
Thursday 7 June 2012

Thursday thoughts . . .

I am off to the Temple today to spend some sacred time with the other members of my Relief Society Presidency. This is something we have had planned for a few months now.  We wanted to be able to uphold our sisters in prayer and reverence together in this very special way.  It's taken us a while to get our schedules sorted so that we all have free time at the same time.  Not me really . . . as I don't have anything to do that is really pressing on most days, but the other two ladies work full time, so they had some jiggling to do.  Anyways, happy to say, we're going today and leaving here at 8 am, so an early start!


Mitzie thanks you all for your Happy Birthday wishes!  She had a lovely day yesterday, truly.  A bit of play, a lot of loving, and lots of relaxation.  This first picture is a photo that I took of her early inthe afternoon as she was relaxing on the sofa with total abandoment!

This is a picture I took of her exactly two hours later!  One would think that she hadn't moved . . . but no . . . she's been walked, eaten her Birthday Dinner, played with an empty milk bottle for a time, chased two cats out of the garden and had more than a few cuddles since that first photo!!  Clearly this is her favourite position and spot to lay in.  We were warned early on that she would take over the sofa . . . and guess what?  haha  Thankfully she is more than willing to share it with us and in reality she loves nothing more than for the three of us to be on there together, with her sandwiched in the middle of Todd and myself.  That is her favourite spot to be!

I have to show you this package that I received in the post yesterday.  It was from a lovely lady named Judy who lives in America.  Inside it was this lovely shopping bag with a beautiful bee print on it, a fab looking recipe for some rose topped cupcakes, plus a decorator tip to do the petals, a beautifully wrapped package and a sweet note.Isn't that package wrapped beautifully, with a sweet note card . . . beautifully hand made and adorned with a sweet little bee charm, and some lovely pink ribbon and homemade feather . . . how did she know I love craft paper???

Inside was this lovely magazine!!   I have never seen such a magazine as this before. It's just my style!  I can't wait to devour it from front to back cover!  Inside . . . a very special article, photographed by a mutual friend, bookmarked for me by Judy . . . with a  sprig of . . . lavendar . . .

This is an article in the magazine photographed by our friend "M" who has the blog (we both love) La Table de Nana.  I think it is "M" that I have to thank for bringing me and Judy together.  I just love this blogging world . . . oh sure, there are a few nuts about, but by far and large this community is filled with the sweetest most talented people on earth, and I think my readers are the sweetest ones of all.  Many thanks to Judy for her generosity and kindness . . . that she would choose to gift me in just such a special way has touched my heart unimaginably . . . a truly precious gift, wrapped in friendship, the best gift of all!!

I probably will not be able to get around to blog hopping today, at least not until tonight, so don't worry if you don't hear from me.  Just know that I am in a special sacred place communing with the Lord.  I'll be thinking of each of you and sending up special prayers for you all.  I do love you so, my dear sweet friends . . . as a whole, and as the beautiful unique and special individuals that you are, each one of you . . . I wish for you, a special day, filled with hope and love and joy all the day through.

It must be a dog thing . . . I wonder if I could do that, do you think???  It looks quite, quite relaxing!  At the very least it looks like an amazing way to relax!  It almost looks like he's praying!

“Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind. "Pooh?" he whispered.
"Yes, Piglet?"
"Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's hand. "I just wanted to be sure of you.” 

~a.a Milne, Winnie the Pooh 


Cooking in The English Kitchen today, an amazing Beeetroot, Feta, Almond and Couscous Salad!

 Happy Day!!


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