
Tuesday 26 April 2011

The Simple Woman's Day book

FOR TODAY, April 26th, 2011...

Outside My Window...

The sun has risen and the world is coming alive. Birds singing and chattering away in the hedgerows. The White Pigeons across the road are cooing on the rooftop. Mitzie is snuffling here next to me. Life is good.

I am thinking...
We had a lovely Easter Holiday weekend, with trips out, church, getting to talk to my mom and my eldest son and his family and having friends over for an Easter Lunch yesterday. It was busy and it was fun. Only a few more days to the Royal Wedding also! I can't wait!

I am thankful for...
I love my husband. He is my world. We get along so well together and I just adore him. I know I am a bit bossy sometimes and he pretends that it annoys him. lol I love that he is only pretending. Ok, so sometimes he isn't pretending, but he loves me anyways, despite my sometimes annoying bossiness! (He really doesn't like it when I tell him how to drive. He says that I drive, he only steers. lol)

I am grateful too, that Lura continues to improve. It is hard to believe that over a month has passed already since the accident. I know that her move to the new hospital was very difficult for her and that the new hospital is not as good as the old one. Hopefully she will soon be able to go home. You can keep up with any updates on her condition or leave a message for her here. Your prayers for her are still needed and so very much appreciated!

From the kitchen...
Mmmm . . . leftover Lemon Meringue Pie from yesterday. It was well enjoyed by everyone. One of our guests had two large pieces, so it must have been good. I think Lemon Pie is my favourite kind of pie . . . probably because we don't have it very often. But then again . . . any pie is my favourite! I just love pie!

I am wearing...
My turquoise nightie with some white jim jam bottoms and my slippers.

I am creating...
I am busy finishing off my second set of stamps now. If you would like to see the ones that are already available you can check them out here. I am down to the wire on these ones. Only a few more days til my deadline, so I will have to work extra hard today and tomorrow! I haven't had any time for doodling. The good news is that the last word I had from Imagination Crafts on them was . . . stunning. I can't wait til I can show them to you!

I am going...
I have a Presidency Meeting tomorrow night and it is Stake Temple Day on Saturday. We may go up to the Temple. A lot depends on how flush we feel. It is a long drive and Petrol is so expensive. I know it sounds like excuses . . . but we fly very close to the wire financially these days. We don't have a lot of leeway. I think it is the same for most families. With the price of everything going up the way it does, we have to tighten our belts. It may be that we cut back on the groceries this week so we can afford extra petrol for the car. The times of plenty are well and truly gone.

I am reading...

A Discovery of Witches, by Deborah Harkness

I am still reading this book and it's really good! It is a very thick book so I will be reading it for awhile to come! I only read at night after I go to bed, so that means that I only get a few pages read before I am nodding off. That is why it is taking me so long!

"It beings with absence and desire. It begins with blood and fear. It beings with a discovery of witches."

When historian Diana Bishop opens a bewitched alchemical manuscript in Oxford’s Bodleian Library it represents an unwelcome intrusion of magic into her carefully ordinary life. Though descended from a long line of witches, she is determined to remain untouched by her family’s legacy. She banishes the manuscript to the stacks, but Diana finds it impossible to hold the world of magic at bay any longer.

For witches are not the only otherworldly creatures living alongside humans. There are also creative, destructive daemons and long-lived vampires who become interested in the witch’s discovery. They believe that the manuscript contains important clues about the past and the future, and want to know how Diana Bishop has been able to get her hands on the elusive volume.

Chief among the creatures who gather around Diana is vampire Matthew Clairmont, a geneticist with a passion for Darwin. Together, Diana and Matthew embark on a journey to understand the manuscript’s secrets. But the relationship that develops between the ages-old vampire and the spellbound witch threatens to unravel the fragile peace that has long existed between creatures and humans . . . and will certainly transform Diana’s world as well.

I am hoping...
That we have fine weather on Friday for the Royal Wedding. I have my British Bunting all ready to hang up and am really looking forward to seeing it all. I think that Prince William is a very different man to his father and that this is a true love match. I think he and Kate will be very happy together. I wish them well.

I am hearing...
Early morning sounds . . . the house cracking and snapping as it comes alive. The birds are chirping loudly in the back garden. The tip tapping of the computer keys, Mitzie gently snuffling here next to me on the sofa. Early morning traffic. I love the early morning. It is my favourite time of the day.

Around the house...
Not a lot. I am still working on my craft room/library. I've put it on hold until I finish up these last few designs and then will really crack on with it.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
Royal Wedding, Royal Wedding, Royal Wedding!! (Can you tell I am excited!! It's a real shame my personal invite got lost in the post!)

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

No, you are not imagining things! That is Will's and Kate being immortalized on a Pizza! PIZZA lovers can now get a slice of the Royal Wedding action after a unique portrait of Prince William and Kate Middleton was created to celebrate their forthcoming marriage by the Papa John's Pizza Chain. Of course you need to e-mail them a day in advance to order one, as it takes a whole day to put one together. With Kate’s veil made from mushrooms and her dress from cheese, the royal pizza is also made up of salami and peppers for William’s morning suit. The faces are made of ham and the hair of olives. What do you say folks? Are you up for a slice of Royal Wedding Pizza??? (I can imagine it costs a bomb!!)

And just as a closing thought for today . . .

"Find the door of your heart, you will discover it is the door of the Kingdom of God."
~John Chrysotom

I am ever grateful that I have a heart that is open, teachable and loving.

