
Friday 14 October 2011

Friday ponderings . . .

I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.
- Psalm 32:8

One doesn't have to go very far to be aware of how rampant evil is in the world today. Just turn on the television and watch the news . . . or read a newspaper. It can be somewhat discouraging at times, and more than a little frightening. One might wonder just how . . . in the midst of all the evil that exists in today's world . . . just . . . how it is possible to hear God's voice I can promise you that it is there. Our Heavenly Father looks for those who still have their heart's open to Him . . . and He gives them ears to hear His voice. It is a still small voice . . . and it is a gift that is given to all who love him and who live their lives in a way that is open to His teachings . . .

I am sure that there have been many times that you have heard His voice. It is iin the promptings to go and do something special for a friend, or to pick up the telephone and call someone you have not spoken to in a long while. It is that little niggling feeling that you get, imploring you to go someplace that you've never gone before . . . or to speak to that stranger at the bus stop. It is only in retrospect that you can see the hand of God. There might have been someone in that place or at that bus stop who just needed a word of encouragment . . . or that friend of yours might have had a day when they are particularly down and needed to hear a kind voice and have a sympathetic ear to speak to.

It might actually be quite surprising to you to realize how very often these types of things occur in your life . . . but it is no mystery, and it is not co-incidence. I believe in God-incidence. We have a Heavenly Father who loves to talk with His children. He puts His divine signature on things and incidents in our lives so that we will know He is there . . . and He speaks to us in that small still voice that we can hear anytime we are willing to listen . . . What a wonderful anchor and blessing this is in an ever increasingly maddening world!

I did another fashionista yesterday. I seem to be on a bit of a run with these . . . that's ok though. I do love painting them.

Having raised three sons, I can certainly identify with the sentiment on this one! Little boys are completely different than little girls, easier in some ways, harder in others . . . I do know that there was never a dull moment in my house, no matter what!

As usual this is available as a print or as a card and would make the perfect gift for that special lady in your life who is a mother to some special little (or big) boy! Just message me to find out how you can have one in either a comment or in an e-mail. Thanks for looking!

Oh, I do love chocolate. I am afraid it is my downfall. Not just any chocolate though . . . I have expensive chocolate taste. I used to like the cheap stuff . . . but I find that I'd rather have quality these days, if I am going to indulge . . . rather than quantity. I love Green and Black's chocolate the best of all. It has a high percentage of cocoa and truly tastes lovely. My favourite are the milk chocolate bars and I have stopped buying chocolate chips altogether now, instead choosing to use it's lovely milk chocolate chopped up for all my hedonistic chocolate chip creations. Chocolate chip muffins are on the menu today. Now who can resist one of those warm from the oven with oozing sweet bits of really good milk chocolate scattered throughout along with the odd toasted pecan meat . . .

I don't think you'll find a much better version than this one.

*Chocolate Chunk Muffins*LinkMakes 12 medium size muffins.
Printable Recipe

These delicious muffins are moist and chock full of chocolate. You can use chocolate chips if you wish, but I prefer to use really good milk chocolate that I chop into small chunks. You can also add pecans or walnuts. I don’t always and you don’t really need to, but they are pretty good with them included. If I am adding nuts, I toast them first. (10 minutes in a medium-hot oven)

2 cups plain flour
1/3 cup packed soft light brown sugar
1/3 cup caster sugar
2 tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
2/3 cup milk
½ cup butter, melted
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1 tsp vanilla
12 ounces milk chocolate, chopped into bits
½ cup pecans or walnuts, toasted and chopped

Pre-heat the oven to 200*C/400*F. Lightly grease a muffin pan or line with paper cups. Set aside.

Sift together the flour, sugars, baking powder and salt into a large bowl. In another bowl, beat together the milk, eggs, butter and vanilla.

Make a well in the centre of the dry ingredients and add the wet ingredients all at once, stirring just to combine. It's ok if the batter is lumpy, and in fact lumpy batter makes a better muffin and they rise much higher. Fold in the chocolate chips and the nuts.

Spoon into the prepared pan, dividing the mixture equally amongst the cups. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes, or until they are well risen and test done when a skewer inserted in the centre of one comes out clean. Remove to a wire rack to finish cooling.

These taste good warm or cold, and they freeze very well.

Cooking in The English Kitchen today, a delicious Chicken Katsu Curry!

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