
Tuesday 22 March 2011

The Simple Woman's Day book

FOR TODAY, March 22nd, 2011...

Outside My Window...

It's clear and mild. The day promises to be very nice. Actually they have said the whole week will be clear and the weather stable. It was just wonderful yesterday. We hung the wash out to dry. I do so love the smell of clothes and bedding that has been hung outside on the line to dry. I love to smell Miztie as well when she comes in from outside. Fresh air . . . you can't beat it!!

I am thinking...
I was released from my calling as a Counselor in Primary on Sunday morning. I had originally been called for six months to help the new President get it all started off with a good foundation, and stabilized. I was there for 10 months, and was just beginning to love it, but then . . . that's how it usually goes. You begin to love your calling and then you are released to do something else. I'm not sure what that something else is yet, but I have a feeling it won't be long before I find out!

I am thankful for...
When we are children we have simple wants and needs. We think we can be anything at all that we want to be. Our parents are the best parents ever. Our dad's a superman and our mom a Queen. We live in the best house ever and have the best brother's and sisters. We have more fun playing with a cardboard box than with the toy that came inside . . . I am so grateful for a heart that still feels these things and that is able to take joy in simple pleasures. Being content therewith is the secret to a happy life.

From the kitchen...
There is that scrummy Olive, Herb and Cheese loaf leftover from yesterday and I think I'm going to toast myself a piece or two for breakfast!!

I am wearing...
Pink jimjams and my slippers! Why are jammies so comfortable. I could live in mine all day if I was allowed to! I guess they would look kind of funny if I wore them out and about though, and so . . . I get dressed.

I am creating...
Still working on new designs. I was so pleased to see the finished ones last week. (You can see the HERE.) I now have to scan all my artwork into the computer again. This time I think I will also put them onto a disc so that if the computer goes down, I still have them!

I am going...
Visiting Teaching this afternoon. I love Visiting Teaching. For those of you who don't know, every sister in our church (LDS) has a set of Visiting Teachers. This is a group of two ladies who go to visit them each month, bringing a spiritual message, if wanted . . . but more importantly than that . . . love, friendship and support. I have done many things while visit teaching. I have helped harried young mothers fold their laundry, or get the dishes done. Whatever needs doing or that helps to lessen the load they are carrying. I have made good friends. It is a simple thing, but it is a great thing too. Nobody in the church need ever feel that they are alone or that nobody cares.

I am reading...

Tatty, by Christine Dwyer Hickey

I am loving this book. As the story begins, we are in 1964, and Caroline, known as `Tatty' to her family, is 4 years old. Her nickname is a play on the words tell-tale-tattler - she earns it because she's unable to keep secrets. She lives near Dublin with her Mam and Dad and her sisters - Jeannie who is two years older than her and Deirdre who has learning difficulties - and her two younger brothers.

Tatty's parents are drunks who have a volatile relationship. Tatty is particularly close to her Dad, and at times her Mam is very jealous of this closeness. As her parents' relationship breaks down, her mother's drinking becomes steadily worse, and she becomes more aggressive towards her children as they witness their parents' unhappiness.

Warm, sweet, funny, sad and unsentimental. A great read thus far!

I am hoping...
They gave me a cane to use yesterday. I am hoping that it does NOT become a permanent fixture. I'm only 55 for crying out loud says I!!

I am hearing...
Early morning sounds . . . the house cracking and snapping as it comes alive. Clocks ticking. Walls creaking . . . cars passing by the front of the house . . . the honk of the taxi's horn. The world coming alive. Birds are singing. Mitzie is laying against my back here on the sofa, softly snoring. It's a beautiful beginning to a beautiful day.

Around the house...
Ironing. Ironing. and more Ironing. Because we don't have a clothers drier we end up having to iron just about everything. sigh . . . One day I will have a clothes drier.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
Not a lot really. Visit teaching this afternoon and then the Missionaries are coming for tea. I am doing them a Beef Stew with Dumplings and a scrummy Dessert that I haven't decided on yet. Friday Night we are invited to a Birthday Party which will be fun, but all in all, it's a very quiet week!

