
Sunday 24 July 2011

Marie's Sunday Six

Well this week certainly was a mixture of sad and happy things . . . my heart and prayers go out to Norway who are dealing with the tragic occurrences there this week. It boggles the mind to think that anyone can do something as horrific as that . . . but they did, and it happened. So sad . . . and then too, there was the tragic death yesterday of a great talent in their Prime . . . Amy Winehouse, so sad. Her family and friends are in my prayers.

But amidst all the tragedy and sadness there has been a lot of joy for me. Life is like that . . . a mix of smiles and sorrow. There has to be some rain to find a rainbow . . .

My biggest smilemaker this week was, of course, Lura's having come through her surgery safe and sound and the wonderful news that she doesn't have cancer! Whew!! HUGE sigh of relief there. I know she is in a lot of pain and having to recover, yet again, from surgery . . . but what a blessing to know that there is nothing seriously wrong. She can now start to heal in earnest without any cloud hanging over her life. I was also so pleased to be able to speak to her on the telephone this week! It was so good to hear her voice and to share some precious words with her. Let's pray that she continues to heal well and will soon be back to her own sweet self!

It's a mystery to me, but I've been taught to never look a gift horse in the mouth . . . I was down a whole Kilo at my weigh in this week at the One Step Program! Not sure how that happened, but I'll not quibble with the results! Whoop! Whoop!! I've now lost a grand total of one Stone (14 pounds), so only a bazillion more to go! Just so long as the scales keep moving in the down direction, that's all that counts!

Having a Granddaughter to buy things like pretty dresses makes me smile. Oh, I do adore my grandsons so very much. They make me smile too. I love to buy them books and toys, but their clothes are not all that exciting really . . . little smocked and embroidered dresses make me smile, as does the thought of seeing them on sweet little Maryn one day. I need to make her a doll, don't I! I have one all cut out, a really special one, but I must make myself sit down and sew it together. I really must. The thought of creating anything for my grandchildren makes me smile.

I sat down at my work table yesterday to do something completely different . . . I put together several sets of cards that I want to sell in my Etsy Shop and then all of a sudden this popped out. She makes me smile as does the sentiment.

I love her little polka dot wellies and the polka dot ribbons holding her case closed. I would love a pair of wellies like that, wouldn't you? They would make any journey that little bit better I think!!

(Dining Out, by Beryl Cook)

No, I did not dance with a wine bottle. There wasn't a bottle of wine in sight, but Todd and I did get to dine out with some good friends of ours this week. It wasn't in a fancy restaurant, but only at the local carvery and we had coupons for each of that allowed us to dine there for only £2.99 a piece. (That price made me smile too!) It wasn't really about the food though, or the price . . . it was about spending some quality time with some very good friends. That always makes me smile! We went for a nice walk afterwards too, which also made me smile. I've had so many problems with my knees this year that just being able to walk, even a short distance, always makes me smile!

We have a wonderful organization in my church, called The Relief Society. It is the oldest Woman's Organization in the world, having been around for almost 200 years now. But it is much, much more than just a Women's group . . . the purpose of Relief Society, as established by the Lord, is to organize, teach, and inspire His daughters to prepare them for the blessings of eternal life. For most of my time in our church, I've been serving in the children's part of it and then in Young Womens . . . it is a blessing to me to be able to now serve the women in my church as a part of the leadership of our Ward's Relief Society. Being able to serve these sweet souls really brings a smile to my face. I wish each of them knew how very much we love them and how we care for them. I wish they could know the many prayers that we, as a leadership, offer up for each one of them and how very much we, as a Presidency, love serving them. I just adore my calling in Relief Society, and serving these sisters and the Lord in the best way that I can. Being able to serve makes me smile big-time!

So there you have it, only a small portion of all the things this week that brought a smile and a song to my heart. Life can be so very good if you choose it to be.

"Forever is but a trail of 'Nows'. The best a man can do is to live every one fully in it's turn.

I wish each of you a wonderful week ahead, filled to overflowing with nows that you can live fully and treasure, each in it's own turn! Have a blessed Sabbath everyone! (And SMILE!)

*Bacon, Egg and Cheese Toastie*
Serves 4
Printable Recipe

This is a wonderful way to have your breakfast, all stacked together in one delicious pile. Every forkful brings you a taste of bacon, egg, cheese and toast, all together in one luscious mouthful!

