
Sunday 8 April 2012

Thoughts on an Easter morning . . .

"Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit. "

~Psalm 51:12

With the Spring has come the humble little bumble bee . . . bumbling along the few flowers that are blooming . . . you can rely on it to return each Springtime. Diligent and hardworking, it is our harbinger of Spring.

I have long admired bees. Each day of their lives they are faced with never-ending toil. They work tirelessly in the total darkness of their hive, tending to their young, building perfectly shaped hexagonal cells (build in the proper shape and at the proper angle so that the honey cannot escape), guarding their Queen, providing climate control in the only way it can by fanning it's wings to cool things down, or huddling with the other bees in a vibrating clump to keep themselves warm . . . outside the hive, they fly back and forth over long distances during the heat of the day . . . their constant burden, heavy loads of nectar and pollen, as they flit between blossom and hive.

Despite all this hard work, bees just seem to be filled with joy . . . their enthusiastic attitude fills my heart with joy as well. Just think of it . . . when they discover a new source of food, they hurriedly zip back to the hive, as if they can't wait to share the news, all atwitter. Then, buzzing with the excitement of it all, they do a special honeybee dance, which miraculously tells the other bees exactly where to find the banquet!

I suppose it's a bit like the Gospel in a way. Sometimes it can be hard work, but it fills your heart with joy, setting one all atwitter, just like the honeybee when it discovers a new source of sustenance. The joy of the Gospel cannot help but bubble up inside me, spilling out to all around me. I just cannot help sharing my love of it with those I meet, tell all around me where they, too, can feast upon this glorious banquet, and the nourishment of God's goodness and love.

"In every trembling bud and bloom
That cleaves the earth, a flowery sword,
I see Thee come from out the tomb,
Thou risen lord.

Thou are not dead! Thou art whole
Of life that quickens in the sod;
Green April is Thy very soul,
Thou great Lord God."
~Charles Hanson Towne, from an Easter Canticle

I wish each of you a very Blessed and Happy Easter. May God bless you, each and every one.

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