
Tuesday 14 June 2011

The Simple Woman's Day Book

FOR TODAY, June 14th, 2011...

Outside My Window...

It is beautiful and sunny. They say it is going to be a fine warm day today. We must enjoy it while we can as tomorrow it is said it will turn to rain!!

I am thinking...
We were at friends last night for Family Home Evening and we all did a beautiful short walk out in the countryside, to this area which was quite remote, but stunning. There was a series of three ancient Roman Bridges which were also cobbled. I have found some pictures which I have posted below. It was a beautiful evening and the scenery was just wonderful. The best part was sharing it with friends. Such a beautiful spirit and great company was in abundance. I think you can not feel any closer to God than when you are enjoying the beauty of his creation. We had, quite simply, a lovely time! Afterwards it was back to their place for some delicious snacks and converstaion. A wonderful evening altogether!

I am thankful for...
All the pockets of joy in my life, and there are many. I am blessed beyond measure.

From the kitchen...
There is some cake, but not a lot else in the way of baked goods. Of course my larder and fridge are stocked, so you know it won't be long before the cake is joined by something else!

I am wearing...
A light mauve nighties with an embroidered bodice and bow trim. Another M&S special. I love M&S nightwear. It's always classic and comfy.

I am creating...
I have been putting together a few Christmas Cards for orders and sketching. I need to finish my Christmas Designs for the stamp company. Only a few for Christmas as there won't be a full range of them.

I am going...
I am going this afternoon to have my hair cut. I am thinking of getting it all cut off. It is so hard to manage and to wash without a shower. We have been on to the mobility people to see if we could get a grant to have a shower put in. I have to go to their assessment centre and be assessed as to whether I need one or not. I get the feeling that one has to be practically crawling on their hands and knees before you will get help of any kind. It's quite discouraging. I have a very difficult time getting in and out of the bath. It is not the stepping into it, although even that can be hard at times. It is the sitting down in it and then trying to pull myself up afterwards. It is the same if I try to go down on the floor for anything. Very discouraging.

I am reading...

The Day I Ate Whatever I Wanted, by Elizabeth Berg

Every now and then, right in the middle of an ordinary day, a woman kicks up her heels and commits a small act of liberation. What would you do if you could shed the “shoulds” and do, say—and eat—whatever you really desired? Go AWOL from Weight Watchers and spend an entire day eating every single thing you want? Start a dating service for people over fifty to reclaim the razzle-dazzle in your life—or your marriage? Seek comfort in the face of aging, look for love in the midst of loss, find friendship in the most surprising of places? In these beautiful, funny stories, Elizabeth Berg takes us into the heart of the lives of women who do all these things and more—confronting their true feelings, desires, and joys along the way.

As you know, I love Elizabeth Berg's books and am enjoying this newest one. It is nice to read some short stories for a change.

I am hoping...
I have been invited to an all expenses paid trip down to Ipswich on July 4th to attend a special event at Jimmy Doherty's Farm. He is one of Jamie Oliver's friends and he makes really good sausages. There will be a tour of the farm, a butchering class, a free lunch and signed cookery book, a question and answer session and who knows what else. I am not sure I will go. This mobility problem of mine is making me wonder if it is something I am really up to.

I am hearing...
Early morning sounds . . . the clock on the mantle humming as the wheels inside it turn. Mitzie snuffling here curled up behind me on the sofa. The tap tapping of the computer keys as I write. Birds singing in the garden. All is right with the world.

Around the house...
Ironing, but not much else! We are not a messy lot. Well, I an a bit of a clutter bug, but Todd keeps me in line!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
There is an activity at the church on Saturday for the Youth. They are doing a carwash and having a bake sale to try to raise funds for their EFY camp this summer. We will probably take our car over and have it washed and I am making something for the bake sale. Other than that we have not a lot on. My daily reading lessons which are going well. He is a really motivated student and is doing great. I love being able to help someone like that in such a meaningful way. I have a talk to give in church in two weeks time and I am doing the RS lesson at the beginning of July, so I have them to work on as well. I shan't be bored and with nothing to do over the next few days at any rate!

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

This is a picture of one of the old Roman Bridges we walked across last evening. Set deep in the heart of Cheshire, at Hockenhull Platts, near Tarvin, there is a series of three ancient packhorse bridges, along dirty and cobbled path, which is commonly known as the "Roman Bridges." They are in fact Medieval and were meant to transport goods from Chester to Tarvin over the River Gowy and surrounding marshland. They are beautiful in their ancient simplicity as they fit snugly into the surrounding landscape of trees and meadow grasses.

As we meandered through, it was not hard to imagine all the ancient feet that had trod upon this pathway . . . it was truly a truly special place indeed.

