
Wednesday 18 July 2012

The Wedding

Source: via Marie on Pinterest

It's dry out there today, but the wind is blowing a gale, so am thinking it won't be dry for long. The sun is shining at the moment, but dark clouds are gathering . . . this is becoming the summer that never arrived!

We had two glorious weeks of sunshine in Canada though, so mustn't complain! I left off with the Rehearsal Barbeque the other day. This was Todd's first time experiencing something like that on so grand a scale. He was very impressed to say the least! I was too. It was becoming very clear to me that Eileen and Timmy are both very much loved and revered in their community and church.

That night after the barbeque I stayed the night with Eileen at her apartment. I had been really looking forward to it . . . a last little bit of mother/daughter fun before she became an old married woman! She had big plans for us!

First we made a special breakfast for us to share the next morning, from the pages of my Big Blue Binder (which I had gifted her with at the shower). She really wanted to do a recipe from my cookbook and so we did the Croissant Breakfast Casserole. We did it into two lots . . . a smaller one for just us and a larger portion for her and Timmy to share on their first morning as a wedded couple.

Eileen has always liked me pretending to be Julia Child when we are cooking and so . . . I did. Oh we did have some good laughs! She thinks I am quite, quite funny. I'm not really . . . but I'm glad that she thinks so, and that I made her smile.

*Croissant Breakfast Casserole*
Serves 4
Printable Recipe

This is a recipe that I discovered in a newspaper when I was a young bride living out in Calgary, Alberta back in the 1970's. Over the years I have changed and adapted it so much that it is no longer anything like the original recipe, but truly my own. It is a NO FAIL recipe! Effortless enough for the beginner cook to easily master, and elegant enough to serve to special guests and on special occasions. This can be doubled or tripled, no problem. Just throw it together the night before, pop it into your fridge, and then bake in the morning when you get up, for a delicious breakfast treat that will have your guests clamouring for the recipe!

4 plain butter croissants
1 TBS butter
2 cups fresh sliced mushrooms
1/4 cup sliced green onions
4 large eggs
1 cup milk
1 cup shredded Swiss cheese (emmenthaler)
1 cup shredded Mozarella cheese
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 cup Mexican blend grated cheese

Butter a rectangular casserole large enough to hold the croissants side by side. Split the croissants in half and place the bottom halves, cut side up, in one layer in the casserole dish. Melt the butter in a skillet and saute the mushrooms and green onions in it until they are tender and any liquid had disappeared. Remove from the ehat and set aside to cool.

Beat together the eggs and milk. Pour half of it over the croissant bottoms in the dish. Divide the mushroom mixture between each croissant. Layer on the different cheeses, and then pour the remaining half of the egg mixture over all. Position the croissant tops over the bottoms, cut side down.

Cover and place in the refrigerator overnight. The next morning take it out of the fridge and allow to stand at room temperature for about half an hour before baking. When ready to bake, preheat the oven to 180*C/350*F. Place the casserole into the heated oven and bake for 25 to 30 minutes, until it is set and lightly browned. If you find it is browning too quickly you can cover it with foil. Remove from the oven and serve.


After we had done the cooking and everything was sorted and in the refrigerator, we settled into getting ready for the night ahead. We both got our jimjams on and settled down in front of the telly to watch a special movie which she had picked for us to watch called Amish Grace.

Amish Grace [DVD] [2010] [Region 1] [US Import] [<span class=

She is her mother's daughter . . . we both love films about the Amish. This one was based on a true story. I'm sure you all remember the episode a few years back where a man went into an Amish School and shot four girls. As tragic as this event was, these Amish people managed to be able to forgive the gunman. It was a really good film and we both enjoyed . . . we ate snacks (bits and bites and revels!) We laughed. We giggled and we talked. It was a pretty special evening and I was so grateful to have been given it.

