
Tuesday 26 July 2011

The Simple Woman's Day book . . .

FOR TODAY, July26th, 2011...

Outside My Window...

It hasn't decided yet what it is going to do today. It's dry thus far, but the sky is very overcast looking. Oftimes though that greyness burns off and we are left with a gorgous day, so here's hoping! (The birds are gaily singing at any rate!)

I am thinking...
I'm not long since up. It seems night after night these days I dream of babies. In specific my youngest son as a baby. As he no longer has anything to do with me, I am sure it is related to that breach in our relationship. When he was a baby I was his world and he mine. Perhaps my heart is longing for that. I don't know.

I am thankful for...
The tender mercies of the Lord and blessings from above. I find them every day.

From the kitchen...
There are some very, very naughty cookies, but I am not ready to talk about them just quite yet, although I may be having one for breakfast shortly, coz I'm feeling very, very naughty myself!

I am wearing...
A blue nightie with pink roses sprigged all over it, and my slippers. Comfy, comfy, comfy . . .

I am creating...
I have stacks and stacks of finished cards sitting in my craft room, all glued and glittered, and bagged and stickered up. I have to list them for sale on Etsy and then I am taking a few into town to show them to a shop there that sells handmade cards. I used up my first order of 50 stickers (for on the backs) and so I have had to order more. Mayhap I am being optomistic. I don't know!

I also have a couple of dolls cut out and some sock monkeys in the works.

I am going...
I am going visit teaching this afternoon, but other than that I have no other plans this week. We are having the missionaries over for tea on Thursday evening, which I always enjoy. I shall keep busy this week with the usual things, a bit of work a bit of play and everything in between!

I am reading...

The White Queen, by Philippa Gregory

Brother turns on brother to win the ultimate prize, the throne of England, in this fictionalized historical account of the wars of the Plantagenets. They are the claimants and kings who ruled England before the Tudors, and now Philippa Gregory brings them to life through the dramatic and intimate stories of the secret players: the indomitable women, starting with Elizabeth Woodville, the White Queen.

The White Queen tells the story of a woman of extraordinary beauty and ambition who, catching the eye of the newly crowned boy king, marries him in secret and ascends to royalty. While Elizabeth rises to the demands of her exalted position and fights for the success of her family, her two sons become central figures in a mystery that has confounded historians for centuries: the missing princes in the Tower of London whose fate is still unknown. From her uniquely qualified perspective, Philippa Gregory explores this most famous unsolved mystery of English history, informed by impeccable research and framed by her inimitable storytelling skills. I am really enjoying this book thus far, but then Philippa Gregory is a favourite of mine. This is the first book in a series of three, so watch this space!

Yep, still on this one. It's a THICK book!

I am hoping...
That my cards do well in the shop in town and that I am able to sell more on Etsy this year. I still have a stack of the ones I had specially made in Moo Cards a few years back left. I will not sell those. Guess what all our friends are getting as Christmas Cards this year. Yep! I keep waiting for that lucky break to occur. I am convinced now that, that is what needs to happen. A lucky break. There are millions of talented people out there that never get discovered. It only takes the right person to discover them at the right time. I am hoping for that right person to discover me. In the meantime I just keep painting because I can't not paint.

I am hearing...
Early morning sounds . . . the clock on the mantle humming as the wheels inside it turn. The odd car as it goes by. Mitzie snuffling here curled up behind me on the sofa. The tap tapping of the computer keys as I write. Birds singing in the garden. All is right with the world.

Around the house...
Ironing, hoovering, dusting and I want to clean out the fridge. I am thinking of eating more vegetarian . . . but I would miss a good steak once in a while and chicken . . . I do love a good roast chicken.

One of my favourite things...
Sitting down here each morning and sharing my thoughts with you. Not many read them these days, and hardly anyone comments, but that is ok. I probably get more out of this exercise than any of you do. Writing is good therapy.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

This is one of my Ancestors, Ida McNayr Smith, wife of John Smith . . . daughter of Diadama Whitman and Arod McNayr, who was the son of Boyd McNayr and Rachel Beals. She is my Great Great Grandmother. We don't have a lot of pictures of my ancestors. This one is a rarity. I have another picture of her as well . . .

