
Sunday 22 April 2012

Sunday thoughts . . .


My sister and I were talking on the computer yesterday. Oh, how very grateful I am for modern technology which allows me the luxury of being able to communicate with my family in this way.  You just can't beat instant gratification can you?


Anyways, we started talking about the age we are now and how quickly our lives seem to have passed thus far . . . old age has amazingly crept up on us without us even noticing, and here we are in our mid fifties.  Where have the years gone?  I still feel the same inside as I did 20, 30 or even 40 years ago.  It's that first glance in the mirror in the morning that is a shocker . . . when I see that old woman looking back at me!  Where did she come from???  Anyways, she is here now and I don't think she is going to be leaving.  LOL


I can understand now why they say "Youth is wasted on the young."  As a teenager, I had no thought for tomorrow.  The only thing that really mattered was today.  I thought 30 was an ancient age, and ever so far away and quite removed from who I was . . . way off in the distant future.

Then as a young mum, I was so busy with all those little hands to watch, and all that laundry to take care of, and that house to keep clean.  At one point, I actually had three children in diapers, and I could not afford to use disposables, so they were cloth diapers.  However did I manage???  I just did, but it boggles my mind now.  Then there was the time they all had chicken pox at the same time.  My youngest at that time was only about 9 months old, so that was a real treat.  NOT!


I had no time then to think of getting older . . . the years just passed and my children grew, became teens, and then adults and then out the door they went . . .  one at a time, and my nest was empty.  And here I am sitting on a cool Spring morning, wondering where the years have disappeared to.

I wish I had known enough to keep a journal when my children were small . . . although in truth,  I probably wouldn't have had enough time or quiet to write in it.  Our church admonishes us to all keep journals, and so I do now . . . but I wasn't a member way back then so I didn't.  I wish there had been such a thing as scrap-booking back then as well, making memory books.  These young mums today have a wonderful advantage with all that they have available to them to enable them to document their children's growing up years . . . so nothing gets forgotten in the ether of an aging mind.


Oh, I remember lots of things, special occasions and events . . . Boxing Day Family Sleigh Rides, Easter Egg Hunts, Birthday parties, etc. . . . but it is the small things that escape me.  I have to sit and really think hard to remember those smaller details, and even then most of them escape me.  Nobody told me that it would be this way, so all you younger mum's pay heed.  Put it down on paper now, because one day you will be an old woman and you won't be able to remember the special little things.  Perhaps I would remember better had I some photographs to look at.


Speaking of photographs, I do have a few, but there are not a lot really with me in them.  I was usually the one taking the photograph!  Another lesson for you young mums.  Make sure someone takes your photograph with your babies too!  You may not appreciate it at the time, but in later years you sure will.


I got my new business cards in the post yesterday.  I'm very pleased with how they turned out actually!  Now I have something to tuck in with my orders when I send them out, and to pass along in real time.


I also had some postcards printed so that I could see how they turned out as well, and I quite like them too.  I think when I get a few more recipe posters done, I'll have them all done in cards as well.

 I was also able to finish this piece of mine yesterday.  I had started her a few days before, but wasn't able to get at her until yesterday.  This is a favourite thought of mine.  I am a great believer in prayer and in the power of prayer.  I think she looks very contemplative and that cat looks quite wishful.  That is prayer in a nutshell . . . contemplation and hope.

"If life gets too hard to stand . . . kneel."
~Gordon B Hinckley

 Here is a little picture that I took of our Mitzie yesterday.  She was admiring a cake I had just baked which was sitting on a cooling rack on the table.  Soft as butter, she is . . . soft as butter and she did so want a piece of cake.  We have to always be very careful to put food far out of her reach, because she is not as well behaved as our Jess was.  Jess would never touch anything unless we gave her permission.  Mitzie . . . well, she's a little piggie.  Todd made the mistake of setting his sandwich down one day and he left the room for a second.  When he came back in she was holding it for him.  In her mouth of course!  Oh we do love her so very much, despite her mischevious ways!

Baking in The English Kitchen today . . . a delicious Cinnamon Drizzle Loaf!
Happy Sunday!!


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