
Wednesday 25 July 2012

As I prattle on and on . . . a day in my life

Well, it's not quite as sunny out there this morning as it was yesterday, but at least it is dry . . . so far at any rate! One can but hope that it stays dry . . .

We took Mitzie yesterday morning for her grooming and she is looking all normal again. She was really looking quite shaggy. I'm not sure if she really likes these grooming sessions actually . . . I think she does in some ways . . . but not in others. She hates being brushed. I try to brush her every day, but she rarely sits still long enough for me to get much done. I start with her ears, so at least they always get done . . . the rest is hit and miss! I love it just after she's been truly groomed . . . she smells nice and her coat is so shiny . . . she looks like a completely different dog!

We always take ourselves off to the Gordale Nurseries, whilst we are waiting for Mitzie to be done. It's much to far to come all the way back home again, and a colossal waste of petrol . . . and so we while away a few hours at the nursery. Todd usually brings a good book with him and sits in the cafe with a drink, while I have a good boo around the shop. There are always lots of interesting, new and pretty things to look at! Gift items galore . . . china and all sorts. Books, cards . . . teddy bears and toys. Scrummy baking bits and kitchen ware . . . and of course plants and seeds, and anything anyone could ever want to enjoy their garden, explore their green thumbs . . . and just enjoy being outside!

I always have a good old boo through the book section and never walk away without at least one. They are always very reasonably priced and I just cannot resist a good bargain "book-wise," especially when there are cookbooks involved!

I know . . . I'm completely incorrigible. Yesterday I got a rather tasty looking one, entitled Grandma's Best Recipes . . .

I took it to bed with me last night . . . and it promises to be quite, quite good! I've earmarked a few delectable delights that I hope to soon get stuck in to!

We always enjoy a sandwich together in their cafe while we are waiting as well. They're always quite tasty and not all that expensive. We usually just share one between us and have a drink. Yesterday I splurged and got us a piece of Carrot Cake to share as well . . . not quite as good as mine, but any port in a storm and all that! We enjoyed just being together and sharing. There was a peacock just outside the window we were sitting next too as well, which was quite entertaining to watch as he pruned himself.

We also picked up a few herbs to replace the ones in my herb garden that have been totally decimated by the slugs . . . Lemon Verbena, Flat Leaf parsley and Tarragon. Here's hoping that they pick back up again . . .

We've been putting out the bowls with beer in them each night and each morning we have quite a few slugs that have been caught! Result!!

After Mitzie was done, we popped back into the car with her and took a drive up the Wirrel to West Kirby to have a walk along the beach front there. It was really busy yesterday, lots of holiday-ers out enjoying some sun and sand. Lots of sail boats in the marina too . . . and lots of people sitting on the benches enjoying ice creams and sandwiches. Mitzie quite enjoyed her walk and so did we.

We returned home after that so we could enjoy some of the day in our garden before the sun was gone. We planted the herbs and Todd worked on the pond some. We decided to take down the netting around it now as Mitzie is older and we don't have to worry about her drowning in it. She's never been all that interested in going into it, so that isn't a concern anymore either. We cut down and trimmed all the grass next to it and removed a few lily pads. It's looking quite spiffy now! We were ever so pleased to see that we have at least six frogs in it this year, from very, very tiny ones on up to very large ones. In fact a tiny one sat on a lily pad watching Todd as he trimmed the grass, not afraid of him in the least.

Even baby frogs are cute, don't you think?

I am really enjoying the garden right now. It's at it's very best with the roses blooming and the lavendar and hydrangea . . .

They all put on a spectacular show this time of year . . .

"Each time you look up in the sky
Or watch the fluffy clouds drift by
Or touch a leaf or see a tree,
It's all God whispering, "This is Me.'"
~Helen Steiner Rice

"The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims His handiwork." ~Psalm 19:1

This is another variety of hydrangea we have, which I find particularly beautiful. I should pick some an bring them into the house . . . but they do look so very lovely outdoors, so I leave them be . . .

Our sweet peas are looking particularly lovely at the moment as well . . . I do so love sweet peas and we have some really beautiful ones . . . I will have to take some more pictures to show you some more of the garden if the sun shines today . . . it's really looking quite beautiful!

I particularly love the lavendar . . . not only does it look wonderful, but it smells spectacular as well . . .

some roses for you to enjoy . . .

I'm not sure what these ones are . . . they are kind of blush coloured and very pretty . . .

We have roses in quite a few colours . . . blush, yellow, pink, red . . .

"Like roses in a garden,
Kindness fills the air
With a certain bit of sweetness
As it touches everywhere."
~Helen Steiner Rice

"A gentle tongue is a tree of life, but perverseness in it breaks the spirit." ~Proverbs 15:4

Not quite as elegant as the rose arbour from the Manor where I worked down south . . . but sometimes simplicity can be even more beautiful . . .

And then of course . . . there are the Hollyhocks, looking particularly beautiful as well . . . the dahlias are not blooming yet, but are looking very promising indeed!

My invite to the British Turkey Awards arrived in the post yesterday. I am really quite excited about it!!!! Can you tell???

There will be a champagne reception, a dinner and a ball . . . all Black Tie, of course . . . and entertainment as well as the awards ceremony! Todd does have a tux that he can wear . . . but I will have to get something to wear as well . . . I don't know where to begin. Perhaps I will find something that I can shorten afterwards and use to wear to church. I'll have to start looking now. We were planning on going to London in September anyways to visit Todd's brother, so it fits in perfectly with our plans!

This is the recipe that has been shortlisted for the award . . . Parmesan Crusted Turkey Steaks with a Tomato and Peppadew Relish.

I know . . . life is surely amazing isn't it?

"With nothing but sameness
how dull life would be,
For only life's challenge
can set the soul free,
And it takes a mix of
both bitter and sweet
To season our lives and
make them complete."
~Helen Steiner Rice

"Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever, to whom belong wisdom and might. He changes times and seasons." ~Daniel 2:20-21

And that's all for today . . . I do go on don't I? But you love me anyways . . . just as I do you.

Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . Fiery Chicken Tenders with a Blue Cheese Dip!

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