
Saturday 4 June 2011


I almost forgot to show you these.

Live the Life

Dare to Dream

Yes, I do always have quirkly little people running around in my head. It feels good to let them out to play. As always, available as prints or cards.


  1. Good morning again. As you can tell I am up past midnight again. I am afraid that is getting to be a bad habit.... but at least, by staying up late I get to be one of the first to wish you a good day.

    Your quirky little misses are delightful. I am glad that you've let them out of your clever mind to play. I also enjoyed the pretty flowers you posted. I agree with you that seeds are really amazing. What a wonder that such beautiful creations come from such tiny seeds. God is so good to us. Maybe we are like those seeds.... we may seem rather small and plain now but we all have grand potential to blossoming into beautiful creations if we love God and follow His commandments and plans for us.

    Have a happy Saturday and a great weekend. I am off to sleep.... and just maybe my sweet friend, I will meet you in my dreamland. Hugs, Lura

  2. you told me you did,, and know I understand,, love your quirky people..your work is beautiful marie and grows more beautiful every day,

  3. Hi, dear Marie! LOVE these new additions to your illustration range... these are adorable! Your style and confident in presenting a moment and humor really grows! With my art, I often see themes for a jewelry design or finished painting in my head... they are like friends to me, these ideas--very much alive. :o) Thanks so much for your sweet welcome home at my place--so happy to see you stopped by. Looking forward to catching up with you more soon. It's beautiful & sunny here this weekend, so out to enjoy it! Happy Day to you all there, dear friend--LOVE YOU LOTS!! ((BIG HUGS))

  4. What adorable little girlies Marie!! You have such a gift. I am so glad you share this gift, and your heart, with all of us. We are blessed by it indeed! Love to you!!!

  5. Such sweet new little girls you have created, Marie. I am happy when I read your smile makers each week. I am glad you are getting some sunny weather. Ours is coming they promise.

    We are getting ready to take off for Utah on Thursday. We will be gone about three weeks. I am not sure if I will be posting during that time as it is such a hassle on our laptop and takes time away from the family. But I may pre-post some old ones or something like you did. Every once in awhile it is good to just unplug.

    I haven't put this on my blog but my brother, Steve, is having some health issues. They think he might have lymphoma but no biopsy as of yet. So that has been concerning for sure. So praying for him and hoping the doctor is wrong. Hopefully everything will turn out fine for him.

    With that on our minds we are sad to be leaving right now but so happy to be able to be with all our kids under one roof for the first time since 06.

    Happy Birthday to Mitzie tomorrow! Bless her heart for bringing you so much joy!

    Love, B


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