
Sunday 21 August 2011

Sunday Thoughts . . .

I want you to something for me today. Play this video while you read. Trust me . . . it will truly be worth it.

"I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

~Jeremiah 29:11

Despite our well laid out plans and hopes, there is not one of us who will experience the pain of having been broadsided in life by the unexpected and the unwanted. We will all experience sorrow and pain and disappointment from time to time . . . and sometimes it seems like we experience the downside of things more often than we get to feel the upside!

God does have a plan for each of us. The Bible tells us so. The scriptures are full of His promises for us. We are not creatures wandering blindly through a deep forest, lurching haphazardly from one dark tree to another . . .

His plan is designed to give us a future and a hope. We all mess up from time to time. We all make mistakes. We all make poor choices and suffer the consequences . . . it may often seem like there is no hope and we all may feel unforgiveably disobedient from time to time . . .

There is one thing I know for sure about my Heavenly Father . . . about God. He has a Divine Master Plan which was created to show His love for us, not His judgement of our mistakes. His plan offers forgiveness when we need it . . . encouragment when we need it . . . clarity when our eyes are clouded by fear or misgivings . . . H-O-P-E.

Don't ever think you have blown things too badly for our Heavenly Father to love you, to forgive you or to make something beautiful out of your life. Remember always . . . you are a Divine Treasure of a Heavenly Father . . . the one He has a plan for . . . a plan that will give you a brilliant future and above all . . . hope, pure and simple. You can trust in that promise, for God's promises are sure.

You can rest in Him, no matter what.

This is a little something I created yesterday. A friend gave me the verse, which is by an unknown author and I was inspired to paint this. I like my normal way of painting best, I have decided . . . the other is fun, but it is not really me. This is me and who I am inspired to be. This is my style . . . my art. I cannot be anything else. Of course as always it is available as a print or cards to inspire.

A Butterfly came flying by

And I thought I knew her face.

She landed on my shoulder

And spread her wings of lace.

I looked and saw her smiling

and she winked and flew away.

I'm sure I heard her whisper

"We'll meet again one day."

~author unknown

It is a beautiful verse and it really touched my heart in a special way. I hope you enjoy it too.

I wish for you a very peaceful and restful Sabbath Day today. May you surely and happily Rest in Him.

Here are some cupcakes that I baked for a friend's birthday celebration the other day. They reminded me of my mother's Feather Squares, except in cupcake form and with almonds on top instead of flaked coconut. Delicious!!

*Cherry Almond Fluff Cakes*

Makes 12

Printable Recipe

A deliciously buttery cupcake, filled with cherry preserves and topped with a fluffy meringue and toasted almonds. These need to be eaten on the day.

3/4 cup plus 2 TBs butter (175g) softened

3/4 sugar (175g)

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 large free range egg, plus 4 large free range egg yolks

1 3/4 cup plain flour (175g)

1 tsp baking powder

5.5 fluid ounces milk (150ml)

12 tsp cherry preserves

For the topping:

4 large free range egg whites

3/4 cup sugar (175g)

a large handful of toasted flaked almonds

Preheat the oven to 180*C/350*F. gas mark 4. Line a 12 hole muffin tin with paper liners. Set aside.

Beat together the softened butter with the sugar and vanilla until light and fluffy. Beat in the whole egg, followed by the 4 yolks. Whisk the flour and baking powder together and beat in along with the milk, just until smooth. Divide two thirds of the batter between the cupcake cases. Top each with 1 tsp of the jam and then divide the remaining cake batter over top, using a wet finger to smooth it in place so that no jam is visible. Bake for 18 to 22 minutes until a toothpick inserted in the centre comes out clean. Remove from the oven and wait until they are cool enough to handle before placing them onto a flat baking tray.

Lower the oven temperature to 225*F/110*C/ gas mark 1/4.

Beat the 4 egg whites until stiff. Continue to beat while you gradually add the sugar, beating until thick and shiny. Spoon the mixture on top of each cupcake, dividing it equally, and covering the tops of the cupcakes completely. Sprinkle with the toasted almonds. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes until the outside of the meringue is crisp and llightly browned.

Cool completely and then serve.

Blackberry Crumble for One (topped with some custard here) is baking today in The English Kitchen.

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