This one is not so clear. When I look at these pictures I can clearly see that there is a similarity in the eyes to a lot of my relatives today. You can see the resemblance and it is amazing to me. I wonder what her thoughts were . . . how she felt about things and what kind of woman she was. Some people are really blessed to have really clear stories and ideas about their ancestors because they kept really good written records . . . that is why journaling and keeping diaries is very important. You may not feel you have anything important to say . . . but generations from now will cling to your words of today and treasure them. They will be very important to them.

And just as a closing thought for today . . .

How will you ever know if you can paint that picture, run that business, sell that vacuum cleaner, earn that degree, hold that office, make that speech, win that game, marry that girl, write that book, bake that soufflee, build that house . . . unless you try it! -richard m de vos

It's that same old story. Never give up before you get started. Don't let the what if's keep you from realizing your full potential!

And there you have it . . . my day book for this week. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!

I have not made these cupcakes yet, but am thinking of making them this morning to take to the sisters that I visit teach this afternoon. I got the recipe from the King Arthur baking book. (That's a great baking book by the way!)

(photo by King Arthur Flour)

*Lemon and Lime Cupcakes*
Makes 12
Printable Recipe

Tangy lemon flavoured cupcakes. Moreishly delish.

6 TBS vegetable oil
3/4 cup granulated sugar
2 TBS of lemon zest
1/2 tsp salt
1 TBS lime zest
the juice of 1/2 lime (1 TBS)
2 large free range eggs, at room temperature
1 1/2 cups of all purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup milk, room temperature

For the Glaze:
3 tablespoons melted butter
1 tablespoon lemon zest
1 tablespoon lime zest
1 1/2 cups icing sugar, sifted
2 to 3 teaspoons water
grated lemon or lime zest to garnish (optional)

Preheat the oven to 190*C/375*F/ gas mark 5. Place cupcake liners in the 12 cups of a muffin pan. Set aside. Position an oven rack in the middle of the oven.

Beat together the oil, sugar, lemon zest and juice, salt, and lime zest and juice until light in color, about 2 minutes at medium-high speed. Beat in the eggs, one at a time, until the mixture lightens in color, about 2 minutes at medium-high speed.

Whisk together the flour and baking powder in a separate bowl. At low speed, add the flour mixture to the batter in three additions, alternating with two additions of the milk. Mix until blended, about 30 seconds.

Scoop the batter into the prepared muffin pan, filling each cup about 2/3 full. Bake until a cake tester inserted into the center of a cupcake comes out clean, 16 to 20 minutes. They will not brown much and remain quite pale in colour. Remove from the oven, and after 5 minutes transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

Whisk together all of the glaze ingredients to make a smooth glaze about the consistency of molasses, adding additional liquid or confectioners' sugar as needed. Dip cooled cupcakes into the glaze. Sprinkle with zest, if using. The glaze sets up rather quickly, so do be sure to sprinkle with zest right after dipping.

Store in an airtight container.

Cooking in The English Kitchen today some delicious Pork, Bacon and Sage Escalopes!


  1. Morning Marie, It is strange how we sometimes have repeat dreams..You right though probably your ones are family related..
    I think you might fin dit very hard to go veggie !! imagine Todds reaction to a plate of ?beans and toffu sausages LOL
    each to there own is what I say...but I'm with Tod where food is concerned...Mind you thinking about it Mary and I don't eat very much actual "meat" as such chicken and pasta seems to appear often on our plate...
    Hope your sun comes out the blue is just slowly appearing down here.
    Glorious day yesterday.
    Love Always sybil xx

  2. I am so happy Blogger is letting me in these days, I always look for your post every morning. Blogger just wouldn't let me comment. I think a lot of folk give blogging a rest over the summer too.

    We are looking forward to seeing you tomorrow, hopefully with some positive news about Ralph's eye.

