
Monday 13 August 2012

Today . . .

Source: via Marie on Pinterest

I woke up this morning, having completely forgotten what day this actually is . . . until I came downstairs. Perched against the computer screen was a lovely card from my dear Todd and when I logged on my facebook was overloaded with more Happy Birthday Greetings. Oh what a sweet way to wake up, and the perfect beginning to my 57th Birthday!

What will I be doing today . . . well first off, I have some praying to do and so have you! The son in law of a dear friend of mine is in hospital having a brain aneurysm operated on. His first name is Mike, so please do keep him and Sheilagh and the family in your prayers. Also my good friend Tina's husband Tony was rushed to hospital yesterday after collapsing at home. They could use your prayers too. Tony just celebrated his 70th Birthday last week and we had a pot luck for him at the church at the weekend. I hope it wasn't all our cooking!! In any case, please keep Mike and Tony in your deepest prayers for the day. Thanks so much!

I think today I'll also do some crafting. I have fingers that are itching to get stuck into something . . . but what???

Maybe I'll make some cute needlebooks to use as gifts for my DIL's, Daughters and friends? These are quite cute I think and I certainly have lots of felt that needs using up . . . but then again . . .

These little sewing kits are absolutely darling! I have some egg cartons too. I wonder if they might not like something like this . . . so sweet I think . . . but . . . then again . . .

Source: via Marie on Pinterest

This little sewing kit is awfully sweet as well, and I DO happen to have a few little mint tins that I have been saving from some strong mints that I got at M&S a while back . . .

Maybe today will be the day that I get started on one of the candle mats that I have patterns for. I must have about 10 different patterns and 6 drawers of wool felt. It might be about time I actually did something with it all . . . and I do so love a pretty candle mat. I like looking at them at any rate . . . and I would love to have one. Will today be the day I get started on this???

This pattern too has been calling my name . . . I do so love little birds and I am betting I am not the only one. A row of these would be very sweet sitting in anyone's home . . . and I am rather thinking of turning our bedroom into a birdhouse room of sorts . . . I know it sounds rather strange. I have a special thing about birdhouses. On Saturday, the day I got stung by the wasp, we were buying a new set of twin beds for our bedroom. (Apparently I twitch all night in my sleep and Todd is a cover hog.) They have White Fence Post headboards and so I thought it would be rather nice to hang a lovely (new of course) large white birdhouse over our bed as a decoration on the wall . . . and a few of these birds would go down a real treat I think . . . hmmm . . .

This, too is rather nice . . . perhaps a string of these would be lovely. I do have rather a lot of buttons collected . . . but not all the same colour like that , so maybe not . . .

I would rather like to play with these a little bit. A day without playing with my paint brushes is a day when something rather special is missing I think . . . and I do have rather a lot of little characters running about in my head, just itching to get out . . .

I'd also love to do a bit of this!! I have some new cookie cutters that I am wanting to use . . . what to do . . . what to do . . .

There just aren't enough hours in the day I don't think!

Source: via Marie on Pinterest

I want to find a swing and let this 57 year old heart feel like it's only 8 or 9 for a few moments . . . that sounds like a good idea . . .

So does spending a few minutes barefoot in the grass . . . just a few . . . coz I have ever so much more to do . . .

I do think some chocolate will be involved . . . just a teensie weensie bit . . .
If I am being honest . . . I have already indulged today . . . twice.

It is my Birthday after all . . . and a little indulgence is expected.

Source: via Marie on Pinterest

And I'm most definitely up for some cake I think. This one looks rather rather good. I do love strawberries and honey . . . and pistachios . . . and that cream is calling my name like a siren of the sea . . .

One thing for sure . . . no matter what this day holds, its going to be filled with lots of . . .

Love . . . and that's the best indulgence and GIFT of all.

And now a gift for you . . .

"Thank you for your friendship.
It has meant to much to me.
Thank you for your understanding,
love . . . and sympathy.
You have helped and guided me
through many an anxious day.
How very different my life would be . . .
if you had never come my way."

Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . several different ways to use a delicious cooked beef mince recipe!

It's very scrummy yummy!

Happy Day dear friends!

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