
Wednesday 2 March 2011

Tick Tock . . . Tick Tock . . .

There is something very comforting and homely about clocks. My mother used to have a silver "Cowboy Clock" that sat on top of the bookcase in our lounge when I was growing up. Oh how I loved to sit next to it and trace the lines of that beautiful horse and admire it . . . I think I probably admired it until it was broken, but . . . that's another story! (I don't think I was alone. I think years of being touched by three pairs of little hands took their eventual toll!)

Clocks have an awful lot to teach us. Much more than helping us to keep the right time and decorating our mantles . . .

Their steady tick . . . tock . . . tick . . . tock . . . tick . . . tock . . . tells us not to rush things, but to do them at an even pace. Slow and steady often wins the race . . .

Their lovely faces have a serenity and a stillness that I find quite soothing . . . and oftimes a great beauty that cannot be matched . . .

Most important of all . . . their hands never go backwards. A timely reminder to us that we, too, must keep moving forward with confidence and faith that what lies ahead of us is good and in our Heavenly Father's plan and keeping for our lives.

Just my thoughts about clocks this morning. I do love that sound in a house and the occasional chime . . . for some reason it just speaks home to me, how about you??

We had a lovely day yesterday. Miztie got herself groomed and looks quite the different little lady now. Not so unruly! We had not had her done since before Christmas and she was beginning to look like a little Yeti! Also, the missionaries came over and helped Todd to dig over the garden, so all is in preparation now for our planting. I am going to sit down and micro manage it this year . . . and have it all planned out so that I know what is where! I am good at planning things, but not so good at executing them! Happy Wednesday everyone!

Here's something that I often made when my kids were growing up. It is like the cheaper homemade version of Taco Flavour Hamburger Helper. My kids loved it!

*Cheesy Taco Beef Skillet*
Serves 4
Printable Recipe

A quick and easy supper that is delicious and uses stuff that most people keep on hand. Well, maybe not the taco seasoning mix, but that's easy enough to pick up. My kids always loved this!

1 pound extra lean ground beef
1 small onion, chopped
3/4 cup water
1 package (1 1/4 ounces) Taco Seasoning Mix
2 cup corn chips
4 ounces of grated medium to strong cheddar cheese
2 cups shredded lettuce
2 tomatoes, chopped
a couple of spring onions, chopped

Spritze a large nonstick skillet (with a lid) with cooking spray and then heat over medium high heat. Crumble in the meat and fry, stirring occasionaly, until beginning to brown. Add the onion and continue to cook until the meat is nicely browned and the onion softened. Stir in the Taco seasoning mix and 3/4 cup of water. Cover and simmer until tender and slightly thickened, about 10 minutes. Sprinkle with the corn chips and the grated cheese. Cover again and cook on low for about five minutes, until the cheese is melted. Sprinkle with the shredded lettuce, tomatoes and chopped onion and serve!

Note - you can also sprinkle some chopped black olives on top if you like.

There's Peanut Butter Cookies on offer over in The English Kitchen today!


  1. Hi, dear Marie! I've always loved clocks too. We're doing a kitchen spruce-up soon, and one thing I would like to get is a better, prettier clock for the kitchen. My favorite clock is one my Mom gave to--it's a shabby-chic creamy-white with floral face--very sweet. Glad all went well getting Mitzie groomed. We take Charlie to the vet for an annual teeth clean Friday--bracing ourselves, as it's always rather a bit of an ordeal... LOL! LOVE the recipe today...mmm... Happy Day, my friend--LOVE YOU LOTS!! ((BIG HUGS))

  2. I got to check out those PB cookies! I've been craving them!

  3. I have 2 wonderful old clocks here at my house and just love hearing them chime on the hour. How nice to get started at a garden. Here we are still snow covered and frozen. Hope your Wednesday is a wonderful one.

  4. I too love clocks Marie. I even try to phone a friend around the "hour" so that I can hear their clock chime in the background is a Westminster Chime...Bet Mitzie looks ever so smart I must phoen tomorrow to get Dee done as like Mitzie he is beginning to look like a hairy yeti !! Hope you have had our afternoon sunshine
    Love Sybil x

  5. i bet mitzie didn't look half as yeti as zac does right now. . .poor dog needs some major groomage!! lol.


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