    I am just having a break from packing and finishing off wedding cards at the moment while Ralph has gone to do some last minute shopping.

    Big Hugs


  3. Just as you derive pleasure from your blogging, your art is another thing that whether you make money with it or not I know you do enjoy doing. We definitely don't get the comments here that we used to have on AOL journals. Still I wouldn't miss a day as it's a habit with me now and I do enjoy it. I used to sell my things at craft shows and did well but it takes a lot of work to paint enough things for one of those and that was when I also worked full time. It's also a big investment as you never know how things will sell. Now it seems that I cannot even find time to make gifts for my family and I'm retired. Well the past has found me very busy caring for my two youngest grandchildren off and on. Still that is a thing I would not have missed for the world. Hope your Tuesday is a terrific one!

  4. good morning Marie, I wish your youngest son would call you and tell you he loves you and put his misery to an end.My heart aches for you.I read every morning and I have done so for years ,, I wsn't a blogger then,, i commented but my name didn't come up.Now we're good frineds and I'm so glad.Have a great day my blogging buddy!

  5. Good Morning Marie,

    I truly enjoy coming by to visit you :-). You brighten my day! I am sorry to hear of your dream and your lost relationship with your son xx.

    The book your posted
    " The White Queen, by Philippa Gregory" Looks very interesting. I think I will look it up on BooksAMillion today. It has been a while since a book has caught my attention.

    I loved the pictures you shared of your Ancestors.

    I have not had the pleasure of visiting "Simple Women." I am going there right after I finish this comment.

    And last but not least...the wonderful pictures of foods have made me hungry lol. Have a beautiful day my friend.

    Blessings & Hugs~Donna

  6. when i read about your dream, it really hurt my heart:( as i have a baby boy right now and he is so much my everything and i am his..i can't imagine a day when he wouldn't have anything to do with me. just picturing that makes me get teary eyed. i'm so so sorry :( prayers that somehow things can be rectified...

  7. I've noticed a real drop in readers and commenters as well Marie, though not a drop in followers. I think a lot of people, like me, find themselves busier in summer and therefore reading less. But I like the writing even if it's nothing much at all so I do it for me and I'm happy with that. blessings, marlene

  8. Hello Dear Marie,
    I finally got up enough energy to turn on my computer and read some blogs. I don't know whether it has been the pain or the pain medication that has kept me from doing it before this. I just couldn't function. I am still pretty miserable but, I guess it is a good sign that I've felt like visiting you today.

    I always enjoy your day book because it makes me feel like I am there with you. Thanks once again for the kind things you said about me on your Sunday Six post. You are such a loyal and dear friend.

    Congrats on the weight loss. It is such an effort isn't it!!! I am finally back to the weight I was when we left for Utah before the accident. You would think that all of the suffering and barely eating would take the pounds off of me but not so. I gained 6 pounds.... from not getting any exercise I guess???? So... at least that 6 pounds is gone now. I hope that I can start shedding more. You can be my inspiration.

    I am weary and need to lie down again. I surely am not worth much these days.... but I am glad that I could drop in on you and give you a cyber hug even if I can't give you a real one....maybe one day we will be together again... wouldn't that be great!!! Take care dear. Hugs, Lura

  9. Marie,

    Bless your amazing and precious heart. I haven't been blogging because our life seems to be a race against time with so much continually happening, yet when I get a sec of time to my self, I find myself checking out several blogs. Yours always uplifts me and as I share some of your thoughts with those I VT it blesses their lives also.
    I too wish your children would re - recognize the greatness in their mom and want to be a part of your every day life. It baffles me when a parent can turn the hearts of the children away from another... especially a wonderful mother like you... He/they will return someday as you remain faithful. The promise of JS comforts my heart. I am trying to play catchup today and do my VT on the last day of the month. So I stopped by for your many words of wisdom which resonates with so many of us. I truly love your heart and soul. Thank you for sharing all you do with us. (The recipes look amazing! ~Beth


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!