. I can only think that I must have needed it.  I did want to tell you a little bit about the wonderful day we had yesterday!

Sheilagh picked me up at about half past nine.  It was so nice to see each other again.  It's been a while!  Our drive took us up into the Welsh Hills and down a very narrow winding lane.  (That's a Sat Nav for you!  They have no conscience!!)  We could see across all the way over to Colywn Bay.  It was stunning.  Unfortunately  Sheilagh couldn't enjoy the views as much as we two passengers did, as she was having panic attacks behind the wheel.  We got there in the end, no worse for the wear, and I had to really admire Sheilagh's bravery! There we were at the Dyserth Community Centre, a group of lovely ladies getting together for tea and cakes, crafting and like minded companionship.  We had a lovely time.  The best part was getting to meet some new ladies and just enjoying some female companionship for a change!!

Everyone had their own projects and I wish I had taken photos of them all, but . . .  since it was my first time with the group I didn't want to seem like a wierdo, so I didn't take any. 

I can show you what I did though.

I spent the day working on these little "Match Box Dolls."  Using my own artwork, a variety of papers and embellishments, I created little dolls with match boxes.  I've been working on a challenge using a large matchbox and the other day when I was working on that one, and after I had seen something similar on Pinterest . . .

I thought to myself, I can do that, and so . . . I did.  I printed out miniaturized versions of some of my own "little girls," and then turned them into matchbox dolls.

I tried to make each one as unique as possible, using different papers on the outsides, tops and bottoms, and backs, etc.  This one has a French shuttered window in the background as well as some roses, which I embellished with flower soft . . . inside are more roses and some grass, also made with flowersoft.

And I used two different papers to frame the top and bottom areas.  Nothing is uncovered.

Each one is quite, quite unique.  This is my little balloon girl . . . she has a French Balcony behind her and of course some more flowers at her feet, etc.


I think this one was a favourite of many . . . Everyone always likes my little girl with the little curl.  There is a jewel on her handbag and of course a French Chandelier behind her, coz she's out working the look!!  More flowers beneath her little shoes . . .

I even went Christmasy with one . . . my little snowman girl, and I added her boots to the bottom of the matchstick legs, some flowersoft snow . . . and if you peek really close inside, you can see the scarf and hat of the snowman waiting to be put on top of her finished creation when she is done!


I really did have a fabulous time.  I came home with my fingers loaded with glue and paint and flowersoft . . . having enjoyed one of the nicest days ever, with some of the nicest ladies ever.  Thanks so much "She" for taking me along for the day, and to everyone else who was there for helping me to feel completely at home.  I'm going back in December for sure!

I haven't got time to say much else here this morning as it's gone past 8 am and I have to get ready for church, but do have a lovely day.  Remember you are, each of you, some of my most favourite people here on earth!  I love you all to bits!

Never forget . . .

If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it. If He had a wallet, your photo would be in it. He sends you flowers every spring and a sunrise every morning…   Face it, friend. He is crazy about you!  ~ Max Lucado


Baking in The English Kitchen today . . . Vanilla Fudge Muffins.

Have a wonderful Sunday!!


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