4 slices of thick country style white bread
12 slices of dry cure streaky bacon
8 ounces of medium cheddar cut into slices
1 TBS butter
4 large free range organic eggs

This is my secret way of cooking bacon so that there’s no grease on top of your stove and no messy pan to clean up afterwards. Pre-heat your oven to 220*C/425*F/gas mark 6. Line a rimmed baking sheet with foil wrap. Lay the bacon slices out onto the baking sheet without overlapping. Pop the pan into the heated oven and bake for six minutes. Turn the pan around 180 degrees and bake for another four to seven minutes, depending on how crispy you like your bacon. (For this recipe you only want it medium done and not too crispy as it will be going under the grill after) Remove the bacon to a plate, lined with paper kitchen towelling to drain. I, then, blot the top with more kitchen towelling. You can then just pitch the foil wrap into the bin and you have a clean oven tray to continue on with the rest of the recipe.

Heat your grill while you make the toast. Toast the slices of bread until they are medium toasted, not really dark as they will then be going under the grill and you don’t want too crispy a slice. Once they are toasted lay each one out onto the baking sheet and cover them with the slices of cheese equally. Divide the bacon equally amongst the sandwiches and lay it on top of the cheese.

Heat a large non-stick skillet over medium high heat and pop some butter into it. When the butter is foaming, crack in the four eggs. Turn the heat down to medium and cook them slowly for a few minutes until the whites are set and the yolks are as done as you like them. If you don’t want them sunny side up you can flip them over if you like. We like them sunny side up. When they are done to your taste, turn out the heat and remove the pan to the side while you grill the toastie.

Pop the tray with the bread, cheese and bacon on it under the grill and grill until the cheese is melted and bubbling and the bacon is as crisp as you want it. It should only take four or five minutes. Remove from the oven and place a fried egg neatly on top of each. Remove to heated plates. Sprinkle each with a little seasalt and cracked black pepper. Serve.

Baking in The English Kitchen today, a Featherlight Wholewheat Cake!


  1. Many thanks for your thoughts and prayers for us here in Norway. We are in deep shock & grief over the tragic killing that took place on Friday. It felt so much like 9/11 and 7/7, it was so very scary... So glad my husband didn't have to go into the city to work that day! Meditating on love this weekend... Congrats on your kilo down--wonderful news. Keep up the good work, my friend. So nice to come here today and have some things to smile over. :o) Love You LOTS ((BIG HUGS))

  2. I am also grieving for those poor folks in Norway. It is beyond our comprehension how anyone could do such awful things to so many young folks God bless them all and their many friends and family.
    I am so happy for you that you have last that amount of weight...just goes to show what prayers can do...I never stop asking for all that is best for you and Todd...
    It is a beautiful sunny morning down here. I have not got church aswe are joining the local village church and it is noit ver I am just sitting here lookinng at he garden etc and thanking God for all his many blessings. I am going over to Margarets for lunch and parying to that she is feeling a bit better,
    LOve Sybil xx

  3. I am praying for all affected by that terrible tragedy too. Sometimes it seems hard to be happy at all when things like that happen. Yet I believe when we have those wonderful moments of happiness it is cause for celebration. Health, family friends good food and our faith are all gifts worth celebrating for sure. I hope your day is a wonderful one.

  4. Marie I'm joining you in prayers for Norway and the people there as well as in a prayer of thankfulness for Lura. I'm so excited for you that some weight is dropping off. But I think it dropped all the way over here on me! blessings, marlene

  5. Bravo on weight loss Marie,,good for you!Thats 14 pounds your knees don'tcarry, good breakfast yum!!!!

  6. Oh, Marie, you artwork is darling! Love the wee girl & her wellies.

    Yes, tragic in Norway ... prayers lifting. So not understandable this horror. May they RIP.

    Have a beauatiful week.
    TTFN ~

  7. My heart and prayers go out to the people who lost loved ones in Norway.
    I too an so thrilled that Lura's surgery went well and there is no cancer. I have had so much fun connecting with her and praying for her.
    I loved all of your smiles. What more can one ask than to have great friends.
    Of course, those sweet grandchildren are such a gift and I loved the dresses.
    You are so talented with the cards; I love the new picture.
    I couldn't help but feel a sense of joy for you while reading this lovely post.
    Love to you! And Blessings too!

  8. yea for lura!!! still jumping for joy for her!! :)

    and those little smocked dresses are just beautiful!! i love that style of dress!!

    and one more thing, congrats on losing weight! woo hoo!!!!!!

    hope you are having a great day today marie...sorry i'm not around as much lately. life has been keeping me too busy!!


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