
Sunday 18 March 2012

Sunday thoughts . . . food for the soul

Who can find a virtuous woman; for her price is far above rubies . . . She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.
~Proverbs 31:10

What pushes all of your buttons and threatens to push you over the edge?? Telemarketers? Lasy teens? The price of petrol? People who are inconsiderate? Tardiness? The snarl of traffic? Being put on hold once too often???

I remember driving in the car one time and having another driver become seemingly infuriated with me because he had perceived that I shouldn't have eased into his lane of traffice, even though it was completely safe for me to do so and there was a ton of room. The driver sped up until he was right behind me and then repeatedly tried to force me off the road. Then he pulled in front of me and slammed on his brakes. It was quite scarey. Thankfully after that he drove off, leaving me more than a little bit shaken.

I am ashamed to admit that I have emotionally slammed my brakes of frustration on in front of loved ones from time to time, especially when I had a house full of seemingly lazy teens. It can take a lifetime to correct that kind of tire-screeching approach . . . leaving skid marks on people's spirits. They become self protective and look for the nearest exit . . . nothing is solved.

The scriptures guide us towards more dignified resolutions . . . ones which get results, leaving everyone intact. When we put our words and actions through the filters of kindness . . . anger loses it's control and ability to exact a greater price from everyone involved. If our motives are to achieve results and reconcile differences without offending our offender, or proving them wrong . . . then we will have a heart resolve that in the end, leaves us feeling settled, with everything, and our relationships just the way they should be. What would the Saviour do . . . say . . . feel???

If we choose to garner our feelings, thoughts and actions with His love . . . miracles can happen, and often do.

May your day be blessed and enriched, and may you feel the Saviour's love surrounding you all the day through . . . that is my wish for you today . . . and always.

Cooking in The English Kitchen today, a deliciously Simple Stew of Lamb.

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