
Wednesday 11 May 2011

The Simple Woman's Day book

FOR TODAY, May 11th, 2011...

Outside My Window...

The sun is shining and the birds are singing. I am listening to a cd some very good friends gave me last year for my Birthday. It's called Heavensong, music of contemplation and light by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. It is my favourite cd, very beautiful and uplifting.

I am thinking...
I am thinking about how good our Heavenly Father is and how very much He loves each of us. When I was a little girl I loved the hymn God sees the Little Sparrow Fall. I still do. It is a beautiful reminder to me of how important even the plain simple things are to Him, and how He has a tender heart for each one of us.

I am thankful for...
I will always be grateful that I had a seeking heart, and that I was finally able to embrace the faith that had been the song of my heart for 26 years. I wish I had done it sooner, but then again . . . there is a time and purpose for all things.

From the kitchen...
I have a plate of chocolate cherry squares waiting to be taken over to a friend. We had the missionaries over for their tea last night and I had made them some for dessert. I don't dare keep the leftovers around here. Todd hates chocolate and I don't want to eat any of them myself. I'm sure my friend and her caregiver will get a lot of joy out of them!

I am wearing...
Pink Jim Jams and my slippers. It has been a bit chilly evenings, but I don't mind that so much. I would rather have it cool for sleeping. I don't like it when it is hot and sticky at night. It is difficult to get any rest when it is.

I am creating...
I just have a few revisions left to do on my stamps. If you would like to see the ones that are already available you can check them out here. Next will be Christmas ones. I am going to enjoy doing them. The other ones were on QVC last week, but unfortunately I wasn't told they were going to be on and so I missed them.

I also did this little painting the other afternoon. I love the way she turned out. I also love the sentiment behind it. As always this is available as a print or greeting card. Just message me to find out how it can be yours.

I am going...
We are taking Mitzie to the Vet this afternoon for her monthly checkup and flea treatment, and then tonight I have a Presidency meeting, which I have to prepare a spiritual thought for. And then tomorrow I am having my ears syringed. Not my favourite thing to do, but I guess it is necessary! It always throws my balance off and I feel quite ill for several hours afterwards. Friday I have the Step Program, and that's my week. Other than these set in stone things I will be enjoying time with my Todd and Mitzie, of course!

I am reading...

The Work and the Glory, Pillar of Light, by Gerald N Lund

PILLAR OF LIGHT begins the saga of the Benjamin Steed family, who, in the fall of 1826, move from Vermont to Palmyra Township in upstate New York in search of better farmland. Almost immediately they meet a young man named Joseph Smith and are thrown into the maelstrom of controversy that swirls around him. Is he deluded farm boy or prophet of God? Does he commune with angels or consort with devils? The answers to those questions - intensely personal, bitterly divisive - will profoundly affect the lives of the Steeds and many others. From the frontiers of early America to the complexities of the last half of the twentieth century, THE WORK AND THE GLORY series chronicles the triumphs and tragedies of one family caught up in the events of the Restoration

There are nine books in the series and this is the third time I am reading them. I always really enjoy them. Gerald N Lund is a brilliant writer. If you are interested in history, and in particular the history of the LDS church, you would really enjoy these books. They are wonderfully written. I highly recommend!

I am hoping...
That the person who keeps leaving me nasty comments tires of the game soon. It only shows them up in a bad light. I know who it is, or at least I have a pretty good idea, and have clocked their ip address. If it persists I will be reporting it, so consider yourself warned. Cyber bullying is against the law, and I think YOU are the one who is mentally ill and needs help.

I was so happy to be able to talk with Lura the other day after her return home. I just know that she will heal by leaps and bounds now that she is in the safety and security of her loving home. I know that John and her California family are really relieved and pleased to have her home as well. Please do continue to keep her in your heart and prayers. If you would like to give her a message of encouragement and hope, you can leave one for her HERE.

I am hearing...
Early morning sounds . . . the house cracking and snapping as it comes alive. The birds are chirping loudly in the back garden. The tip tapping of the computer keys, Mitzie gently snuffling here next to me on the sofa. Early morning traffic. I love the early morning. It is my favourite time of the day. It is when I am at my sharpest and my best. I am a morning person!

Around the house...
Not a lot. I am still working on my craft room/library. I've put it on hold until I finish up these last few designs and then will really crack on with it. The hard part will be deciding what to get rid of. I love all of my books. It will not be easy to give any up!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
A bit of work, a bit of play and everything in between! Sounds like a good week to me!

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

I have long admire the artwork of Marjolein Bastin. This is one of her characters she does called Vera, the mouse. It has such a happy feel to it. I cannot get her cards over here, but whenever I go to Canada I always pick up a few of them to enjoy. I think they are just lovely. I think she is from Holland, a country I hope to visit one day soon.

And just as a closing thought for today . . .

"In His will is our peace."

There is a lot of food for thought in those few words, don't you think??

And there you have it . . . my day book for this week. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!

They say that mini pies are going to be the new cupcakes! I don't know about that, but I do love pie!

