
Saturday 16 June 2012

Poetry Saturday . . . Father in the Garden

Source: via Marie on Pinterest

Misanthropes and malcontents,
Misogynists and others,
Who, separately and in the mass
Dislike your friends and brothers,
I do defy you one and all
Your stony hearts to harden
Against the sight so calm and bright
Of Father in the garden.

Source: via Marie on Pinterest

With tender trowelling he sets
His plantlets in the ground,
And hangs above his borders to
A gentle crooning sound.
See how he fights (his spectacles
Bedimmed with strong exertions)
With aching back and knees that crack
Convolvuline incursions.

Ah! Wo betide phlegmatic slugs
Should they by chance be seen
Emerging with distended sides
From meals of tender green!
The brisk and shining earwig flees,
The wood-louse rolls up tight,
The plaintive wail of many a snail
Bemoans it's orphan plight.

Source: via Marie on Pinterest

O brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts,
O wives and daughters wise,
That horticulture and the home
Would seek to harmonize,
This is the one unwritten law
Since gardens first begun,
Don't try to do, but see that you
Admire when it is done.
~Molly Capes

this is a poem I have in a little book of poems, The Fireside Book of David Hope, 1977. It's a little anthology of poems and as you can tell . . . I have had it for a very long time! Tis not hard to see that my love of poetry goes back very deep into my roots!

I tried to find out something about the poet . . . but alas, I could not! The poem gave me a bit of a chuckle though . . . I can well imagine a grumpy old man, huffing and puffing his way through the gardening chores. One scarce would want to go within the grasp of his curt tongue and grumbling ways . . . but when all is done, quite happy to take a compliment and pat on the back at a job well done!

Rain again today . . . and it is very cold. Where is summer??? Not here, that's for sure! We seem to be in the grips of a cold and wet spell . . . with more to come they say and quite a storm in the offing if all the warnings come to fruition! We had best batten down the hatches!

One of my newest offerings that I have been painting, in preparation for the Christmas Booklet I am working on. This one is hanging baubles . . .

and then a candle in a jar . . . such an easy idea to incorporate into your Christmas decor I think . . .

and finally . . . a cheerful Christmas Kitchen scene! I know if may be difficult for some people to think of Christmas things in June . . . but it behooves the artist to be well prepared ahead of time! I am a Christmas nut anyways . . . and could easily think and dwell upon it 365 days of the year!

I was down another 2 kilo's yesterday at my weigh for the Step Program. That makes a bit more than 5 kilos now, which is good. It's 5 kilos less than it was when I started! That's a good thing for sure!

I really haven't much else to say today . . . so I'll just leave you with a cheering and inspiring thought . . .

“There is not a single loophole or curveball or open trench to fall into for the man or woman who walks the path that Christ walks. When He says, "Come, Follow Me" (Luke 18:22), He means that He knows where the quicksand is and where the thorns are and the best way to handle the slippery slope near the summit of our personal mountains. He knows it all, and He knows the way. He is the way.” ~Jeffrey R Holland, Created for Greater Things

Baking in The English Kitchen today . . . a delicious Eton Mess Cake! Total scrum!!

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