
Tuesday 8 March 2011

The Simple Woman's Day book

FOR TODAY, March 8th, 2011...

Outside My Window...

It's clear and cold. The ground is covered with a light frost, but the birds are singing and it promises to be a dry day! Hooray for dry days!

I am thinking...
About the cortizone shot I am going to have later today in my knee. I am dreading it. I was able to have a Priesthood blessing last night and that helped me to rest my mind a bit more about it. I know they will freeze the knee first, at least someone told me they would. Here's hoping. In all truth I am probably dreading the drive there more than the shot! We have to go on the M56 and it's horrendous!

I am thankful for...
Having the Priesthood in my home. That is something that I did not have for many years. It is an extra blessing and I am so grateful for it.

From the kitchen...
Not a lot really. I have been trying to be a good girl! Oh darn . . . I just remembered I have a container filled with Gypsy Creams . . .

I am wearing...
A nightie, some jim jam bottoms, my robe. Layering to keep warm.

I am creating...
Still working on new designs. My first set should be out on the shopping channel QVC, this month. I'm working on the second set and there will be a third set down the road. I am also working on some Mother's Day art, and a special doll.

I am going...
Runcorn Hospital this afternoon, Primary Presidency Meeting tomorrow night, a Pampered Chef party on Thursday evening and then I think that's all I have planned! A fairly quiet week for sure!

I am reading...

Toujours Provence, by Peter Mayle

A second enjoyable helping of rural life in France from the author of A Year In Provence. Skulking through customs with a suitcase full of truffles, toads singing the Marseillaise, taking pastis lessons and finding gold at the bottom of the garden . . . you might think there is little time left for pleasures of the table. Toujours Provence proves that while you might not be able to get away from it all, you can have fun trying. I keep laughing outloud as I am reading it, tis very witty you know . . . and Todd looks over at me like I'm a nutter. I just tell him, he'll have to read it for himself. It's really quite humorous and enjoyable!

Can you believe that I've never read A Year In Provence? I know . . . it's next on my list!

I am hoping...
That we have a safe and uneventful trip to Runcorn and back again this afternoon, and then, thankfully it will be all over. I think we'll be having a Takeaway for our tea tonight!

I am hearing...
Early morning sounds . . . the house cracking and snapping as it comes alive. Clocks ticking. Walls creaking . . . cars passing by the front of the house . . . the honk of the taxi's horn. The world is coming alive. The birds are singing more and more in the mornings . . . a sure sign that spring is just around the corner, and I am thinking we are all needing more than a little bit of that!! My daffodils are blooming at any rate!

Around the house...
Not a lot to do really. We had company last night and we all know how that goes. The house is in tip top condition except for the basket of laundry that needs ironing!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
I plan on playing with my doll's house at some point, and working on my designs and then just the ordinary stuff that life is made from. A bit of this and a bit of that. Life is good.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

This is a picture of Mitzie sitting in her favourite position watching the television. She likes Animal Planet. You should see her when they have Owls on. She is absolutely fascinated by them! She graduated from her Dog Training Sessions yesterday and was a star pupil! She and Todd spent a full hour over in Westminster Park off lead and she came back every time when called and was a very good girl. We are very proud of her! She is snoring away and having a good old sleep just behind me here on the sofa at the moment. She was very tired yesterday after the training session. So was Todd!

And just as a closing thought for today . . .

Mix a pancake
Stir a pancake
Pop it in the pan
Fry the pancake
Toss the pancake
Catch it if you can!

~Christina Rossetti

Yes, today is Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Day as it is lovingly known the world over. When I was a child it was the only time we ever got pancakes and we sure ate our fill of them! (My poor mother standing at the stove for all that time!) Happy Pancake Day everyone!

And there you have it . . . my day book for this week. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!

In honor of Pancake Day here is my recipe for Silver Dollar Pancakes. Why is it when you give something a quirky name like that, the children love a dish all the more? My kids could not get enough of these and would vie to see who could eat the most!

*Silver Dollar Pancakes*
makes 28 (2 inch) pancakes
Printable Recipe

Silver dollar sized pancakes, as light as an angel's breath. Serve with fruit and syrup for a real treat!

1 1/4 cup flour
2 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons baking soda
pinch salt
1 1/2 cup low fat buttermilk
2 large free range eggs
3 tablespoons butter or margarine, melted, divided

Sift the flour into a large bowl. Whisk together with the sugar, salt and baking soda. Beat together the buttermilk, eggs and 2 TBS of the butter. Add all at once to the dry mixture and whisk together until just blended without overmixing. (Overmixing makes tough pancakes)

Heat a large nonstick skillet, or griddle, over medium heat until hot. Brush with some of the remaining melted butter. Drop batter by heaped tablespoons onto the heated pan. Cook until bubbles break the surface and the underside is browned before flipping over and cooking the other side. Remove and keep warm while you cook the rest in the same manner, brushing the pan with more butter as needed.