And there you have it . . . my day book for this week. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!

Here is a tasty refreshing dessert that we just love here. Fruit is so good for you and this is a delicious way to get in several of your five a days! You don't have to use the ones suggested here, but can make up your own combination. Kiwi and blueberries are a lovely and colourful addition as well! The yogurt topping is fabulous!

(Picture borrowed from Southern Living)

*Fresh Fruit Salad with Honeyed Yogurt*
Serves 4
Printable Recipe

Refreshingly delicious and very pretty to look at. The yogurt topping is fabulous! A tasty way to get in some of your five a day!

2 cups fresh pineapple chunks
2 cups of fresh strawberries, hulled and sliced in half
1 1/2 cups of seedless green grapes
1 mango, peeled and sliced
1 cup of fresh raspberries
1 cup of Greek Yogurt
2 tsp of soft light brown sugar, packed
2 tsp of honey

Mix all the fruit together in a large glass bowl. Whisk together the yogurt, brown sugar and honey. Spoon the fruit out into chilled dessert dishes and top each serving with a dollop of the yogurt mixture. Delicious!

I'm sharing new summer products and frozen treats over in The English Kitchen today. These here are the Fruity Frozen Yogurt Pops! (There are also some tasty Watermelon and Mint Pops!) Sorry for the bite from the top of this one. It was just tooooo tasty to resist!!


  1. So glad that you had such a lovely Easter weekend...I did as well thoug it was so different from my usual Easters with sarah and John...I miss them so much.
    Thankfully we still hav ethe nice sunshine this morning although I think the heat has gone for a bit. fingers crossed for a dry day on Friday...Liked the pitza !! sure you coudl do one just as well and lot cheaper !!!!
    Love Sybil xx

  2. I'm so excited for the Royal Wedding, too, Marie! We are getting up at 3am to watch it live. :)
    P.S. Your fruit salad looks super yummy!!!

  3. We here are excited about the wedding too and will be watching on TV. The news is full of the wedding going on there. I hope you make your deadline with no problems. How wonderful that you are doing something you love to do anyway. I hope your Tuesday is a terrific one.

  4. Lovely thoughts to day Marie,, I still can't get the picture of that pizza out of my head!

  5. LOVE the Wills and Kate pizza... that is hilarious and good fun! I'm so excited for Friday--can't wait to sit in front of TV and watch it all! :o) So happy the stamps project is going so well. Happy Tuesday, dear friend--LOVE YOU LOTS!! OXOX ((BIG HUGS)) P.S. We made your chicken stuffed with goat cheese & artichokes & wrapped in Parma ham at Easter---delicious!

  6. Did you see your stamps on QVC? I was so excited. I rang you but no answer. I hope that was because you were glued to the tv!!!

    love n stuff



  7. Another beautiful post to start the week, Marie. We had glorious weather over the Easter weekend as well and it just lifts my mood when that happens.

    There has been no mention of the royal wedding in our papers, but I see it everywhere in the British press. I still remember Charles and Diana getting married. We watched that on tv in Australia. How sad that Diana isn't there to see her lovely son tie the knot. I really hope they have a wonderful life together (and that the intrusive press leave them alone!) I am amused however by that pizza. I wonder how much it costs and what it looks like cooked.

    I could have licked the screen when I saw the fruit salad and the frozen yoghurt. Yum! I am so happy that we are heading into warmer weather with light, colourful foods readily available again.

    Enjoy your week - you lucky ducks are getting ANOTHER long weekend, so there's a reason for a happy dance straight away.

  8. All of that
    GOOD food that
    you make must
    give you some
    kind of energy,
    Marie ~ you do
    SO much every
    day! You are
    amazing. Loved
    catching up with
    your day book!
    xx Suzanne

  9. Marie, how you light up my life. I love your stamps and plan to purchase some. The book you are reading sounds interesting. I am happy your friend Lura is doing better. I know she is near here. I think the new hospital is a rehab center and regretfully they never have enough staff to do as well as the hospital. I worked in one for about 9 months as a nurse.
    The Royal Wedding is big time news here and I will watch it on the TV. I think the Pizza is amazing.
    Have a great week and I can tell you are enjoying the moments.
    Blessings to you!

  10. Thanks once again for mentioning me on your post. I really appreciate the comments and support I am getting. I especially appreciate your love and support. I got your sweet butterflies Saturday. Thanks again for the phone call. How I love to hear your voice. You are very dear to me.

    I will go back to the trauma center tomorrow and get re-evaluated. I have no idea what they will say. I will let you know when I find out.

    I am so happy your stamps are doing well. Work hard to finish up this next order. You are so talented. I am proud of you.

    I hope that you can make it to the temple. There are so many blessings received there. After being used to working there each week, I really miss it. It has been a month now since we were at the temple and it seems like forever. I wonder how long it will be until I can attend again???

    Have a good week dear. Thanks again for your love and support. I am sending you and Todd lots of love. Hugs, Lura

  11. I figured out one of the things I love most about the Daybooks is that it really gives a window into a person's everyday life and that is fun.

    Most posts are about something specific and outside of ourselves, the Daybook is about you and me and every other person that does them. Sometimes our Daybook thoughts are just everyday things that don't engender an entire post but that are so very much about who we are. How else would I know about your likes and dislikes and all the things that make us all love you? Yay for the Daybook!


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!