
Monday 18 July 2011

Monday morning thoughts . . . and a Giveaway!

"Half the world is on the wrong scent in the pursuit of happiness. They think it consists in having and getting, and in being served by others. The truth is, it consists in giving, and serving others . . . He that would be happy, let him remember that there is but one way . . . it is more blessed, it is more happy, to give than to receive."
~Henry Drummond

And in that vein, I'd like to have a little giveaway on here this morning. I haven't given something away in a long time. This is one of my pieces of artwork, called "Family, Forever. As you can see here, I have customized it for my son's family, but I can customize it to fit any family. The family name is on the small heart at the tail of the ribbon. The smaller hearts scattered below have the names of all the family . . . mother, father and children, with the children's birthdates included and down in the lower right hand corner is the marriage date.

I am giving away one of these prints, customized to the details of one of my reader's families. Just leave a comment on this post to be in on the giveaway! I will draw one at the end of the week.

We didn't have much of a weekend. It rained and rained and rained. It is still raining. Not heavy rain, but a constant drizzle. The gardens will soak it up for sure, but . . . it can get very tiresome though, to say the least!

Today is the day that Lura is going in for her operation. Please keep her in your special prayers and thoughts. She needs them now, more than ever!

I spoke to my father yesterday and also to my mother. (They live in different places.) I'm afraid I woke my father up. It is hard to know when to call him. Most times I call and he is out, so I thought I would get him before he was off and out the door. Unfortunately I got him before he was off and out of the bed! He did not mind. I used to chat to him very often on MSN, but he rarely goes on these days and so I can see that I will have to call him frequently to make up for our lack of chats. I have always called my mother once a week, because she doesn't have a computer. So now I will be making two calls a week. I don't mind at all. It's the least I can do for all that they have done for me. I wish I lived closer so that I could do more, but we must do the best that we can and noone can ask for more than that.

We were snuggling with our Mitzie last evening watching the television and she was curled up in her favourite place, between us on the sofa, completely oblivious to everything around her, laying flat on her back, legs splayed and head thrown back, snozzing away, totally at ease and happily ensconced in the place she loves best. I love my beautiful little family . . . Todd, Mitzie and myself. We are so comfortable with each other and in complete harmony. It is an easy and happy place to be . . .

It occurred to me that life can and is every bit as good, if not better than the wonderful make believe movies that we love to watch so much. It has all the same joy and sorrow . . . the mystery and suspence, adventure and excitement . . . and the love and emotion, except that it is real and not make believe . . . which reminded me of this quote from Shakespeare . . .

"Life's a play; all the world's a stage; and you're the star!"

Each day can be a little play, complete with beginning, middle and Happy Ending! I have already decided that I want written on my headstone one day . . ."She lived happily ever after." Coz that is what I am doing each day of my life . . . come what may.

Don't forget to leave a comment to be in on the giveaway today, and of course wherever you are today, whatever you are doing . . . live this day to the fullest and . . . smile!

Here's a tasty main meal salad that makes good use of leftover chicken. Perfect for Mondays when you may have the leftovers from Sunday lunch. You don't need to use chicken or turkey though, you can also use ham, and I am sure it would be quite good with pork as well. You can also throw in some chopped cheese if you like, or even leftover cooked vegetables. It's quite adaptable to what you have on hand and quite delicious, if I don't say so myself!

*Chopped Salad*
Serves 4 - 6
Printable Recipe

A hearty main meal salad, perfect for these warm summer days!

1 cup dried pasta (macaroni, medium shells, etc.)
1/2 medium head of iceberg lettuce
6 ounces cooked chicken or turkey, but into bite sized pieces
1/2 of a 12 ounce jar of roasted red peppers, drained and cut into bits
1/2 of a small red onion, peeled and thinly sliced into rings
1/2 cup of French Fried onions (crispy salad onions)
6 ounces bottled poppy seed salad dressing or 3/4 cup of your
own homemade poppy seed salad dressing

Cook the pasta in a pot of lightly salted boiling water according to the package directions. Drain well. Rise with cold water and drain again. Place into a large bowl. Add the remainder of the salad ingredients and toss all together gently to coat. Serve immediately.

Over in The English Kitchen I'm cooking up delicious Crispy Cod with a Gazpacho Salad!


  1. I really love salads - I don't know why I don't make them more!

    I have really been thinking alot lately about family. (extended family - uch....sometimes you can try and try and it's still not good enough, eh?)

  2. Morning Marie,
    Thought are with our dear Lura today, I am sure in many many prayers from all denominations heading upwards I am sure...
    Love the salad resipe today. I am not a salad person but that looks so good...Been a wetish weekend here as well and not much change today. Had hoped that Pam and I might go to the gardens today but not as it looks at the moment. I do know that it will be a smiley day though..always is whan Pam's around,
    I might just be luckt to win your give away today...but good luck to everyone.
    Love Sybil xx

  3. Marie you can sent some of the rain my way we sure could sue it.
    You do have such a dear little family. And Lura is in my prayers as always as you and yours are.xxoo

  4. ooo would love to win this one!! :-)

  5. MArie, please send that rain Ontario side. Our yards from east to west are parched and burnt. And it is hot, hot, hot. The high for Thursday will be 35 degrees. Are we in Cuba yet?!

  6. I will be thinking positive thoughts for Lura and keep her in our prayers.Its so nice to read someone write about how happy they are, most people are quicker to write sad stuff,, you are the most poitive person,, don't ever change,, this is a very yummy salad a its very "in" right now,, have the best monday Marie

  7. I pray that things go well for Lura. It is not pleasant thing to face and I feel for her.

  8. Hi Marie, I've e-mailed Lura several times and she is much on my mind today...I prayed for her early today! I love your giveaway and appreciate your generosity! blessings, marlene

  9. Lovely post Marie! I loved the quote on giving and receiving. Giving truly is the greater gift.
    Do call your sweet parents often. I feel sad I didn't comunicate with my parents very much at times while raising my children. I wish that I had now; since they are gone. I miss them everyday.
    I love your feelings of happiness just being with you husband and your cute dog. You are just like us except we have two dogs. When we watch TV it is so funny because they usually want to sit on my husbands lap; but the rowdy one comes over on my lap after a while. They are our children.
    Right now I am having some family conflict which are making me upset; but I am praying it will all come out in the wash.
    Love your pictures and the print is priceles.
    I am praying for Lura. I feel so sad that she had to face more surgery after all she has been through. I will be anxious to find out how she is.
    Blessings to you!

  10. Marie, can you please send your rain to my country ?

  11. I live in Sri Lanka and would love to have some rain.


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!