
Friday 22 April 2011

Friday Mish Mash and Redeeming Love . . .

I looked out the window
and what did I see?
Popcorn popping
on the apricot tree!
Spring had brought me
such a great surprise,
Popcorn popping
right before my eyes!
I can take an armful
and make a treat,
a popcorn ball
that would smell so sweet.
It wasn't really so,
but it seemed to be,
Popcorn popping
on the apricot tree!

One of my favourite Primary (Children's Sunday School) songs has always been popcorn popping. It's been running around and around in my head for days now as I look out my window at all the blossoming trees in the neighborhood. So beautiful. The kids at church always love this song. It's one of those songs that once you get it into your head, it's hard to get out, so I apologize in advance, but then again . . . maybe that's not a bad thing, to have a delightful little song like this running through your mind. Here's a version I found of a male choir doing it acapella that I thought was quite nice.

Then again, it is really lovely when you see the little ones enjoying it. They may struggle with the words, but one has to admire their enthusiasm and delight in their joy! I thought these two wee ones were absolutely adorable!

Mind you . . . it's not just the wee ones who enjoy it. Just look at these Elders (Missonaries) getting down to a reggae version of the song. This simple song seems to spread a joy about that's pandemic! It's quite hard not to catch it! I love it!

I'm afraid that Mitzie was in the dog house for most of yesterday. The little dear decided that she as going to chew up half of the bedding plants we had only planted the day before. It would appear that she's moved on from digging up Jerusalem Artichokes! She got a right good scolding twice!! And sent to her bed . . . twice!! She knew she had done wrong and so I am hoping that the lesson sticks and that she leaves them alone today! It is hard to stay annoyed with her for very long though . . . I mean . . . just look at that face!

So sweet and so innocent! I could just snuffle her to pieces and frequently do! One of her favourite games now is for me to lay down on the floor and hide my face beneath my arms. She then trys to snuffle my face out . . . it makes me laugh so much and her tail is just a wagging when she is doing it. I just love her so very much, even when she is being naughty, I cannot stay annoyed with her for very long. She is such a joy to us.

Today I will be reflecting on that great gift, the atonement of Jesus Christ. There are no words that I can speak, that can truly express how very grateful I am for what He did for us, so I will let an Apostle of the Lord speak them for me. As you go about your day today, I hope that you will be touched by them as I have been touched by them, and despite the sadness of what this day brings, you will be uplifted and filled with joy for this, the greatest gift ever given to us . . .

Easter Blessings to each and every one of you. May your cups truly runneth over during this, the most holiest of weekends during the Christian Calendar year. It's not only about the chocolate, and it is my wish that we can all feel and know that . . .

Here's a tasty sandwich that we love. You can use leftover roast beef or you can use deli sliced roast beef. I love the flavours from the mayonnaise mixture and the meaty pepperiness of the rocket. They both go so very well with the beef!

*Roast Beef Sandwich*
Makes 1
Printable Recipe

What makes this sandwich different than others? Rye bread, a tangy Dijon mustard mayonnaise spread, swiss cheese and rocket!

2 slices of dark rye bread
1/2 tsp creamed horseradish
1/2 tsp Dijon mustard
2 TBS low fat mayonnaise
2 ounces of sliced roast beef
1 slice of swiss cheese
a small handful of rocket (arugula)

Stir together the horseradish, mustard and mayonnaise. Lay out the two slices of bread. Spread half of the mayonnaise mixture onto each slice. Lay the rocket, roast beef and cheese on top of the mayonnaise mixture on one side. Top with the other slice, mayonnaise mixture down. Press slightly. Cut in half diagonally to eat. (Note, you may also toast this if you like. Just spread the outsides with softened butter and grill on both sides in a hot skillet until browned and the cheese melts.)

Over in The English Kitchen today, a deliciously Sweet and Spicy Steak Sauce!


  1. What a cheeky little puppy, you can't be mad at her for long. Yesterday my dog decided to tear off some loose wallpaper in our bedroom, she didn't eat it, just tore it off and left it in piles. I know it was nobody else because it only goes so high and my kids (who are almost grown up and would not tear up my wallpaper) were out all day!! Maybe my puppy has redecoration ideas on her mind!!

    Have a happy and restful Easter

  2. I can just see Mitzie,,, thats funny but I know its not.We had the same problem with our dog.The sandwich looks pretty yummy marie,,have a good day.

  3. Oh Marie, look at that pretty little face and those big puppy eyes... how can you stay cross with that :-) I do hope you find a way to make your garden and Mitzie live in harmony.

    Enjoy your beautiful spring - those blossoms look wonderful. I'm now about to make your devilled eggs for the family dinner tonight, so I'll certainly be thinking of you.

  4. You haven't been putting a little bonemeal in with your plantings, have you Marie? Our dogs used to love it - especially the spaniel.

  5. My cup does runneth over because of you and Lura and oh so many others that the Lord has brought into my life. I am truly blessed. Thank you for being someone through whom my prayers can be answered!!! Love you, Jan

  6. Love this post dear Marie, have a nice Easter, Love yah! xoxoxo gloria

  7. One of the reasons I have never had a dog Marie,I am far too soft and cannot punish LOL!!Poor Mitsy she likes bedding plants Hee-Heee.Have a Blessed Easter.Take Care God Bless Kath xx

  8. I love that popcorn song -- how cute! I'd never heard it before but it would be one that would stick with you ... I wish you a very Blessed Easter weekend too!

  9. Like Ma I had never heard the popcorn song...guess what I am sitting here singing !! Thank you for that wonderful message. A truly wonderful refelction for this special Friday...
    What a wee monkey that Mitzie is...Poor you and Todd...and the plants !!
    Have a wonderful weekend,
    Love Sybil xx

  10. I have listened to all of the video clips in this blog and have thoroughly enjoyed each one. Especially Elder Holland.
    Thank you for the entertainment.
    As always it was so good to talk to you. I love you. I appreciate your and Todd's prayers. I am getting better each day.I hope you are feeling better too. Hugs, Lura


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