
Thursday 19 May 2011

Be prepared . . .

The foreground of life often depends on the background of our lives . . . those small hidden chores that we neither see nor think about . . . and often take quite for granted.

When we sit down to watch a television program for instance, do we give much thought to all of the hard work and thought that has been put into the program??? Things such as the script writers, the lighting gaffers . . . the recording that has to be done, the timings, the actors . . . it takes all of this and much, much more combined together in a perfect mix in order for us to enjoy what we are watching. It's all been very well thought out and organized for our viewing pleasure.

It's the same with life really. A fulfilling life is a happy mix of surprise and well thought out planning ahead of time. Most things are achieved quite successfully if they are well prepared. Think of the Marathon runner who prepares for months and months before his race, and of the dedicated musician who practices for weeks before a concert.

I am reminded of the motto we used as Girl Guides when I was growing up. "Be Prepared." I think if we prepared ourselves for the small things in life, and practice that habit consistently, then we will find that we are also prepared to meet great challenges with courage . . . the tasks of life with strength . . . and even life's major disasters with a measure of serenity.

Just my thoughts this morning . . .

It looks like we have another sunny day at our beck and call today. Our Hydrangea is covered with buds waiting to burst out into bloom and the lupins in the front garden are also getting ready to bloom. It will soon be a riot of colour out there. Oh, I do so love spring! They are actually saying that we will be having a two week heatwave starting this weekend! We shall see.

Here's a tasty recipe that will come in pretty handy in the warm weather ahead. You see these stuffed burgers in a lot of the shops nowadays. They are ever so easy to make at home though as you will see. These ones are stuffed with a tasty bacon, cheese and onion mixture! Delicious!!

*Bacon, Cheese and Onion Stuffed Burgers*
Serves 4
Printable Recipe

All your favourite burger toppings stuffed inside a tasty burger!

4 slices of streaky bacon
1 medium brown onion, peeled
1/2 cup of grated strong cheddar cheese
1 lb ground steak
4 cheese slices
4 toasted burger buns
Burger toppings as desired (sliced tomato, lettuce, ketchup, mustard, pickles, etc.)

Fry the bacon in a skillet over medium high heat until crisp. Remove from the pan and crumble. Drain off all but one TBS of the drippings. Cut 4 thin slices from the centre of the onion to use when serving. Set them aside and finely chop the remainder. Add the chopped onion to the pan drippings and cook over medium heat until softened and golden brown. Remove the pan from the heat and allow the onion to cool. Mix the cooled onion together with the bacon and grated cheese.

Shape your ground steak into 8 flat patties. Divide the onion mixture evenly amongst 4 of the patties, mounding it in the centre and leaving a border around the edges. Top with the remaining 4 patties and seal the edges all around.

Grill the burgers for 5 to 7 minutes on each side or until done. Place a cheese slice on top of each to melt. Serve in the toasted buns along with a slice of onion. Serve any burger toppings on the side.

Baking in The English Kitchen today, some delicious Almond and Custard Apple Dumplings.


  1. So far this week we've been chilly and wet but the weekend promised to be summer like here. I am looking forward to it for sure. It will be so nice to have some windows open and get some fresh air. Preparation is always key to having success for most things in life and I aways think that it is half the fun too. Still some of my happiest times have been spur of the moment. I hope your Thursday is a great one!

  2. Oh this looks good Marie,, stuffed burgers,, great idea.You write so well Marie,, you should write a book,, about your life, it would be a best seller.I'm really liking the apple dumpling recipe too.This is my kind of recipe for sure,,, I don't care how many calories are in it.Have the best day marie,

  3. Oh this looks good Marie,, stuffed burgers,, great idea.You write so well Marie,, you should write a book,, about your life, it would be a best seller.I'm really liking the apple dumpling recipe too.This is my kind of recipe for sure,,, I don't care how many calories are in it.Have the best day marie,

  4. I should have eaten breakfast before I saw this burger Marie - now I'm going to want one all day! :) blessings, marlene

  5. We've been having almost perfect spring weather here. Mild, sunny days, a little overnight rain just to refresh and more of the same the next day. It's one of the nicest springs I've had in Sweden. While a few degrees warmer would be nice, I'm glad it's not too hot too soon for the sake of the new animals and the farmers planting crops.


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