
Friday 1 April 2011

Friday Mish Mash

Just one step can start a journey,
Just one step is all it takes,
Just one match can set a lantern
Burning bright till morning breaks.
Just one voice can launch an anthem,
Start a song that never ends,
Just one smile can bridge a silence,
Turning strangers into friends.
Just one deed of simple trusting
Sometimes very hard can seem,
Don't despair, for just one footstep,
Leads the way to find your dream.
~Margaret Ingall

And just one toffee bitten down on in the wrong way can take off the top of a molar!! I discovered that yesterday morning when we were sorting out the dining room/lounge! I had a couple of tins of chocolates in there and one was a bit of a mixture of all sorts of candies and I thought I would try this toffee out to see if they were fresh or needed throwing away. I bit down into it and when I lifted my mouth to chew it took the whole top off of a molar. Needless to say I am in need of Dental treatment now! We called and the earliest they could get me in was Monday morning, but when pressed they said to call back this morning at 8:45 and they might be able to fit me in as an emergency. I really hope that they can! It is not hurting at the moment, but I dread to think about how it will be feeling in a couple of days without at least a temporary filling to cover it up!

We did get this whole area done yesterday, not that there was a lot to do in here. This long room is pretty much kept under control anyways. I did find my missing Administering the Church manual though, which was good! In going through the buffet I also came up with a few things that had me scratching my head, pondering what I could have been thinking of when I bought them though . . . they will be dropped off at the local charity shop soon.

This is one of the items. You would be forgiven if you didn't know what it is. Can you guess??? It is a potato masher! I know! Whatever possessed me to buy it??? Difficult to store and I can't remember ever using it. I think I thought at the time it would be a unique way to mash my potatoes. However, knowing me . . . I should have known that I am an old dog that hates new tricks. I would never change my traditional way of mashing them . . . just like I can never shorten someone's name!

It seemed like a good idea at the time . . . but now it just makes me feel ill to look at it. I suppose I could use it as a planter, but it's rather ugly, so I won't! Todd calls it North American humour, and perhaps it is. I only know for sure, it's gone . . .

Fat Cat measuring cups. Cute yes, but they take up a lot of space and I have never used them. One of those impulse buys that you just fall in love with but that end up not being very practical. I like my old beat up metal ones, I'm afraid. I also have a set of melmac ones that I keep inside my canisters and a sweet set of honey bee ones my sister sent me. Those I am keeping.

This is a pickled onion grabber. We hardly ever have pickled onions and when we do, it's not a problem using a fork to get them out of the jar. Just another unsual piece of kitchen kit gathering dust in a drawer.

Nothing unusual here. It's an ice lolly set. What would be unusual would be me having enough room in my freezer to make ice lollies, or anyone to feed them to if I did. I'm sure some young mum will get a lot more use out of this, so out it goes too.

Cute . . . check. Colourful . . . check. Impossible to store . . . check. 'Nuff said.

There were a few other odds and sodds that are destined for the charity shop as well, but nothing worth noting. I thought you would enjoy seeing these few things though! They're sitting in a box waiting to go and I daren't look inside the box for fear I will change my mind! I have to be ruthless!

I begin the One Step Program later this morning. (As long as it doesn't interfere with any Dentist appointment I might get!) I am a bit nervous about that. I know I will have to be weighed, not a problem as I was weighed at the hospital on one of those horrible scales that make you break into a cold sweat and I got through that experience intact, even if my ego was terribly bruised, and we all know they weigh heavier than the ones at home do! There is no easy way to get around it . . . this losing weight business and I should know that more than anyone. I've done it so many times in the past which shows me that I am very good at taking it off . . . it's the keeping it off that I am really bad at!

Well, I guess I have bored you enough with all of this chat chat for today, so I will leave you with a special and profound thought . . .

"God has given us more than enough help to banish fear and give us courage, whatever we may face in life. As we reach out for His help, He can lift us toward that eternal life we seek."
~Henry B Eyring

When I read that I think of my dear friend Lura who is certainly facing a steep hill to climb at this point in her life. She is improving every day, and has already been through so very much. Please do keep her in your prayers as she still needs them. Do pop on over to her page as well and leave her a message of hope and cheer. Reading them really does help to uplift her in the small hours of the morning when she is in so much pain that she cannot sleep. You can go to see her HERE. I just know she would love a visit from you. You will be inspired by the tenacity and faith of this beautiful woman.

Over in The English Kitchen today . . . a delicious dish of Spaghetti with Butternut Squash, Onions and Cheese. Happy Friday everyone!


  1. Oh Marie --

    I hope you tooth feel better soon and you are able to get in to the dentist. I am so sorry to hear about Lura. I am going over there to see what is going on!


  2. Oh no! Ot never rains but it pours sometimes. I really hope that you are able to get that tooth sorted quickly. Do you think that toffee was trying to tell you something? :-)

    I am keeping your dear friend in my prayers. How fragile and fleeting life can be sometimes and I am reminded to count my blessings once again. I hope she continues to get stronger and makes a full recovery.

    I laughed heartily at some of those impulse purchases. I live in a small place and spend 4 months a year on a boat, so practicality has to win over impulse when I see things, though I have made a couple of head scratching buys. Though I have to say that I just love those fat cat cup measures - I'm sure I'd never be able to resist them.

  3. Oh, no...your tooth, Marie! Heavens, but it doesn't rain, it pours... LOL! Do hope you will be able to get in as an emergency today and get it taken care of before much pain sets in! Keep us posted! Let us know about what you think of One Step too. So glad the de-clutter is going well. Lots of pretty gadgets & gizmos there. ;o) I had two sets of iced lolly makers, thinking they'd be great for the nieces & nephews (and me! ;o) during the summer--but the kids are soo busy in the summer to be here... LOL... so the iced lolly makers went last fall. Keep up the good work there. :o) So nice to see the photo of Lura smiling--bless her. Hope she is doing OK. I may be offline a bit this weekend as we make a start on our kitchen spruce up--ripping up the old floor tomorrow! Will catch with you more soon. LOVE YOU ALL LOTS ((BIG HUGS))

  4. Sorry to hear about the tooth and hope they can get you in today. You are doing a great job with clearing the clutter. We all have a few impulse buys in our homes and I need to do the same. I hope your Friday is a fantastic one too!

  5. Since when have you been boring? NEVER!!!

    I hope you got the tooth sorted, I am following in your footsteps with the decluttering.

    Hope to sort a play date soon:)


    Sheilagh xx

  6. Marie:

    I am so sorry about your tooth. I am terrified of dentists, but I hope you can get in right away!

    I've been going back through your posts, as I've missed so much of what's going on. I haven't been blogging at all because I'm having terrible trouble with my blog. Seems no one but other blogspot folks can leave a comment. I've just been frustrated!

    I hope this comment finds you and Todd doing well and happy in your new home.

    Gerushia's New World

  7. Hi Marie,

    I sure hope you got your tooth fixed. It seems to be a natural law that these things happen right before the weekend. When I worked in oral surgery we always tried to accommodate the patients with an emergency on Fridays so we didn't have to keep going in on the weekend.

    Loved the treasures you found lurking in the hidding places of your home! LOL!

  8. Oooh, that was a very expensive piece of toffee (unless you don't have to pay for your dental over in UK).

    What is the one step program? Is that the one you were doing before you moved?


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