Serve warm with some syrup and fresh fruit. Delicious.

Over in The English Kitchen today, delicious Sticky Toffee Pudding Pancakes!


  1. I know all will go well with the injection this aftrenoon Marie and you will feel so much better afterwards. Mary has had them numerous times and it is not tooooo painful !! and my friend Pam has them in her shoulders and spine. She heard last week that they think she may be able to have a new shoulder joint, whatever next.
    Isn't it funny how we call things by different names your recipe today would be called "drop scones" in Scotland and were always one of Mum's favs. to make for anyone comming for tea etc..with home made strawberry jam. mmmmm....
    Love Sybil xx

  2. Hope I'm not too late for 'reassurance'...the Cortisone shouldn't be too unpleasant. I've had three before,and was glad to have them at the time.They did work for me!
    I'm off to Hospital too this afternoon,with an ongoing condition.

  3. You should be numbed first MAJ and then they also put numbing meds in with the won't be as bad you imagine...good luck on the Motorway..ugh!!

  4. I'm having my pancakes today. I made them yesterday knowing that there would be leftovers for today too From all I've heard about the shot you are getting I think you will love it. They tend to give lots of relief and you will feel much better after having it. I wish you a safe trip and a terrific Tuesday!

  5. Congrats on your prints being on QVC!

  6. Hi, dear Marie! Praying all will go well with your cortisone shot today. My Dad had one in his shoulder after an injury many years ago, he was actually glad to have it. I think it's the idea of being stuck with something, isn't it? Hoping so much all goes well! Keep us posted when you can! :o) LOVE the photo of Mitzie--too cute! We generally don't watch much in the way of animal programs on TV--mostly because Charlie goes crazy, searching for the "other animals" in the house... LOL! ;o) I love the books of Peter Mayle. I should revisit those sometime. Would love to chat with you tomorrow. I will be home most all of the afternoon, as today & tomorrow I'm doing a big spring clean of my studio--wish me luck! ;o) Happy Day, dear friend--LOVE YOU LOTS ((BIG HUGS))

  7. Don't worry about the shot Marie - I've had many and they aren't that bad at all. It's the thought of the needle - just don't watch and you'll be fine. They put the numbing med in with the shot so it goes in first - it's a piece of cake. I'm now getting them in my shoulder - I need a new shoulder also - and they don't hurt at all. Think happy thoughts - have a wonderful day.

  8. I hope that all went well with the cortisone shot. I am sure that it will bring you relief from the pain. I know that they surely did help me. I will call you and see how you are.

    I have never heard of pancake day but I am all for it. I also can't believe that as kids your mom only fed you pancakes on that one day a year. I know that they are not that good for you, but because they were cheap and so easy to do I am afraid they were one of our main breakfasts when the kids were small. When they got older and left by 6 a.m. for seminary, we only had pancakes on Sat and on Sun when church was on late schedule. The nice thing was that John became the pancake chef. Each Sat. he would try to come up with something different to
    add to the pancake mix... apples ...nuts...raisins. Some of his concoctions were better than

    Occasionally, on days when I was too tired from teaching to go to the store to get something for dinner and I hadn't planned ahead, I would make pancakes for dinner. It was not a favorite, but no one complained. They knew better. On those days they were lucky I made any dinner at all. lol

    Shrove Tuesday ...Pancake day ...I guess I'm never to old to learn something new? Is it always the 2nd Tues in March? Do I have to wait for pancake day to have pancakes again? Oh dear, that may be a problem.... especially if Austin is here.
    Hugs, Lura

  9. I had this injection once for my arthritis...not as bad as I anticipated at all. Thank you for your prayers coming our way to California for our ward members. We actually celebrate Shrove Tuesday here at our school. We just finished our pancake breakfast, and now onto the races! I will have to send a few pictures!

  10. I know that it will go well for your cortisone injection. The best part of course will be less pain.
    Loved your thoughts today as usual. your thoughts always bring a smile to my face. Of course the recipes always look fun.
    Thanks for your thought on my post. Enjoy the moments you have in the temple. We have lived in areas when there have not been temples near by so we know how it is to have to travel a distant to get there. I have found that sometimes we go more often when it is further away and do not go as often when it is near. The important thing is just to go as often as possible. The Lord will accept our efforts.
    Blessings to you; you are a favorite blogger friend. LeAnn

  11. What a beautiful blog!! I just found you today, but I am pretty new to blogging. I have to go back now and finish reading. So much, LOVE IT!


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