
Friday 9 December 2011

Touch the hem of His garment . . .

I was thinking this morning . . . and we all know what happens then, lol. I usually come up with something that's profound, if only in my own mind! I had this conversation with a friend the other day. She was really struggling with her faith and questioning why the Saviour felt so far away from her. I think we all feel like that from time to time . . . tis only natural.

It does seem that sometimes, just when we feel like we need Him the most . . . we can feel very far away from Him . . . alone, hurt, forgotten, trampled upon by what may seem like a myriad of problems . . . perhaps we have even given up on ever feeling close to him again. We may even feel dirty and unfit . . . covered with the dust of the world, which robs us of our courage and weakens our face. I know we've all been there.

So anyways, I was thinking about this . . . and then the story of the woman who reached out through a mob to touch just the hem of Christ's garment came into my mind. You know the one where Christ is walking through a whole crowd of people and he feels like someone has touched his clothes and he stops walking and asks, "Who is it that touched me?" She had been suffering with an issue of blood for years . . . and there may have been something inside her that wanted to think he had passed her by, or forgotton her, or even turned his back on her . . . but then her faith inspired her to reach out, even if she didn't feel particularly close to Him at that moment . . . even if she couldn't look Him in the eye and talk to him face to face . . . she knew that He still knew that she was there . . . and so she reached out through the crowd of people, knowing and believing that . . . If only I touch His cloak . . . I will be healed.

And she did . . . and she was.

How simple was her faith . . . how great . . . how inspiring. I am so very grateful for her example which even now . . . some two thousand years later . . . is able to touch my heart and teach me that it is faith, simple faith . . . that can get us through anything. No matter how far away from the Saviour that we may feel, or how unimportant we may feel. He is always there, just waiting for us to touch the hem of His garment . . .

I am very late posting this morning. I didn't even get out of bed until half past seven. That horrible cough has come back and I was coughing way into the night before I finally fell asleep. It's so draining . . . I think I will have to go back to the Doctor yet again . . .

We had the missionaries over for supper last night. I didn't cook anything too spectacular, just meat pies, mash, carrots, spring greens, gravy, rolls and then of course I served dessert. Butterscotch Pudding. Pudding in North America has a completely different meaning than pudding over here in England. Here the term is used to describe any variety of desserts . . . some stodgy, other's not, all delicious. Back home in canada it is a term used to describe a thick and milky cooked custard type of affair and comes in many delicious flavours, one of my favourites being . . .

*Butterscotch Pudding*
Serves 4
Printable Recipe

If you were to ask people which flavour of pudding is their most favourite they would probably say chocolate, but my personal favourite is the delicious, sweet and slightly salty flavour of butterscotch. Some people like their pudding ice cold, but I like mine slightly warm. Now that my friends is comfort food, pure and simple . . .

3/4 cup dark brown sugar, packed
2 TBS cornstarch
1/2 tsp salt
2 cups milk
1 large egg
1 TBS white sugar
2 TBS butter
1 tsp pure vanilla

Combine the brown sugar, cornstarch and salt in a heavy saucepan. Gradually stir in the milk. (any lumps should smooth out as the mixture cooks so don't worry about them)

Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture comes to a boil. Remove from the heat.

Beat the egg with the tablespoon of white sugar until light. Gradually stir part of the hot cornstarch mixture into the egg to temper it. Stir this mixture into the cooked mixture and then return the saucepan to the heat and cook for one to two minutes longer.

Remove from the heat and blend in the butter, stirring until it is melted and completely mixed in. Stir in the vanilla. Cool, covered, to help prevent a skin from forming. (Personally I like the skin . . . it's almost my favourite part). Serve warm or cold, with or without some whipped cream on top.

Over in The English Kitchen today there are some delicious Steak and Mushroom Pies!

“When our wagon gets stuck in the mud, God is much more likely to assist the man who gets out to push than the man who merely raises his voice in prayer—no matter how eloquent the oration.”
~Dieter F. Uchtdorf

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