
Sunday 14 August 2011

We had a good time . . .

If I had my life to live over again, I'd try to make more mistakes next time. I would relax. I'd be sillier than I have been on this trip. I would climb more mountains, swim more rivers and watch more sunsets. I would have more actual troubles and less imaginary ones. Oh, I've had my moments, and if I had to do it all over again, I'd have more of them. In fact, I'd try to have nothing else, just moments, one after another . . . I would pick more daisies.

~Nadine Stair, at age 89

Yesterday was one of the best days of my life. Seriously. Other than the days I gave birth to my children, and the day I married our Todd, it was the best day of my life!

My cup overflowed with Happy Birthday wishes and cards. Many thanks to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday here, on Facebook, via private e-mails, and via telephone. With each one received, my grin got a little bit wider, and my heart filled up a little bit more with gratitude and joy! It's a wonder it didn't burst! (The two best gifts ever!)

I also got e-cards, which I will look at after church today, as I don't quite have the time just yet, but I can tell you they are more than appreciated. That some of you would take the time to do this kindness, is worth far more than I can measure!

I had some lovely phone calls. I got to speak to my mum, my dad, my eldest son and his wife, and the lovely Lura! Telephone wishes are very sweet.

I got to hear the four words that I have been waiting all my life to hear . . . I love you Grammy. I had always imagined how wonderful that would be, but when that little voice came through the telephone waves and into my ear last night . . . it sounded even more amazing than I ever thought it could. I cried tears of joy. They are the most beautiful words ever uttered on earth . . . and then to cap it off with a little voice singing Happy Birthday which was then joined with my son's and his wife's . . . well, you just can't top that!

(Maria Walker (Textile Artist), Sheilagh White (Wonderful Mate) and Angela Topping (Accomplished Poet)

I got to spend a fabulous day in the company of, not just one, but three fabulous ladies, doing what I love most in this world, creating! It was just a wonderful day and I got to spend it with a dear friend, and I made two more friends in the process! What a marvelous gift!! It was such a pleasure! I'll tell you more about that another time!

(Not the actual meal, but a reasonably mouth watering facsimile)

I had dinner with Three wonderful people, Sheilagh, Ralph and Todd . . . and YES, I had Fish and Chips! (I know. I am boring!) And they were fabulous! The pub where we had our dinner was spectacular. I wish I had had room for dessert as there was a Mars Bar Cake in the Dessert cabinet that had to be at least 12 inches tall, I kid you not! I could have brought a piece home to enjoy today, but it would not have been half as tasty the day after as it might have been last night . . . and so I didn't, but I did gain ten pounds just looking at it! (Thank you Ralph for pointing Sheilagh in that direction!)

Yesterday was also the anniversary of our having brought Mitzie home to live with us! It is hard to believe that within that year, she has gone from this . . .

to this!!

You best treasure this photo folks! You'll not see many of me until I get to a much lower weight, but I kinda like it. I mentioned to Todd yesterday that whilst we have a lot of photos of him with the little dear, we have not one of me with her and so . . . voila!

I also have to say that I had Happy Birthday wishes from all of my children, bar one, and she is not on the computer, so I may get a card in the mail yet. To say that my cup overfloweth, is an understatement. I am truly blessed, and I thank each one of you from the very bottom of my heart. I have the best readers, friends and family in the world, and I mean that. Y'all are precious to me, and don't ever forget it!

I have to cut this short, so once again no recipe today. I am teaching in Relief Society this morning, and I want to take some time to review my lesson. (Wish me well. It's a toughie on Chastity and I'm really nervous about it!) I can share with you what I made the missionaries (who left me a delightful homemade card yesterday) for their dessert the other night!

A delicious Spiced Summer Berry Compote, over in The English Kitchen!

Have a wonderful Sabbath day one and all!!

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