And just as a closing thought for today . . .

I don't know what tomorrow will bring . . . except old age and death . . . but I do know that I have today, one absolutely glorious day that I will savor and make the most of as if it were my last one . . . because it may be!
~G.W.F. (1946-1998?)

Not a problem for me! I try to make the most of each day I am given. It's the best way to live!

And there you have it . . . my day book for this week. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!

Here is a simple recipe that was always a favourite with my kids. If pizza was on the menu they were right there! This is a hearty deep pan version. Men like it too!

*Deep Dish Sausage Pizza*
Serves 6
Printable Recipe

Simple, easy to make and quite delicious. You can vary the toppings as you wish. You can use sweet Italian Sausage or hot Italian Sausage depending on your tastes!

1 pound bulk Italian Pork Sausage
1/2 cup chopped green pepper
1 cup sliced fresh mushrooms
1 (8 ounce) can of pizza sauce
1 refrigerated pizza crust
1 1/2 cups of shredded mozzarella cheese
2 medium plum tomatoes, chopped
1/4 cup sliced ripe olives
2 medium sized spring onions, chopped

Preheat the oven to 200*C/400*F/ gas mark 6. Spray a 9 inch square baking tin with cooking spray. Set aside.

Heat a large non-stick skillet over medium high heat. Add the sausage meat and peppers and cook, for 7 to 9 minutes, until the sausage is no longer pink, stirring frequently. Stir in the mhsurooms and pizza sauce. Keep warm over low heat.

Press the pizza dough into the prepared baking tin, pressing it into the bottom and up the sides, and creating a rolled rim around the top. Sprinkle 1/2 cup of the cheese over the bottom and then fill with the sausage mixture. Sprinkle with the remaining cheese and then sprinkle the tomatoes and olives over top of the cheese.

Bake for 15 to 20 minutes, or until crust is golden brown. Sprinkle with the chopped spring onions. Let stand 5 minutes. To serve, cut pizza into wedges with a serrated knife.

Cooking in The English Kitchen today, a delicious Turkey Oven Bake.


  1. so sorry to hear your having troubles Marie,, lets hope the good people atthe assessment centre give you some consideration.Your photos are lovely Marie,, beautiful, thank you for visiting me today,, its a beautiful day here,, I'll have to give that pizza a go.You know I still have Marks and spencer nightgown i 've had for 20 years,, I agree they are the best,,

  2. It's so true that we must enjoy the days to fullest as they come. I've had short hair for years now and love it. It's wonderful that you live there where so much history exists and are able to see it all. Hope your Tuesday is a terrific one!

  3. Hi there, dear Marie! Lovely start to the week here... And LOVE Elizabeth Berg's books! This is the only one I've not read, so this one's going on my list too. ;o) Do hope & even pray you get the grant for the shower. It is amazing how hard it is to get things when one had difficulties--that it should be such a traumatic process is unfair. Let us know how you get. VERY exciting about your new Christmas cards & stamps. Gosh, hard to think Christmas already... LOL! Good luck with getting your hair cut! Let us know what you had done! I have to say, I'm loving having short hair. aving a shorter style. But keeping it nice has meant more frequent trips to the hairdresser... and costing more. My hair is recovering a bit, which is promising, so possibly by year's end I may be able to start letting it grow out again. I'm actually rather fond of it short now, though--very easy to take care of, loving the wash-and-go! But TJ does like it longer... as most men do. ;o) Anyway, hoping all of you there are having a lovely day--blessings to you! LOVE YOU LOTS!! ((BIG HUGS))

  4. Dear Marie, I do hope you can get away on teh 4th. July. Maybe there will not be too much walking about..pehaps you could find out..It seems such an opporunity to miss.. Hope you get on ok about the shower, but I do know how difficult it can be, if they can;t get you a shower perhpas they could get you a good electric "riser" or a "bubble" that woudl help. Before I had the walk in bath/shower put in I had a Bubble and it was quite a good compromise...
    Hope you have enjoyed a lovey day. we did manag eto get to ASDA but didn't think much of it.we had thought we would have a light lunch there but they didn't have a cafe, so don't see us going back there very soon...Also it was much to big for me to get around as I hadn't taken the wheelchair in with me just leaning on a shopping stump is objecting tonight !!!
    Love Sybil xx

  5. Hello dear friend! I hope you enjoyed your warm weather day before the rain. I hope you feel chipper for your July 4th trip. It sounds like great fun! I adore Jamie Oliver and I'm sure his friends are lovely, too!
    Hope you have fun with your Christmas designs. You always have such sweet illustrations, Marie. xoxo

  6. that all expense paid trip sound fabulous! how fun to have that to look forward to this summer!


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