
Saturday 14 July 2012

Back on Terra Firma . . .

Hello everyone! Here I am back, safe and sound, in Blighty! What a long trip home we had. We were up for 35 hours straight. I went right to bed within minutes of arriving here at the house. I was just exhausted! I did wake up several times during the night, but think I am up for good now!

We had a truly amazing two weeks! The wedding was just beautiful and our Eileen, quite simply gorgeous. You have never seen two happier people in your life than she and our Timmy! As soon as I can download all the photos and edit them, I'll be giving you more details in full of course! It was so nice to see the family again and to get to spend quality time with most of them.

My cousin Geralyn and her husband Dave were ever so kind to us and we had several nice days with them. They picked us up at the airport and then Dave kindly took us out a couple of times. My ex was also very generous and loaned us the use of his little Volks Beatle while we were there, which was very kind. Yes people . . . after all these years, Todd finally got to see what it was like to drive on the "Right" side of the road and I have to say he did really well with it! I was most impressed, and I never once had to tell him he was on the wrong side of the road.

We will be picking up our Mitzie sometime this morning and I can't wait. I missed her ever so much! I hope she is happy to see us. I think the most difficult part was being away from her. We've never really left her for more than a few hours.

So, just a quick hello this morning. I still have to unpack and then go pick up some groceries etc. I'll be back with another informative post as soon as I have myself sorted away. I missed you all and hope all was well in my absence!
See you soon, but til then . . .

When someone does a kindness,
It always seems to me
That's the way God up in heaven
Would like us all to be.
~Helen Steiner Rice

"Teach me thy way, O Lord, that I may walk in thy truth; unite my heart to fear thy name."
~Psalm 86:11

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