
Thursday 6 September 2012

Just a dream . . .

I'm going to take you on a little dream with me here this morning . . . sometimes it's nice to daydream and fantasize a little teensy bit . . . I've always been a bit of a dreamer, but in a very good way I think.

When my sister and I were younger, we always used to talk about ending up like the Baldwin sisters from off of the Walton's show one day. It was a happy thought . . . except we always took it a little bit further and decided that we would be the Baldwin sister's . . . but with our own B&B. Yes, that's always been both of our dreams . . . to have our own B&B. The only problem would probably come when we decided where we would have it . . . and the cost of course! I'd probably want it someplace in Vermont . . . and who knows where she would want it, probably in Nova Scotia . . .

Both are nice places, n'est ce pas? We won't worry about the cash flow problem because this is a dream and in my dream, there isn't any. ☺

Come on in . . . welcome!! We thought you'd never arrive! Your rooms are ready and the kettle's boiling! Todd will help you with your bags. The party and the dream starts here . . .

I've put one of you in the Peter Rabbit room . . . I just knew you loved Beatrix Potter like I do. This is my favourite room, with it's rag rugs and spindle bed . . . and little bunny ornaments and fantasies tucked away here and tucked away there . . .

I'll put on the light so you can see it all a little bit better. Of course there is a bookcase in the room filled with every Beatrix Potter book ever written . . . and a cosy chair to curl up and read them in . . .

Beatrix Potter prints on the walls . . . ivy growing in plant pots on the window sills and red geraniums. An old quilt folded over the end of the bed . . .

We think you'll find it comfy and charming . . . a room you can relax in, and dream in . . . and lose yourself in your own little world.

Source: via Wanda on Pinterest

Of course it has it's own en-suite tucked away into the corner . . . private, and quite pleasing to the eye I think . . .

I hope you like the little extras . . . the wild flowers in the little vase. . . the Kath Kidston soap . . . and creams and lotions . . . all have been waiting just for you to arrive, and now . . . you're here! We hope you'll enjoy . . . we know you will . . .

Or maybe you'd prefer the Rose Room . . . it's quite cosy in there too. Perfect for a couple . . . sweet and comfy . . . and quite, quite romantic, with it's big fluffy four poster bed and rose covered canopy . . . a comfy bench at bed's end to sit on when you pull your shoes off your tired feet at the end of your long trip . . .

This too has an ensuite . . . a bit more elegant of course than the other, with a claw foot tub and lots of white fluffy towels. It all depends on what you are looking for . . .

Source: via Marie on Pinterest

Of course . . . there is always the fantasy room . . . this is for the fairy lover and one who wants to feed their inner Gnome. Fairies lurk in every corner . . . tis true . . .

Mayhap even in the bath . . . but I know you won't mind . . . they're very welcoming fairies . . . their giggles are ever so quiet . . .

Come on down stairs when you've settled in . . . and have a seat on the front porch.

There are two cosy rockers tucked into a comfy corner, just waiting for you to set yourself down in. A place to relax, muse and think . . . and watch the world saunter by . . . you could sit and chatter, sipping on sweet cups of tea or ice cold glasses of strawberry lemonade, whilst you nibbled on sugar crusted crisp cookies . . .

Or maybe you'd rather curl up on the hammock with a good book and just relax in comfort, and have a little snooze . . . it has been rather a long day . . .

Make yourself at home . . .

Feel free to walk in the gardens if you wish. I think you'll find them quite pretty. We grown all of our own flowers and herbs . . . vegetables and fruits.

Source: via Paula on Pinterest

We like it that way. Can you hear the birdsong?? We feed the birds as well . . . and the squirrels and odd rabbit that passes though . . .

ALL are welcome here. We are most, most accomodating . . .

You must be famished . . . you've come ever such a long way . . . and I know it's not part of the deal . . . but I want to rustle you up a light repast, just to bridge the gap.

I hope you don't mind. It's never too much trouble, and only something simple . . .

Just some soup and a roll. I know you won't mind . . . at least I hope you won't mind. It's not too much trouble at all. I always make too much and am always happy to share . . .

And perhaps a light little dessert to finish . . . something simple, made with berries from our own garden and homemade meringues . . .

Then maybe you'd like to go for a walk through the village . . . and acquaint yourself with the area and it's beauty. Nod a hello here and there to the locals . . . see what's going on . . . and

I truly hope you don't mind, but . . . I've made you a bedtime snack . . .

It's just hot cocoa and some s'mores hand pies. Nothing spectacular mind . . . and nothing that would lay heavy on your tummy when you go to bed. Just a little bit of what you fancy . . . or not . . . as you wish, but I really hope that you do . . .

Source: via Romain on Pinterest

And in the morning when you are all rested . . . do come down. Hot mugs of tea and pots of coffee await you . . .

Crusty rolls and croissants, warm from the oven . . . pots of Italian Wild Lemon Marmalade, and Lavendar Honey . . . and sweet wild strawberry jam. Little nubbins of cold butter, little pale yellow flowers . . . to spread . . . with tiny silver butter knives . . .

Whilst you wait for the main repast . . . to break your fast . . . what will it be???

Baked eggs and soldiers??? Little scrummy pots of golden yolk . . . and bacon . . . and spinach, covered with cheese and cream . . . just waiting for you to dig your forks in.

Mayhap a hearty bowl of cereal . . . and fruit and . . . nuts . . .


We also make our own Granola . . . tasty and fresh. Beautiful served with pots of thick yoghurt or cream . . . or maybe you'd like to save some of that for a snack to take with you on whichever adventure you are about to take yourselves on today . . . that can easily be arranged you know.

A Dutch Baby Pancake??? Light and fluffy, with fresh fruit from our own bushes . . .

A warm slice of our freshly baked coffee cake???? Cut just for you, with a nice tall glass of ice cold orange juice, freshly squeezed of course!

Then again, you may like a tasty plate of Pain Perdue with Cheesecake and Blueberry Syrups and bacon and eggs . . .

Tis good, very good.

Or maybe you just have a hankering for a full English . . . simple and filling. Something hearty to begin your day on.

Whatever you choose, I promise you it will be good, and delicious . . . and something that will make you want to come back for more . . .

Tis true . . .

Whatever you choose, we hope you'll enjoy. That it will help you to begin your day in the sweetest and cosiest way . . .

That your stay with us will have been just the nicest stay ever. That you've felt cosy and loved and most welcome . . .

And that when you go along your way back home . . . (because all holidays end you know, that's what helps to make them so special and so enjoyable . . . and something to look forward to.)

You'll want to come back again . . .

Coz you know . . .

YOU'RE always welcome here . . .

Hope you enjoyed this little flight of fancy of mine here this morning. I had lots of fun thinking about it. Of course the reality would probably be quite different than the dream, but dreams are nice sometimes.

Hope is built on dreams you know.

Not much to report on the renovation work today. The tiling is all finished, except for the grouting, as is the base for the flooring. They were going to put the new toilet in yesterday, but alas the one that was delivered was damaged and had to go back, hopefully with a new delivery soon! I didn't bother taking a photo at the end of yesterday as it really wouldn't have looked much different than the day before!

I'm off to bake some cookies now. One of the missionaries has a birthday today and I want to make him a treat!

Happy Thursday everyone! Hope you have a fab day!


Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . a delicious Late Summer Gratin of Courgettes, Cheese & Onions.

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