Next morning we both had showers and we cooked our breakfast casserole and then we enjoyed a few hours just talking and sharing our feelings. Her dad dropped off our flowers as well that morning. Her bouquet was just gorgeous . . . with different shades of pink and white carnations and little jewels. At noon Todd came and picked us up and we dropped Eileen off at the hair dressers. I went home after that and prepared to get ready myself. I was going back to her apartment at 2:00 to help her get dressed. Our Amanda and her step sister, Krysta, would be there as well.

When I returned the apartment Krysta was well involved with getting Eileen's face made up. Her hair looked just beautiful . . . all coiffed and curled . . . with a jeweled tiara . . . she looked just radiantly gorgeous! (And we didn't even have her dress on yet!) Happiness just glowed from every pore! The girls looked really pretty too. I helped Eileen with her dress. It was simple, yet beautiful . . . with a lovely bejeweled adornment at the waist. It suited her perfectly . . . and I gave her a special gift which I had brought over to her . . . a lucky six-pence for her shoe . . .

She said she didn't believe in luck . . . but I thought it a lovely tradition and so we placed it into her pretty pink princess slippers . . . also bejeweled to match her dress, tiara and jewelry.

When we were done I could scarce catch my breath . . . she was so beautiful! It was such a tender moment. This beautiful baby girl of mine . . . getting married at last.

My mind went back to when she had first been diagnosed with her disability . . . and the fears I had had at the time . . . that sense of not knowing what would be . . . the sadness at what might never happen, things she might never be able to experience . . . and I praised and thanked God for all that He had given us, and for the blessing this very special young woman was in the lives of everyone who knows her . . .

I was quite overcome with joy and thanksgiving.

It was fun watching the other two girls get ready as well. They had these really special dresses . . . all in jersey, coloured black and the tops were these two long strips that they twisted and tied in just the right way, very unsual and most becoming. They both wore pink sparkley flip flops and their toe nails were also painted pink and decalled! I thought they were very sweet!

All too soon the photographer had arrived and it was time for photos! I don't think I've ever seen so many happy people in one place!

There was the ex and his wife . . . my mom, brother, his two girls and Todd . . . Amanda's husband Tom and of course little Maryn who was just the cutest flower girl ever!

It was so nice to see everyone getting along and so very happy.

Then at the church I got to see all my boys and daughter's in law, lots of old friends, inlaws, etc. That church was packed to the rafters! It seemed the whole town had turned out to watch this fabulously wonderful event!

It was truly a beautiful wedding . . . I shed a few tears of joy off and on throughout this wonderful event. I think everyone's heart was touched in a special way . . .

Too soon it was over and we were enjoying a lovely reception in the hall attached to the church, where we were served a delicious turkey dinner.

There were lots of speeches and lots of glass clinking . . . the hall was filled with joy and love for these two very special young people.

Altogether it was a beautiful, beautiful day, and I am so very happy that I changed my mind and went. I am so very happy that bridges were built and that it was a time of great healing in our family and of growth.

I was ever so grateful to my ex's wife, Karen . . . for all that she did in putting this altogether. She did a truly lovely job. I know it was a lot of work, and that because I live so far away, the bulk of it fell on her shoulders. I truly appreciate all of the time and effort she put into this wonderful day.

We may not always see eye to eye . . . and we may never see eye to eye on a lot of things . . . but we both have a great love for these wonderful children that we share together. No, it is not ideal . . . families should never have to experience divorce and hurt . . . but it happens, and we need to make the best of what is left and embrace the good that we know is in each of us. I am truly grateful for the power and grace of forgiveness, and the extra blessings that it can bring to each of our lives.

Next time I will share about my mom's 80th Birthday Celebration! That was another special party for sure!

Note: I had a really hard time getting my photos on here today. Photobucket has been shut down for maintenance, and I could not access my photos. I had to upload them all over again onto Facebook and copy and paste from there. There are a lot that I haven't been able to show you because I couldn't get them into a slide show format. That will have to wait for another day! Sorry this post is so late in the day, but I was waiting for Photobucket to start working again! Clearly it hasn't! Oh Well!! Such is life!

"Praise the Lord! O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!
~Psalm 106:1

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