
Friday 22 July 2011

A sunny post . . .

We have had more than our fair share of rain over these past couple of weeks. The weather has sure been making up for our dry spring by giving us a wet summer thus far! I thought it would be nice this morning to dwell on something sunny . . . sunflowers!

I have always wanted to travel to France and see the fields of Sunflowers in bloom. I don't think anything could be quite as inspiring as the sight of fields and fields of these brilliant yellow or vividly orange coloured flowers. I have seen pictures of the Tour de France bicyclists cycling past fields and fields of sunflowers and can only imagine how the sight of them must perk them up!

When we lived in Meaford, Ontario quite a number of years back, the farm across the road from us grew sunflowers for bird seed and, whilst there were not acres and acres of them . . . the sight of that one huge field of them was beautiful. I took a picture of my girls and their friends standing amongst them and it was a lovely photo. I sure wish I had a copy of it.

The American poet Albert Bigelow Paine wrote of the wide "golden fields of Kansas where the sunflowers bloom." With their tall stems and large sunshine ray yellow flower heads, they are an inspiring symbol of strength to many.

"A single sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows."
~St Francis of Assisi

A strong and healthy sunflower, and sunbeams winking at us are always inspiring. When we lived down in Kent we grew sunflowers next to our garden shed and they always towered over the roof . . . such a pretty sight to see in the autumn and we had many a walker on the footpath which ran along the front of our house stop to admire them and take pictures.

The famous French Artist, Vincent Van Gogh, did several series of paintings of Sunflowers, the most famous of which is shown here and which hangs in the National Gallery in London . . . sunflowers have been inspiring people for many many years it seems.

I know that I have always loved them and cannot help but smile when I see them blooming.!! They just make me feel happy inside.

Something else that made me smile and feel all happy inside was getting a telephone call from Lura yesterday! It was not a long conversation, but she just wanted to let me know how she was. She is in a lot of pain and does not feel like opening up her computer yet, and so I said I would let you all know how she is doing. Of course she is so very relieved that there was no cancer (as we all are!)! She is also very relieved to have this latest hurdle jumped. I told her now her healing can begin in earnest and hopefully within a short span of time she can get her life back to as normal as possible. She did want me to thank you all so very much for your prayers and happy thoughts. They mean the world to her!

Pie is a real smile maker around here as well. We do love our pies. I think I've always had a love affair with pie. It was always a real treat when I was growing up if my mother made a pie. She made beautiful ones . . . both savoury and sweet. I baked Todd a delicious Rhubarb and Blueberry pie yesterday, which he is really enjoying. Oh, a question for you all . . . my mother and I were talking about pies not too long ago and she was saying that her mother always made a blueberry custard pie and I was wondering if any of you had heard of that or if anyone had a good recipe for one. I have been craving one ever since she told me of it!

*Rhubarb and Blueberry Pie*
Serves 8
Printable Recipe

Made easy using refrigerated pie crusts, with a sweet and tangy filling.

2 refrigerated pie crusts, softened as directed on the box

For the filling:
2 cups rhubarb, cut into 1/2 inch lengths
3 cups fresh blueberries
3/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/8 teaspoon freshly ground nutmeg
Dash salt
2 teaspoons milk
1 tablespoon coarse sugar, if desired

Preheat the oven to 200*C/400*F/ gas mark 6.

Place one of the crusts into a 9 inch pie plate. Trim off any overhang, leaving the crust flush with the edge of the pie plate. Set aside.

Mix all of the filling ingredients (except milk and coarse sugar) in a bowl, tossing together gently to mix. Spoon into the crust-lined pie plate. Cut the second crust into about 1/2 inch strips. Lay in straight rows across the filling, placing one corner over the other, and leaving about 1 inch between rows. Place any remaining dough strips around the edges, overlapping to fit. Brush with milk and then sprinkle with coarse sugar, if using. Cover the crust edge with foil to help prevent excessive browning. (Remove foil during last 15 to 20 minutes of bake time.) Place onto a baking tray to catch any drips during baking.

Bake for 40 to 45 minutes, or until the filling bubbles in middle and the crust is golden brown. Cool on cooling rack at least 1 hour before serving.

Cooking in The English Kitchen today, Grilled Chicken with a Summer Berry Salsa. Oh so delish!


  1. A couple of years ago one of our loacl farmers grew a huge field of sunflowers and people came from miles around to photograph the time I got round to doing it they were going back so didn't look as they had when in full bloom.
    Thank you for news of Lura, we will just have to be patient till she feels able to come back to share herself with us..
    Very cloudy down here this morning after all the rain we had yesterday afternoon I had thought it would be brighter today...
    Love Sybil xx

  2. After the very wet and cool Spring we had, it is now dry and very hot. Most of our country is suffering from a huge heat wave. But I do know how it feels to have days and days of cloudy skies. It does make one long for a bit of sunshine. Sunflowers are probably my favorite flower after roses as I do love them best. They make you feel good just looking at them. Glad you finally heard from your friend. I'm praying for her complete recovery.

  3. Sunflowers are beautiful. I just love flowers.

    Anyway I am glad that you had the chance to speak with Lura. It is not a small operation and it takes a long while to recover. In fact I am just past the two year point and am finally feeling more myself. I hope and pray that she recovers swiftly. I am so glad there was no cancer.

    Take care and enjoy your day.

  4. Never heard of blueberry custard pie Marie although Rhubarb custard pie is popular here,, could you improvise?Sunflowers are the best summer flower arent they, I've painted them lots.Have a great day Marie,, next time I make pie I will think of you!

  5. LOVE this sunny, happy post today, Marie! I've always wanted to travel to France too... Maybe one day! :o) It is pouring with rain here today--though we could use it, as we've been having periods of no rain at all. Wonderful pie filling combination--rhubarb blueberry. I've not made a pie in ages... Must remedy before summer is done. ;o) Busy weekend ahead here, and hubby's dad's birthday to go to as well. Hoping maybe we can have a catch-up chat next week? Here's hoping! Happy Weekend to you, dear friend, and to dear Todd and lovely Mitzie--LOVE YOU LOTS ((BIG HUGS))

  6. You are such a good friend to Lura..

    Tour De France is on now:)


    I too just LOVE the look of Sunflowers..when we went they were spent..
    My friend an artist..she lived in the South Of France..and paints sunflowers often..:)

    Have a great day.

  7. Marie, your pictures & bouquets are just so bright & beautiful. I love sunflowers. We leave the seeds the birds drop so they can grow around the feeders. The birds play like it is a jungle gym on these sunflowers. So fun to watch.

    Happy PS weekend ~
    TTFN ~

  8. Dear Marie, A lovely post, I've alwaya loved the Sunflower A sign of Hpoe. Thank You for leting us know about Lura as we do care for her dearly. Oh1 we all just love Pie around here. ((Hugs))


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