
Monday 26 March 2012

Monday morning this and that . . .

We had gorgeous weather at the weekend, and the promise is there of beautiful weather to come in at least the next few days. It was much the same last year . . . we had a lovely warm month in April, and then no summer to speak of. Here's hoping that this is not a repeat of the same!

Beautiful weather over here brings everyone out of their house . . .walking, driving . . . just generally taking advantage of the sunshine and warm temps. We took a drive out into the countryside on Saturday and paused for a short walk in a small village. We stopped in a local shop to buy a couple of drinks and chanced upon the shop assistant behind the counter busily selling groceries to customers . . . a happy laughing group they were, all in a jolly mood.

Then I caught sight of a sign on the wall behind the shop assistant, which read:

"Friendly shopping is contagious . . .
Why not start an epidemic!"

My, but it sure put a smile on my face! I could not help but contrast this happy scene with the rather dull and impersonal experience of shopping in our local Morrison's store just the day before. What a world of difference! There was lots of noise and chaos in the Morrisons, too . . . but it wasn't laughter and it wasn't jolly . . . it was merely a large group of people doing what they had to do, in the quickest way possible, and with very little joy about it. Kind of sad really . . .

Mitzie has really been enjoying this nicer dry weather as much as we have! She's been out running in the garden and sitting in the sunshine. It's nice to see her enjoying herself this way. When it is wet, we keep the gate between the patio and the grassed area closed, but she does so love to get over on the other side and have a good sniff and investigation! Todd's been out there working as well, putting in our early potatoes and tidying things up after the winter . . . so they've both been enjoying the dryer, warmer days.

I've been busy these past few days organizing our kitchen cupboards. I got a bunch of plastic containers and have been labeling them and putting things in them, so that the cupboards look a lot neater and everything is stored in a nice airtight container. I have gotten two completely done, but there are a lot more to go. I find it so frustrating when I go to find something and can't see the forest for the trees. These containers and labels should be much easier for me. I also have replaced the old knobs on the doors, which were very dated and hard to keep clean, with some newer, more pristine ones. It has taken me quite a while to collect enough to be able to change them all, but I finally got there! (Knobs, one at a time, are not as expensive as having to buy 16 all at once!!) I'm no Martha Stewart, but I'm doing the best that I can with what I have to work with!!!

Source: via Karen on Pinterest

My brother's Mother in Law had a stroke early yesterday morning so I would like to ask if you could kindly keep her in your prayers. Her name is Toshika. She had a brain tumour a number of years ago now, which was dealt with very successfully. My brother says she is walking and has been able to say a few words, but your prayers would be very much appreciated. Thank you all so very much!

We are off to the city this morning. I have a bill to pay and I am going to risk going in myself, instead of just sending Todd in to do it. Wish me well. My knees haven't been too bad these past couple of days and so I am hoping that they will hold out long enough for me to enjoy a little bit of Chester this morning. I have no reading lesson today as my student has a car appointment, so I thought to take advantage of a free morning.

I'll leave you with a happy thought, shall I?

"Every moment is a golden one for him who has the vision to recognize it as such!"
~Henry Miller, 1891-1980

Wherever you are, whatever you are doing this day, I do hope the sun shines down on you and that you have a positively delightful day filled with lots of golden moments!!!

Cooking in The English Kitchen today, Roast Rack of Pork with Fennel and Honey Mustard.

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