
Tuesday 12 July 2011

The Simple Woman's Day book . . .

FOR TODAY, July12th, 2011...

Outside My Window...

It is overcast and dry, and a bit cool. I am not sure how the day will turn out, but am hoping it will be sunny! We had a gorgeous day yesterday!

I am thinking...
About the gift we have been given in personal revelation. Most people don't even know they have it, or how to access it, or what to do with it even if they did.

"Men stumble over the truth from time to time, but most pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing happened." ~Sir Winston Churchill

I am grateful always for that still small voice which whispers to my heart always and helps to keep me on the right path.

I am thankful for...
My knees are still doing well, although I have a twinge now and again. That Sunday Julie and I were leaving to go to Ipswich, Todd gave me a Priesthood Blessing for strength and healing. I am so grateful to be able to have the power of the Priesthood in our home, and to my Todd for being worthy enough to hold it. It is an extra special blessing in our lives.

From the kitchen...
Zip, really. . . I am trying not to eat things that aren't good for me! (Of course there are muffins in the tin and leftover ginger cakes from the other day . . . sigh . . . )

I am wearing...
A blue nightie and my slippers. Comfy, comfy, comfy . . .

I am creating...

I did this the other day. I had been wanting to do a fairy sitting on the moon lost in thought for a long time and finally got it down. Here is a closeup of her detail:

I will be selling her as prints and cards also. I have a bunch of cards printed and am busy mounting them onto the papers and then putting them onto the cards and glittering away. I am going to bring some samples into a shop in downtown Chester for them to look at. They sell good quality handmade cards, so keep your fingers crossed. I also have several card orders to do up. Plus, as always, I have a picture floating around in my head that needs to come out and be put down on paper!

I am going...
I haven't got a really busy week planned actually. We are having the missionaries for tea on Thursday, other than that there is nothing much on. The dishwasher should come tomorrow, but we will have to wait a while to get it plumbed in. Our landlord was going to do it for us, but he has gone back to Ireland now and we can't afford to pay for a plumber to do it right at the moment. If we get a few sunny days this week, we will probably go off on a day trip somewhere with Mitzie, probably the seaside.

I am reading...

Until The Real Thing Comes Along, by Elizabeth Berg

Her biological clock is in overdrive. But she's in love with a gay man. Patty Murphy is facing that pivotal point in a woman's life when her biological clock ticks as insistently as a beating heart. Will she find Mr Right and start a family? Patty is in love with a man who is not only attractive and financially sound, but sensitive and warmhearted. There's just one small problem . . . He is also gay. Against her better judgment, and pleas from family and friends, Patty refuses to give up on Ethan. Every man she dates ultimately leaves her aching for the gentle comfort and intimacy she shares with him. But even as she throws eligible bachelors to the wayside to spend yet another platonic night with Ethan, Patty longs more and more for the consolation of loving and being loved. In the meantime she must content herself with waiting . . . until the real thing comes along.

As with all of Elizabeth Berg's books, this is an easy read and I am enjoying it very much.

I am hoping...
That the sun wakes up today and graces us with her presence! Fingers crossed! (It isn't looking promising though . . . )

I am hearing...
Early morning sounds . . . the clock on the mantle humming as the wheels inside it turn. The odd car as it goes by. Mitzie snuffling here curled up behind me on the sofa. The tap tapping of the computer keys as I write. Birds singing in the garden. All is right with the world.

Around the house...
Not a lot to do but Ironing. There is always a basket of that waiting to be done.

One of my favourite things...
At the moment is puttering in the garden, picking peas, beans . . . listening to the birds, watching Mitzie explore. It will all too soon be winter again and so we are enjoying the nice weather while we can!

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

Can you imagine being out for a walk around dusk in a woodland and coming across something like this. It is like a table set up for a fairy party . . . just the sort of thing I used to imagine and dream about when I was a girl and used to read all those Enid Blyton books. How positively magical!!

And just as a closing thought for today . . .

