
Thursday 3 May 2012

Infinite worth . . . the soul of a woman.

Source: via Marie on Pinterest

 Therefore treasure up these words in thy heart. Be faithful and diligent in keeping the commandments of God, and I will encircle thee in the arms of my love. ~D&C 6:20

Oh what a beautiful words those are, inspirational words from what I consider to be the Word of God, words filled with remarkable promise.  More and more . . .  with each day that passes, as I dip my wick into the sustaining nourishment which is called Scripture . . . I am uplifted and carried aloft in my Heavenly Father's arms.  I really don't know where I would be without them.

Yesterday, as I puttered through my day, and then on into the evening at my Relief Society Presidency meeting, I was mindful of the many woman who have shaped my life and whose "now" presence in my life enrich and inspire me.

Of course there was my grandmother and my mother during my early years.  A large part of who I am is down to these beautiful women . . . they taught me how to live and how to love, and indeed everything that I needed to know to move forward in my life with encouragment and with care.  My mother is still a huge part of my life today . . . although to be sure in these last years I feel like our roles are slowly reversing . . . and I am now becoming more like a mother to her.  I think that is a natural process in life . . . our parents age . . . and we find ourselves more and more in that position of the care giver.  It pains me to be so far away at this time in life.  I never planned on it being this way . . .

My sister has always been a huge influence and support in my life as well.  She was my first friend and my best friend.  She still is.  She and I share a special bond and history . . . one that we share with no other person here on earth.  We "GET" each other in a very special and unique way.  I don't have to impress her, nor does she have to impress me.  We just love each other, no matter how, no matter what, no matter why, no matter where or when.  I am so blessed to have this wonderful closeness with my sister.  She is funny.  She is kind.  She is intelligent and witty . . . and she is  mine!  Although I am not greedy.  I will share her with you too.  Just remember to give her back.  ☺  She started a new blog the other day, and it's early days yet.  It is called Flat Belly Files.  She is a wealth of information of healthy eating and lifestyle.  I told her she was too good not to share her knowledge and talents with the world, and so she finally caved in and now she is.   (Please pop on over and give her some encouragement!  I know she'd love to hear from you!)

My Aunt Freda was also a very special influence in my life.  She always felt more like an older sister to me.  She was one of those people whom you could tell anything to and you knew it was never going to go any further than her ears.  You knew that no matter what you had done or said . . . she would never judge you.  You knew that she would listen, and then give you the best advice you could ever need or want.  She was funny, and witty and had a heart of gold.  We were all devastated when she passed away about 5 years ago now.  It doesn't seem possible that she is gone . . . I still think of her daily and I carry her around in my heart.  I look forward to seeing her again one day, but in the meantime I am comforted by the warm memories I have of times we spent together, and the wonderful example she set for me in my life.

I have had many good friends through the years . . . women who have shaped, inspired, taught and encouraged me.  Remarkable souls . . . beautifully talented, compassionate women, who share with me that most precious and wonderful part of themselves . . . their hearts . . . and I am so grateful for that.

There is one friend though, whom has been much on my mind of late, and in my prayers daily.  Oh, but she is a wonderful lady. A very special daughter of our Heavenly Father, much treasured.  She has a HUGE heart, a giving heart, a loving heart.  From our first meeting I was struck by her compassion for others . . . and her sincere and honest presence.  To put it in simple terms.   SHE is good people.  I have sensed of late that she has been a bit discouraged and weary . . . perhaps even feeling inadequate, overwhelmed with life as it is.  I don't think she actually realizes what a precious daughter she is to our Heavenly Father.  I can see her light.  It radiates out from every pore and it is impossible not to be drawn to her.  She is such a beautiful soul.  Her laugh alone is a treasure to anyone within earshot of hearing it.  If she could bottle it up and sell it . . . she'd be a millionaire I am sure . . . it's just that precious and uplifting.  It's real and it's true and it's from the heart.

I would never want to minimize her feelings, or the ponderings of her heart in any way.  I know her trials are very real . . . that they are not insignificant . . . or un-important.  I just wish I could show her how very much her Heavenly Father loves HER.  I wish that I could open that small place in her heart that longs for His presence in her life . . . that I could trickle into it that special happiness that God has set apart for her alone, and show her how she can taste of it, despite the burdens that beset her.  I wish that I could show her the infinite worth and light of her soul . . .  how very precious she is in His eyes . . . that she is encircled in the arms of His love now, and ever will be.  Her heritage as His daughter is happiness and joy.  She is choice.  She is good.  She makes the world a better place with her presence, and if she is reading this today I want to say to her . . .

Chin up my friend.  Hold your head tall.  God loves and admires you . . . and so do I.

This is a little something which I got up to yesterday afternoon when I was playing in my craft room/spare room/ studio.  (Oh gosh doesn't that sound nice . . . studio. Perhaps one day!)  I think these two are sisters, don't you?

Cooking today in The English Kitchen, Soy and Ginger Glazed Pork Chops.  These made the Toddster a very happy man.

"Somebody like you taught somebody like me."
~Jeffrey R Holland


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