*Mini Blueberry Pies*
Makes 8
Printable Recipe

Delicious little blueberry pies, each just the perfect size for one. If there are only two of you like there are in my house, you can freeze them and then only take out as needed.

Your favourite pastry recipe for a two crust pie
(Or can use already prepared pastry)
1 3/4 cups fresh blueberries
4 TBS sugar
1 TBS cornstarch
1/3 cup flour
1/4 cup Angelflake coconut
3 TBS butter, softened

To glaze:
1/2 cup of sifted icing sugar
1 TBS milk (enough to make a drizzable consistency)

Preheat oven to 220*C.425*F. gas mark 7. Make yoru pastry and then roll your pastry out on a lightly floured surface. Cut out 8 rounds using a 4 1/2-inch round pastry cutter. Fit rounds into 8 ungreased regular-size muffin cups, gently pressing in bottoms and up sides, pinching top edges to form rim.

Toss the blueberries with 2 tablespoons of the sugar and the cornstarch in a small bowl. Divide the berry mixture among pastry-lined muffin cups.

Mix the flour, coconut, butter and remaining 2 tablespoons sugar with fork or pastry blender in another bowl until crumbly. Sprinkle evenly over blueberries.

Bake for 23 to 25 minutes or until the fruit just begins to bubble. Cool 5 minutes in the pan and then remove from muffin cups to a cooling rack to finish cooling completely.

Whisk together the icing sugar and milk to a drizzle and then drizzle it over the pies.

Note - If you are going to freeze the pies, don't drizzle until you are ready to serve them. They can be taken out and thawed at room temperature for several hours before serving.

Cooking over in The English Kitchen today, some delicious Butter Baked Cod.


  1. Oh marie those pies look scrummy as you would say,, are your ears still troubling you?I love your new work,, she's a sweetie,,

  2. VERA the Mouse... oh, I just love her! I really miss cards by Hallmark. The greetings cards here are awful--so I make my won... or buy your pretty ones. ;o) So sorry you've been having someone leave unkind comments here again. Such wasted energy out in the world, very sad... LOVE your new illustration--she's sooo pretty. Where can I get that great hat? ;o) LOVE these mini pies today... sooo good... But I must stop the sweets... LOL... Hope you have a great day, dear friend--LOVE YOU LOTS!! ((BIG HUGS))

  3. I love seeing and hearing that you have been painting. I've not done anything since making Christmas gifts for the family and do miss it. Soon I'll be having lots of days at home so I hope to get back into it. Sorry you have had someone giving bad comments. I cannot imagine what or why. Hopefully it will be stopped. Take good care and enjoy your beautiful day!

  4. I cannot understand how anyone could be nasty to you Marie. Having met you I know you are a genuine, honest and loving lady.

    You know where I am if you need me.

    love and hugs


  5. Dear Marie I just love all your work they are so lovely and sweet and verry hard to choose from,but I do want one.But couldn't fine it listed. Your pie's look delicious, but I wiil pass,and make the cod.I do hope that crazzy person get's cought and they though away the key. love you,Hugs xxx

  6. Someone is leaving nast comments? Why are people so mean spirited? I can't understand people who do things like that - it's so cowardly and as they will find out they aren't as invisible online as they think.

    I'm loving Vera the Mouse and yet again I'm in awe of your artistic talent and eye for the beauty and joy in your subject. It shines.

    Enjoy your busy week and the lovely spring sunshine.

  7. Marie thank you for your letter. Stand firm you have the true foundation and everything will work out.

    I loved the Work and The Glory too."

    I just love how in good literature and movies portray good and evil so well and and one character determines which he/she is attracted to. Too often we find an evil one among us.

    Try to ignore the silly bullying..people like that usually fall away from their deviant behavior when they lose their audience! They like to move on to the easy prey. They just hate it when you take the high road. Kind of pops their little bubble. They want nothing more than to stir the pot and get your attention because you are good and they are not. They cannot compete so they attack. Don't even read them just delete. I lvoe comment moderation because then they are truly wasting their time.

    Your art is beautiful, I am glad you are selling the stamps!u
    Take good care of your hubby and pup. That is where your attention is best placed and appreciated!

    Love you, dear friend, and I am so glad Lura is home and getting better. Bless their hearts, what a long haul!

    XOXOXO Bon

  8. Hello dear,
    Who ever is leaving you nasty comments is nuts.I am sorry this is happening to you. You are good, kind and optimistic. You only publish uplifting and spiritual posts. Even though it is hard, try to just ignore those comments. You know who and what you are.... don't let one negative, incorrect person make you question yourself or your worth.
    I love all the Work and the Glory series. They are great books.

    I don't need it but I would love one of your cherry chocolate bars. Can you hop over and share one or two with me too??? Never mind.... I shouldn't have the calories.... I will just "eat up" the beauty of the flowers you sent me. I put a picture of them on my post today. They are still beautiful and smile at me all day.

    I love your new creation. You have so much talent. Good for you.
    I'm sending love to you and Todd. Hugs, Lura


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!