
Saturday 28 May 2011

Poetry Saturday . . . Are All The Children In?

I think of times as the night draws nigh
Of an old house on a hill,
Of a yard all wide and blossom-starred
Where the children play at will.

And when deep night at last came down,
Hushing the merry din,
Mother would look all around and ask,
"Are all of the children in?"

Tis many and many a year since then,
And the old house on the hill
No longer echoes childish feet
And the yard is still, so still.

But I see it all as the shadows creep,
And tho' many the years have been
Since then, I can hear my mother ask,
"Are all the children in?"

I wonder if, when those shadows fall
On the last short earthly day,
when we say good-bye to the world outside,
All tired of our childish play,

When we meet the Lover of boys and girls,
Who died to save them from sin,
Will we hear Him ask as Mother did,
"Are all the children in?"
~author unknown

I just love this poem, it reminds me of warm summer evenings when I was a child, as the sun lay low in the sky, being called in from play by my mother, and not wanting the day to end.

I hope that when I get that final call from my Heavenly Home that I hear it and know the way.

I think this is a long weekend both here in the UK and over in the US. It's called Victoria Day here, (I think) and in America, Memorial day. Traditionally over here the May bank holiday is the weekend for gardening work and barbeques. I think it is in the US as well. Here's a gorgeously tasty dessert for that barbeque, that is easy, quick and oh so scrummy!

*Strawberry Banana Smores*
Serves 9
Printable Recipe

These are the scrummiest smores ever!

9 graham crackers broken in half (18 squares), divided
(Or 18 digestive biscuits here in the UK)
2 milk chocolate bars (1.55 oz. each), coarsely chopped or broken into squares
(I like Green & Blacks milk chocolate)
9 Marshmallows, cut in half
5 large fresh strawberries, sliced
1 banana, sliced
1/4 cup strawberry jam

Preheat your grill to medium-low heat. Place 9 graham squares on bottom of 9-inch square disposable foil pan, and then top with chocolate, marshmallows, berries and bananas. Spread the remaining graham squares with jam and place them, jam-sides down, over the grahams in pan to make 9 s'mores.

Grill for 4 to 6 minutes, or until marshmallows are puffed and chocolate is melted. Allow to cool for 5 minutes before serving. Delicious!

Baking over in The English Kitchen today, some delicious Chocolate Chip and Cream Cookie Brownies! Decadently over the top for sure!


  1. Can't wait for Mary to come over this morning and to send her up to the village t buy some digestive biscuits and marshmallows....sounds delicious...
    recipe... Mind you when I read it first I thought it said Snores not smores !!! wondered what I was going to read next !!
    Have a lovey day.
    Sybil xx

  2. Holiday weekends camping always include some SMORES for us here at the campfire. Ours are not as scrumptious as those you have shown today though.
    I hope your Saturday is a SUPER one!

  3. wow,, thats rich,, yummmo.We had Victoria Weekend last Weekend here in Canada,, you have a good weekend Marie,, I can't believe its here already!

  4. That is a precious poem. Thank you for sharing it.

  5. What a lovely poem. Like Kris, I thank you for sharing it. Yesterday our internet was down and the two days before blogger would not let me post any comments. I am feeling cyber deprived. I am glad that I can get back on line and say hello today.

    I am sending love as always.
    Hugs, Lura

  6. Happy holiday weekend, Marie! I love that Norman Rockwell image. My hubby loves a good Rockwell. :)

  7. In 1960 I was 8 years old grade 3 in elementary, my mother choose this poem for my piece in a declamation contest. Its now 2021 I'm a retired captain and shipping executive still remember the poem.

  8. The last paragraph of the poem was changed from the original. It should read...
    "When we step out into that Other Land
    Where Mother so long has been,
    Will we hear her ask, just as of old,
    "Are all the children in?"

    By Florence Jones Hadley
    (The Pathfinder)


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!