
Saturday 2 June 2012

Poetry Saturday . . . The Soul of Man

Every man has a deep heart need
That cannot be filled with doctrine or creed,
For the soul of man knows nothing more
Than just what he is longing for
A haven that is safe and sure,
A fortress where he feels secure,
An island in this sea of strife,
Away from all the storms of life.

Oh, God of love, who sees us all,
You are so great . . . we are so small.
Hear man's universal prayer
Crying to you in despair . . .
"Save my soul and grant me peace,
Let my restless murmurings cease.
God of love, forgive . . . forgive.
 Teach me how to truly live,
Ask me not my race or creed,
Just take me in my hour of need
And let me know You love me, too,
Ant that I am a part of you."

And someday may man realize
That all the earth, the seas, and skies
Belong to God, who made us all . . .
The rich, the poor, the great, the small . . .
And in the Father's holy sight
No man is yellow, black, or white . . .
And peace on earth cannot be found
Until we meet on common ground
And every man becomes a brother
Who worships God and loves each other.
~Helen Steiner Rice

Oh, I do so love the poetry of Helen Steiner Rice.  From the 1920's and far beyond her death in 1981, Helen Steiner Rice has been an unofficial poet laureate of hope and optimism.  Having risen beyond tragedy and disappointment, she inspired and still inspires millions.  Over eight decades she penned thousands of poems and prayers to give comfort and hope through some of history's darkest moments.  In the process, she became one of the first American women to introduce faith into the workplace and popular culture.

It's looking very gloomy out there this morning.  I do hope that the skies will clear and that we'll have some nice weather for this special holiday weekend.  It would be nice with all the street parties and celebrations that have been planned.  I had been going to do something special, but now I have a head cold . . . working it's way down to my chest, I don't think we'll be doing very much at all!

I have my picnic cookbooklet almost finished now.  It promises to be as delightful a mix as the Tea Party one.  I do enjoy putting these lovely little things together so very much!  It's a lot, Lot, LOT of fun for me!
 Today I have to finish getting things ready for my display in the RS room in church tomorrow.  I have done a little floral arrangement of forget-me nots, and a few frames with things pertaining to the RS in them.  I hope it will be ok.

I did manage to get around to a few pages yesterday, but with my cold, I haven't been spending too much time on here so if I haven't gotten around to your page do forgive me . . .  I will make it sooner or later!

A thought to make you think for Saturday:

"It is better to be a young June Bride, than an old Bird of Paradise!"
~Mark Twain

Cheeky chap!!


Over in The English Kitchen today, a delicious Lemon and Pistachio Cake.


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