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

I just love this table setting. The creamware . . . the apple blossoms . . . the asparagus . . . the dainty colours. It just screams SPRING to me! I would have never thought of using asparagus as a table decoration, but how ingeniously perfect! Don't you just love it? I do!

And just as a closing thought for today . . .

Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open."
~John Barrymore

I love the thought of that, don't you?

And there you have it . . . my day book for this week. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!

Here is a delicious side dish that is easy to make and uses things that I always have in my fridge. We are real potato people in this house, as you know. They are so very versatile and tasty!

*Roasted New Potatoes*
Serves 6 to 8
Printable Recipe

A tastily delicious way to prepare potatoes that will have your family coming back for more! Very easy to do and goes so very well with grilled meats, chicken or fish. You only need to add a tossed salad for a complete meal.

2 pounds of new potatoes, halved lengthwise
6 slices of streaky smoked bacon, chopped
3 TBS Zesty Italian Salad dressing
1/3 cup of light mayonnaise
1 TBS lemon juice
1 clove of garlic, peeled and minced
2 TBS shredded Parmesan Cheese
2 tsp chopped fresh flat leaf parsley

Preheat the oven to 200*C/400*F/ gas mark 6. Heat a 15 by 10 inch baking tray with sides in the oven.

Place the potatoes, bacon and Italian dressing in a bowl. Toss to combine well together. Spread them out onto the bottom of the heated tray. Bake for 45 minutes until tender and turning crispy around the edges. Give them a stir after 25 minutes, and then stir them every 10 minutes after that.

Whisk together the mayonnaise, lemon juice and garlic.

Spoon the roasted potatoes onto a heated serving platter. Drizzle with the mayonnaise mixture. Sprinkle the cheese and parsley over top and serve.

Over in The English Kitchen today a delicious Savoury Olive, Herb and Parmesan Loaf!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Whoa a cane? Hopefully it will steady you as your knee heals. Then you can retire it to the closet until further notice! Bless your heart, get well, sweet friend.

    New calling in the offing too. Now you have to wonderful for awhile. The hard part and then the new assignment and you dig in and pretty soon you are released and it starts again. The eternal round of church membership!

    I do love that table setting too. I have never seen Asparagus used like that, it looks very cool!

    I am watching season 2 of Larkrise to Candleford right now and just finished the first two hours of Downton Abbey. Very good, both of them!

    I have got to get in bed right now!

  3. So what you've got a least it will help you get around..if you can afford it you can buy some lovley ones now (fairly cheap actually)that have lovely patterns on them an dthey fold into your handbag..Almost everyone in our village seem to have them and forever loosing them LOL !!!
    Love todays recipe...
    Have a lovely day anjoy you visiting and your visitors. I might just pop up and have a plate of the meat and dumplings !!
    Love Sybil xx

  4. I agree with you, I could live in my pajamas too. I once read a book where 3 women opened up a pajama shop...and they wore pajamas to work everyday. Wouldn't that be great! I do hope your Tuesday is a terrific one!

  5. Hi, Marie! Oh, the cane...but at least it helps keep you steady and get around. I'm sure it won't be a permanent thing--I hope not! Jammies... I could live in my all day too... I do some of my best work in my jammies. ;o) Good attitude about the Primary post...Another something wonderful will be presented to you, I just know it will be! Must add that book to my reading list--sounds ever so good. I'm between reading just now. Been enjoying the Harry Potter books actually--better late then never. ;o) Happy Day, dear friend--LOVE YOU LOTS ((BIG HUGS))

  6. I hope that your day has turned out as nicely as it started.

    I think I will give you a ring and find out. I need to know about the cane thing.
    Hugs, Lura

  7. Marie, you must write a book or at least do a recipe book. Perhaps you already have. I am so amazed at all the wonderful recipes you have. I know the missionaries are going to enjoy their dinner with you.
    I need Spring to sprung. We are still having awful winter like weather. I too love to smell clean laundry that has hung on the line, that brings back memories.
    The quote was awesome and I wrote it down.
    We were in Idaho this weekend and my sweet daughter in law was released from her Primary calling as the secretary. She was really loveing the call and only had it for 6 months. Oh well, change brings growth.
    I too love Visiting Teaching. Have a great week and blessings to you! LeAnn


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