
Monday 14 March 2011

From little seeds . . . miracles do flow

From the contents of this little packet shall I see . . . green shoots thrusting through the soil towards the sun. And then with a bit of warmth and tender care someday soon there will be . . .

Pansies, asters, scented stocks, marigolds, roses . . . all ablaze! Oh the fragrance and the glory of the summer days to come, all this we have to look forward to . . . that such beauty can come from something so tiny . . . so brown . . . so nondescript . . . and plain . . .

Isn't this a lesson we, ourselves, would do well to heed? This miracle that God brings forth . . . these wonders from a tiny speck of seed???

How small our seeds of faith may be within our darkest of hours . . . but then . . . the miracle as . . . He brings forth to us the sweetest of flowers!

Oh, can it really be so . . . only a few days now until the official days of Spring begin!!! Already the birds are singing sweeter and I know nesting has begun. Their voices are a cacophany of sound in the mornings now when I arise. It's so beautiful to hear. We have mostly sparrows here, with the odd black bird and I have even seen a robin once. I miss all the birds we used to have in our garden down south . . . but then this garden is at the edge of a city so I shouldn't expect the same thing. I am happy for the sparrows just the same . . . their gift of birdsong is just as sweet and just as welcome! The Camelia by the front door is overflowing with buds just waiting to burst out into blossom! I remember how very welcome they were last year when we arrived to move into this house. A pink cheery greeting amidst all our upset . . . they were like a little promise from God that all would be well, and it has been . . .

Now here’s a seriously good muffin. I often make these and nobody ever complains, in fact they are a popular request! Muffins are the ideal breakfast for anyone on the go, don't you think? You can hold them in your hand and they always go down a real treat!

*Chocolate Chip Muffins*
Makes 12 to 18
Printable Recipe

These delicious muffins are moist and chock full of chocolate chips. You can also add pecans or walnuts. I don’t always and you don’t really need to, but they are pretty good with them included. If I am adding them, I toast them first.

For the topping:
1/4 cup soft light brown sugar, packed
1/4 cup diced pecans
1/4 cup rolled oats
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
3 tablespoons soft butter

For the muffins:
2 cups plain flour
1/3 cup packed soft light brown sugar
1/3 cup caster sugar
2 tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
2/3 cup milk
½ cup butter, melted
2 large free range eggs, lightly beaten
1 tsp vanilla
12 ounces milk chocolate chips
½ cup pecans or walnuts, chopped

Pre-heat the oven to 200*C/400*F/gaas mark 5. Lightly grease a muffin pan or line with paper cups.

Make the topping by rubbing all the ingredients together until crumbly. Set aside.

Sift together the flour, sugars, baking powder and salt into a large bowl. In another bowl, beat together the milk, eggs, butter and vanilla.

Make a well in the centre of the dry ingredients and add the wet ingredients all at once, stirring just to combine. Fold in the chocolate chips and the nuts.

Spoon into the prepared pan. Sprinkle the topping evenly over top of each muffin. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes, or until well risen and a toothpick inserted in the centre of one comes out clean. Remove to a wire rack to finish cooling.

These taste good warm or cold, and they freeze very well.

There's a delicious Apple and Cheddar Cheese Cake over in The English Kitchen today!


  1. Happy Monday dear Marie!!

    I hope that Spring is about to start. I am ready for some warmer weather and working outside on my yard.

    I hope you have a wonderful week this week!!


  2. I do so love the springtime Marie. It seems even better this year after our long cold winter...mind you friends in Scotland had heavy snow on Saturday !! I don't have many wee birds in my garden..mostly to do with Amber Mary's cat I think LOL..but Sarah has I am sure ALL the birds in Box flock to her table I loose count of the variety. My all time fav. of course the Bull Finch. he is so gorgeous. What we don;t seem to have is many sparrows !! must be all up in Cheshire..Now I am going to check out that apple and cheddar cheese cake recipe..Did you know that I live quite near Cheddar ?
    Have a great painfree week.
    Love Sybil x

  3. H, Marie! LOVE this happy post to start the week! I'm so eager for spring I'm fairly itching... LOL! More birds and birdsong has been happening the past two weeks... so maybe a sign spring is coming. Now if only this snow would melt away...Choc chip muffins... Oh, I could go for on now at elevenses! ;o) Happy Week, dear friend--LOVE YOU LOTS ((BIG HUGS))

  4. I love springtime when everything comes to life again. It's no wonder that they say gardeners are closer to heaven. I'm excited that this week it will warm up here and maybe all our snow will finally melt. I hope your Monday is a wonderful one.

  5. I love Spring. It's my favorite season!

  6. So true. I love Spring. I hope that it will start in earnest here...This is Utah, so we have snow and then Spring and then snow and then Spring. :)

    I went to the retirement party of a dear family member a week ago, who worked in the church office building in downtown Salt Lake. She told the most touching story of how she had been praying that before she left work she would get to shake Pres. Monson's hand. A chance encounter not only provided her with the opportunity to shake his hand, but he gave her a big bear hug and a kiss on the forehead, too. What a dear man. And such a sweet lady! :)


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