
Tuesday 29 May 2012

The Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY, May 29th, 2012...

Outside My Window...

It is overcast and a bit cooler.  It's early yet and could go any way . . . we sure have had a few lovely days over this past week.  It's due to change soon though.

I am thinking...
Today my eldest son turns 37 . . . I was sitting here last evening and I said to Todd, "Anthony turns 37 tomorrow . . . How did that happen?"

It seems like just yesterday he was my baby boy, and now here he is 37 years old, the father of two children himself, husband . . . provider for his own family.  He owns a house.  He works at a prestigious University, servicing their computers, and is finishing his own degree part time.  He is good people.  That's all I ever wanted really . . . was for my children to be good people, happy and for them to love the Lord. Job done . . . 
I'd still like to know, however . . . how on earth did I get old enough to have a 37 year old son???

I am thankful for...

 I am thankful that I am 56 years old and still around.  I hope that I will be around for a good while longer!

From the kitchen...
I've been a very good girl lately.  I am not indulging myself so much these days.  I am also thankful for that!

I am wearing... 

Pink M&S nightie and I'm in my bare feet! Sweet!

I am creating...

 I have a few irons in the fire.  

Still working at crocheting this afghan.  It's coming along very nicely. My colours are sllightly different than this.  I couldn't get the yellow yarn . . . so instead of yellow I have a light orange.

I need to clear some space around my sewing machine up in the craft room.  I couldn't sew in there right now if my life depended on it!

Of course, I also have a few little drawings running around in my head as well.  They're just waiting to pop out and I hope to get at least one done later today.  Oh . . . and I'm working on illustrations for my next cookbooklet, "The Great British Picnic."  In the meantime, the Tea Party one is still available.  You can access it in the kitchen!  It's in the upper right hand column.  It won't be on offer for much longer.  I'll soon be taking it down, so if you wanted one and haven't gotten around to it yet, you'll have to act fast as before you know it . . . it will be gone!

Oh, and I've been also asked to do a display for in our Relief Society Room for the month of June!

I am going...
I have the daily reading lessons of course and thenThursday evening is our Relief Society Additonal Meeting.  It's a Dr Seuss Night.  We're doing a few activities based on some lines from his books.  It should be fun.  Then of course this is the Jubilee weekend, so there will be lots going on with that and today the Olympic Torch is coming through Chester, so that's pretty exciting as well!!
I am reading...

Catching  Fire, by Suzanne Collins
This is the second novel in the Hunger Games Trilogy and I am quite enjoying it.  Katniss and Peeta are going back into the arena for a second time to play the Hunger Games, only this time their competitors are not young people from the other areas such as themselves, but also winners of the Hunger Games through the years . . . so each is a very well trained killer.  It's every bit as good as the first novel, and I am enjoying it very much!

 I am hoping...
I am hoping that this tickle in the back of my throat doesn't mean I am coming on with a cold. I hate spring colds . . . 

I am hearing...
Nothing new really. Mitzie is snoring away on the sofa. The keys are tapping. The birds are singing. The odd car drives by. The clock is ticking. I have a country music station playing on the radio on the computer . . . a typical early morning.

Around the house...

Put your hand up if you'd like to have your own chickens!!  I know!  I would too!  I think it's the country girl in me wanting them . . . but as Todd says, and quite rightly so . . .  it's hard enough to get someone to watch Mitzie when we go away . . . never mind a yard full of chickens!  So, as much as I would love to have them . . . it shall have to remain a dream.
One of my favourite things . . .
I love aprons, although I only ever very rarely wear one.

Source: via Marie on Pinterest

I have always loved aprons.  Not really flouncey ones, but good old fashioned ones. I think it's the June Cleaver in me wanting to come out!  Actually . . . if I had the figure for it, I'd dress like a 1950's housewife.  I love the style of that era.

Something new about me ...
I was once totally infatuated with a man I'd neven ever met, and he was yonks and yonks younger than myself.  I think though . . . in retrospect . . .  that I was actually more in love with the idea of being in love.  That is such a heady feeling, but it's not real is it.   

One of my guilty pleasures ...
I love bacon.  I know it's bad for you, but . . . I love it.  Back home . . . way back when . . . in the early 80's we used to be able to buy home smoked bacon from a butcher not far from where I was living.  It was the best!  I still think about it.

Source: via Kassey on Pinterest

As much as I love bacon however . . . I don't think I'd ever cotton to this . . .whatever will they come up with next???

Pet Peeves...
Young people that take the seats on the bus reserved for the elderly or the handicapped, and that then don't get up and give up their seats when someone who obviously needs it more comes onto the bus.  Oh, and I hate it when people without blue badges park in the handicapped parking spots so that people who really do have a blue badge have nowhere to park close to where they are going.

 Here is picture thought I am sharing...

Source: via Heidi on Pinterest

“Love is the very essence of life. It is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Yet it is not found only at the end of the rainbow. Love is at the beginning also, and from it springs the beauty that arched across the sky on a stormy day. Love is the security for which children weep, the yearning of youth, the adhesive that binds marriage, and the lubricant that prevents devastating friction in the home; it is the peace of old age, the sunlight of hope shining through death. How rich are those who enjoy it in their associations with family, friends, and neighbors! Love, like faith, is a gift of God. It is also the most enduring and most powerful virtue.” 
~Gordon B Hinckley, 10 neglected Virtues that will heal our hearts and homes.

It's the one thing we cannot live without.  Babies waste away without it . . . the human heart turns into a stone without it.  We all need love in our lives.  Love comes in many shapes, sizes and forms.  It is not infatuation, but a virtue which transcends race, age, gender, religion . . . to me there is nothing more beautiful than an elderly couple who still love with a love that has grown beyond the passions of youth . . . into something which is eternal and steadfast and true.

As a closing thought I would like to leave you with this:


“Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving , and tolerant with the weak and the wrong.  Sometime in life you will have been all of these."
~Lloyd Shearer

Tis that old judge not, lest ye yourself be judged thing.   We need to be move loving to each other . . . end of.

And there you have it . . . my day book for this week. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!


Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . a delicious Warm Potato Salad with a Spring Onion, Caper and Mint Vinaigrette!  Deeeeeeelicious!


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