
Thursday 14 June 2012

A bit of this and a bit of that . . .

Source: via Cheryl on Pinterest

I am almost afraid to mention it . . . but . . . there's a huge glowing orb in the sky that is just pouring through my front window! Yes . . . the sun is shining gloriously! It's a sunny day! I am not sure how long it will stay that way but I have everything crossed that it will stay long enough for us to get out and about a bit today!

Yesterday was just horrible weatherwise. We didn't do much outside of the house really . . . we took ourselves off to Gordale Nursery in the morning to look at some herbs. I had tried planting some of the ones you can buy in tubs from the grocery shops . . . but I don't think they are really meant to be a long term thing . . . so yesterday we picked up some "real" herb plants to plant out . . . I do so love herbs . . . tarragon, marjoram, oregano, thyme, sage, basil . . . mint, spearmint, Italian parsley and curly parsley . . . and then some edible flowers like nasturciums, violas . . . I do already have chives, sage and thyme . . . but it never hurts to have more. Oh . . . and I got a bay laurel, just a tiny one but it will grow. I got some myrtle as well . . . a lovely blush colour and a pale mauve. A bit of colour here and there amongst the green . . . I think it shall be just splendid!!

Source: via Crissy on Pinterest

There are so very many inventive ways to plant them out . . . but we will just be putting them into deep troughs for now . . . and setting them close to the kitchen door, for ease of use, of course!

I love to walk through the Gordale Nursery store . . . it's a virtual extravaganza of cuteness and decorating desire . . . there is everything you can imagine there.  Todd always takes himself off to the coffee shop with a book, whilst I browse.  And . . . in truth . . . that's the way I prefer it!  Who want's a man around poo pooing everything, or fretting about money.  Men just don't understand the concept of "Window Shopping" , do they???  They think that if you like something that automatically means you want to buy it.  One can admire without purchase . . .  it seems an alien concept to them . . . I think men really and truly are from Mars . . .

I did pick up a few little cookbooks  (Not these!) .  They always have a few on display . . . and at very good prices.    Almost impossible for me to resist, but I do try hard.  I also picked up a few things to use for prizes at the wedding shower I am going to have for my girl . . . a few different things that the girls might not be able to find in Canada, different and not too expensive.  One should feel as if they have won something really special don't you think???  I got some lovely rose scented drawer liners . . . with fairies on them, very light and easy to carry in our luggage . . . some beautiful paper napkins . . . a lovely melamine tray with the sweetest country print on it . . . a pretty tube of hand cream.  Small and simple things that will hopefully bring forth squeals of delight!  I know I would like to win them at any rate!

I was recently gifted with a beautiful magazine that I have fallen in love with . . .

Could this be as addictive as the old Victoria magazine was???  I think so!!  It is just filled with charm and beauty . . . and wonderful ingenuity . . . the craft of making old things seem new again . . . filled with the spirit of resourcefulness . . .  I just love it.  I wonder will it ever become available over here . . . one can but dream . . .

Now this is my kind of style . . . I love the idea of making the old new again . . . of taking the things we have and revamping them.  Simplistic styling . . . without a lot of frou frou . . . but then again . . . there is nothing wrong with a little bit of frou frou just here and there . . .

It's in the tiny touches that make a house a home . . . a few flowers well placed . . . a cushion here . . . a cushion there . . . this shall be my new dream . . . I can't wait to help it to unfold . . .

and then, once again, yesterday I took some time in my craft room to paint a bit . . . nothing to show you just yet, but soon . . . I am in Christmas mode . . . definitely in Christmas mode!

Then last night we had a Service Night at the chapel for the sisters in our Ward Relief Society.  We all got together and cleaned the kitchen from top to bottom, washing and drying all of the dishes . . . cleaning out the cupboards, getting rid of all the tat and organizing everything in a better way . . . cleaning out the cupboard in our Relief Society room and organizing that too . . . it was a wonderful couple of hours spent in the company of some beautiful spirits, filled with work and laughter and wonderful companionship.  And we got the job done.  Many hands make light work . . . and a job that might have seem insurmountable to only one or two . . . became a breeze and almost fun to do!  Plus someone brought cake!  You can't lose if there is a bit of cake around!  ☺

I think I will let you get back to your day now . . . but not without leaving you with a beautiful little poem that is inscribed amongst the first few pages of  the Romantic Prairie Style magazine . . . one can but dream . . .

This is the place that I love the best,
A little brown house, like a ground-bird's nest,
Hid among grasses, and vines, and trees,
Summer retreat of the birds and bees.
Far from the city's dust and heat,
I get but sounds and odors sweet.
Who can wonder I love to stay,
Week after week, here hidden away,
In this sly nook that I love the best . . . 
This little brown house like a ground-bird's nest?
~Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Happy day one and all . . . 

Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . a delicious Pork and Apple Bake with Crispy Topping!


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