
Saturday 19 May 2012

Poetry Saturday . . . Rectory Garden

The flowers have a festive air,
Like people going to a Fair,
They nod and wave and kisses blow,
Like Punch and Judy at a show,
Flirting quite shamelessly I fear,
With all the people passing near.

Source: via Rahna on Pinterest

A clump of crimson hollyhocks,
Made passes at the four-o'clocks,
While poppies shook their silken heads,
Above the quiet pansy beds,
As if to flaunt their richer hue,
Like human people often do.

Love-in-the-mist was very shy,
Far too demure to catch your eye,
While zinnias came out bold as bold,
To show their shining hearts of gold,
Michaelmas daisies gave an air,
To all the flowers growing there.

Tall spikes of lavender gave room
To a tall lily's stately bloom,
Delphiniums with bright pretense,
Stood guard along the garden fence,
While plain old-fashioned pinks just grew,
Among the rosemary and rue.

But once I heard them . . . plain as plain . . .
Thanking the Lord for sun and rain. 
~Edna Jacques

A lovely sweet poem this Saturday . . . for a rainy spring day.  Hoping that the flowers in my garden don't take offense at the onslaught . . . there's been a bit too much rain and cold temperatures this Spring.  I hope they have their 'brollies out!

We are off to the chapel this morning as there is a Baptism and as Ward Missionaries we really ought to be there.  It's at 10:00 am.  I always love going to Baptisms as they quite often remind me of my own and prick a tender place in my heart.

Then this afternoon some dear friends are coming and the Mrs and I will share a time of crafting while the Mr's talk and do whatever it is Mr's do when they're together . . . and then we'll share a delicious repast of either a late lunch or an early supper, whichever we want to call it.  The best part will be the time spent together!! 

This is one of my favourite scriptures.  Yesterday as I painted another little Amish Girl, it came to mind and so that is what I used for the words on it.  What do you think???   I love these little Amish Girls . . . but then, I've always been quite fond of Amish anything!

Must dash as I have a bazillion things to do before the Toddster wakes up, so I'll leave you with a thought shall I?   Why not!

"No man consciously chooses evil because it is evil; he only mistakes it for the happiness that he seeks."
~Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (1797-1851)

Now that's some food for thought . . . hmmm . . .

Baking in The English Kitchen today . . . Warm Blueberry and Almond Muffins!


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