
Friday 17 February 2012

Friday ramblings . . .

I've always been somewhat of a people watcher. There is nothing I like more, in nice weather of course, than to plunk myself down onto a bench somewhere and just watch the people around me, or the people that go by. I like to imagine what their story might be . . . Everyone does have one you know. Some may be a bit more interesting than others. Still others may be a bit sad and tragic . . . but everybody has one.

Sometimes I will sit in the car while Todd pops into a shop (a man shop of course . . . like Halfords, filled with rubber tires and car parts.) Parking lots are wonderful places to people observe as well.

The stories that I imagine are always happy ones though . . . I would not want to visit tragedy upon anyone. Young people are the most fun to watch, especially young girls. Watching them takes me back to my own teen years and all the wonderfully giggly feelings that I had once upon a time . . . the teen crushes and dramas experienced . . . that feeling that everything was at once possible and impossible all at the same time.

Source: via Julie on Pinterest

Elderly people are also quite fun to watch. I like to imagine what adventures their lives have held . . . and nothing is more tender or sweeter than old love . . . the sight of an elderly couple, who still take the time to treat the other with love and reverance . . . love is not always wasted on the young. Elderly lovers are a delightful sight.

The sight of young mums and toddlers can take me back instantly to all the rigors of young motherhood . . . the trials, the joy . . . the sticky little kisses and hugs. They are tender memories . . . filled with longing and sometimes regret. I expect that we all feel from time to time that we could have done better, and wish that we had.

At our RS Presidency Meeting the other night we were talking about the recent World Leadership Training and how we all need to step up to the plate and be more observant of the sisters under our care. Often a sister will appear like there is nothing wrong . . . presenting an "I'm ok, all is right with the world" face to all who she speaks to . . . but this can mask how she is truly feeling . . . I know I have been guilty from time to time of pretending to the world that all is ok, when really it isn't . . . and there have been times when it would have been really nice if someone could have seen through my prideful facade and given me a much needed hug anyways, or a kind word. Body language often tells a different story than a smiling face would have us think . . . or believe. We need to be more observant and caring, and to act more on the promptings of our hearts. I believe we will be blessed for doing so.

I was sooooo exhausted last night when I went to bed. I don't really sleep well most nights. I spend hours and hours dreaming it seems, never really falling into that deep dreamless sleep we all need so very much. Last night I was tired to the point where I thought I would fall asleep right away . . . but in reality it took a while because I was probably really over tired! It seems odd to me that I can be falling asleep in front of the telly, so much so that I would be hard pressed to tell you what we are watching . . . and then when I hit the pillow I actually wake up! Does this happen to anyone else???

We are off to help teach with the missionaries this morning, which should be good. I hope I wake up before then! I am feeling quite tired again actually! I may even go back to bed, but not before telling you about this delicious recipe of course! I love pizza, but Todd does not. I don't think he actually even tries to like it . . . but, he will eat this casserole quite happily, which satisifies both my pizza craving and his desire not to eat it. ( ☺ Does that make sense? Probably not!!)

*Upside Down Pizza*
Serves 6
Printable Recipe

If you like pizza you will love this novel casserole, which has the pizza toppings on the bottom!

1 pound of extra lean ground beef
2 TBS oil, divided
1 small onion, peeled and finely chopped
1 small green pepper, peeled, deveined and finely chopped (optional)
1 clove of garlic, peeled and chopped
1 (14 to 15 ounce) jar of pizza sauce (Can use Spag bol sauce if you wish. I like the Napolina Tomato and Basil sauce)
2 large free range eggs
1 cup milk
1 cup of plain flour
1/2 tsp salt
2 cups (8 ounces) of grated strong cheddar cheese
2 medium spring onions, chopped

Preheat the oven to 220*C/425*F/ gas mark 7.

Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add 1 TBS of the oil and heat til it shimmers. Crumble in the ground beef, onions, peppers and garlic. Cook, stirring for about 10 minutes, until the beef is browned completely and the vegetables are softened. Stir in the sauce. Heat to a boil, then reduce heat to low and keep warm.

Whisk together the eggs, milk, remaining TBS oil, flour and salt together until foamy.

Spread beef mixture into a 13 by 9 by 2 inch baking dish. Sprinkle with the cheese. Pour the batter over top of the cheese. Sprinkle with the onion.

Bake for 25 to 30 minutes until puffy and golden brown. Serve immediately. Delicious!

Over in The English Kitchen this morning, a delicious low fat Big Breakfast Sarnie!

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