
Monday 7 May 2012

Monday morning this and that . . .

Source: via Marie on Pinterest

Well, here we are on what looks to become a lovely Bank Holiday Monday.  (That phrase alone tells you how Briticized I am becoming, because 12 years ago I would have called it a long weekend!)  This is the May Day Bank Holiday, and traditionally this is the weekend a lot of people over here would be doing quite a bit of work in the gardens.  All the garden centres would have been ultra busy!

So would the motorways.  (Another Briticised expression!)  Today most of the motorways in the  country will be jam packed with holiday makers . . . those who have gone away for the weekend, on their ways home . . . and those who stayed home, on their ways out for the day!

Traditionally . . . Todd and I have stayed home.  We decided a long time ago that to go anywhere on a Bank Holiday weekend or Monday is just not worth all of the hassel.  The roads and shops are crowed, as are the National Trust places and you spend most of the day fighting your way through crowds and traffic!

This is a clip from a popular old sitcom over here, One Foot in the Grave, where Victor Meldrew and his wife are caught in a traffic jam on a Bank Holiday.  It is well worth the look, so shut down the music below, and have a listen and a laugh, keeping in mind that this is very close to the truth of the joys of bank holidays over here in the UK.  (My love of One Foot in the Grave is another sign of how Briticised I have become!  I totally "get" it!)

About halfway through this particular episode their friend Mrs. Forbuoys opens the back door of the car and gets in . . . she's been off to a rest stop picking up some refreshments, which shows you just how long they've been caught in that traffic jam!!  It's a classic and very, very funny!

So anyways, the long and the short of today . . . is that despite it being a nice day, Todd and I will be going nowhere!  Todd will probably do a bit of gardening and then have a nice snooze in his chair and I will probably cook a little and play a little.  Then tomorrow, if it's still nice, perhaps we'll go somewhere for a day out, traffic and crowd free.

My sister has done some more work on her blog this weekend, Flat Belly Files.  She added two more very imformative posts and some photos too.  Plus there's a tasty recipe for a really delicious salad, a Fruited Wheatberry Salad.  I can attest first hand how good it is!  Hop on over and take a gander.  You won't be sorry you did!  I know she would appreciate any encouragement you can  give her.

I spoke to my mother on the telephone yesterday.  She's quite excited about our coming home for the wedding.  I think she's a bit disappointed that we will only be there for two weeks, but with the dog and everything, we really can't afford to stay much longer than that.  Plus we are waiting for the council to put in our Wetroom/shower room.  It is a long process and I am really hoping that isn't the two weeks that they want to do it in!  Fingers crossed it isn't!


I did some more work yesterday on my illustrated cookbook.  Two more recipe pages.  I'm quite enjoying it really.  I don't know if I will get anywhere with it, but the fun comes in the creating so that's what counts!

One can but try I suppose!  In any case it will make a nice remembrance for my children, or at least I hope that it will!

Our friend Billy has been very kindly taking Mitzie on some long walks.  She just loves Billy.  He is the chappie who comes for a reading lesson on weekdays and so she is very familiar with him and he with her.  She gets the benefits of taking some extra exercise . . . and he has the benefit of having something to do.  I have become most surprised in these last months about just what a lack there is of programs and things to do for people with limited mental capacities.  Back home there are social groups that they can belong to, with the Special Olympics, bowling, etc. etc.  Here there appears to be nothing really, unless you are severely impaired and in a group home or such.  Someone who is like Billy really has not a lot of options and spends most of his time feeling like a square peg in a round hole.  It would be nice if there was some sort of social club he could go to so that he would have a peer group similar to himself that he could socialize with.  I know he is somewhat lonely and would like to have a girlfriend . . . someone he could spend time with that is on his own level.  Perhaps go to tea dances and such, but alas . . . there is nobody.

I suppose I have twaddled on long enough about nothing today and so I'll leave you with a bit of inspiration shall I??  I shall . . .

"Every tomorrow has two handles.  You can take hold of the handle of anxiety or the handle of enthusiasm.  Upon your choice, so will be your day."
~Author Unknown

I hope the beginning of your week will start by you holding onto the handle of enthusiasm!

Cooking in The English Kitchen today, a delicious Chopped Salad with a Tangy Lemon Vinaigrette!


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