What you think of yourself is much more important than what others think of you.
~Seneca (4 B.C. - A.D. 65)

It doesn't really matter how the world sees you if you don't believe in yourself or find value in yourself does it? We must be able to find the good in ourselves before we can even begin to share it with others.

And there you have it . . . my day book for this week. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!

Oh, this is a very naughty dessert, but oh so good. Pinched from one of my Land o' Lakes baking books . . .

*Turtle Pie*
Serves 8
Printable Recipe

Oh so delicious and scrummy yummy!! A fudge brownie base topped with scoops of vanilla ice cream with a creamy chocolate caramel drizzle over top and garnished with chopped toasted pecans!

1 (17 ounce) package brownie mix with nuts
3 TBS water
1/2 cup butter, melted
2 large free range eggs
12 caramel candied, unwrapped and quartered

For the Sauce:
15 caramels unwrapped
1/3 cup semi sweet chocolate, cut into bits
1/4 cup of half and half cream

To serve:
1 quart vanilla ice cream softened
1/2 cup toasted pecans, chopped (optional)

Preheat the oven to 180*C/350*F/ gas mark 4. Grease the bottom only of 9-inch pie pan. Set aside.

Combine all of the brownie ingredients, except the caramels, in large bowl. Stir together until well mixed. Spread the brownie batter into the prepared pan. Place the caramels pieces evenly over the batter, pressing down lightly. Bake for 33 to 38 minutes or until the top is set and a toothpick inserted 2 inches from the side edge comes out clean. Score into wedges while warm. Cool completely, then cut into wedges.

Meanwhile, combine all of the sauce ingredients in medium sized saucepan. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until smooth. Cool for 5 minutes.

To serve, place the brownie wedges on individual serving plates. Top each with a scoop of ice cream. Drizzle with some of the sauce. Sprinkle with pecans, if desired. Serve warm.

Note: Here in the UK, use soft toffees for the caramels.

Baking in The English Kitchen today, some delicious Berry Yoghurt Muffins.


  1. Morning Marie,
    Just hope that the sun does come out and that you get away to the sea with Todd and Mitzie...I think I may take a friend out for lunch today if she would like to go it is a new place Mary and I found couple of weeks ago, mostly vegetarian but Cait likes that so would enjoy it I think. Fingers crossed that the dish washer comes tomorrow...Is there no one at church who could plumb it in for you ? Have fun today
    Love Sybil x

  2. this is a heavenly desert for sure,, hope the sunshines today for you marie and that your knees give you no trouble.Your new art is beautiful as alwyas and I can just see it all glittered up.Have a wonderful day ,, I'm going to check out those muffins, its breakfast and they look like a contender!

  3. Hi, Marie! Oh, I just LOVE, love, love your new fairy card! It is sooo sweet... And I love her pointy shoes! ;o) Hope your local shop will stock your cards--fingers crossed for you for sure! Looking forward to seeing more cards in your shop. LOVE that magical table setting in the wood...*swoon*... This dessert today is dangerously good... do I dare?! Trying to keep the no-sugar rule here had been hard...LOL! Hope all goes well with the dishwasher--and getting it plumbed soon so you can use it. That is a good book by Berg, I just love her stories. Happy Day, dear friend--LOVE YOU LOTS ((BIG HUGS))

  4. Hello dear. I have actually turned on my computer 3 days in a row.... and did a little blogging.... aren't you proud of me??? I don't know why I am so out of sorts lately and don't want to do anything....but stew... However, I am going to our womens club teddy bear picnic today so that will be fun and get my mind off of the surgery for a while.

    I am glad that your knees are better. Like you, I am so thankful to have the priesthood in my home.

    Also, like you I am trying to eat carefully and be a bit more active before the surgery. I would like to lose a little weight before I am confined to bed again. We have some anniversary cake left in the frig but I am trying to ignore it.

    Have a good week. Many hugs, Lura

  5. You have muffins and a cake , and you say you have zip in your home?? Oh Marie, Marie. Sweet Marie!.


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